Brown trout (Salmo trutta fario) is a vulnerable population of Caspian trout and it exists in most of the freshwater ecosystems of Caspian Sea basin. This study was carried out in fall of 2008 on 70 samples which were collected from Elarm, Absefid, Kamardasht and Delichahi rivers.The weight, length and age of sampled fish ranged from 28.61 to 451.29 (130.74±79.5) g, 142 to 328 (216.9±39.0) mm and 2 to 6 (3.02±1.3) years old, respectively. The results showed that coefficient of vacuity, fullness of feed and relative gut length are 0, 186.3±162.2 and 0.86±0.1, respectively.Studied fish had fed on varied food items consisting of Rhynchobdellida (Glossiphoniidae), Lumbricina (Lumbricidae), Gastropoda (Physidae), Diptera (Chironomidae, Tipulidae, Simulidae, Muscidae, Formidae, Ichneumonidae, Colicoidae and Tabanidae), Coelifera, Ephemeroptera (Baetidae and Heptagenidae), Trichoptera (Sericostomidae, Hydropsychidae, Limnephilidae, Psychomyiidae and Philopotamidae), Lepidoptera, Himeptera (Corixidae), Coleoptera (Hydrophilidae, Dytiscidae, Elmidae and Elateridae), Odonata (Agronidae), Homoptera (Fulgoridae and Aphilidae), Amphipoda (Gammaridae), Arachnida (Hygrobatidae) and brown trout. Chironomidae (88.6%), Simulidae (60.0%), Baetidae (51.4%) and Tipulidae (50.0%) were identified as main food, 13 groups as secondary food and the remaining were considered as accident food items of this fish. Diptera and Coleoptera constituted 91.52% and 6.42% of total numbers of consumed food items, respectively.