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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this paper, we tried to study the social status of high school and primary school teachers and its changes among different professions of community, during the past three decades. The sample consisted of 584 males and 318 females (in all, 902 males and females) who were selected by cluster sampling. The results showed that according to citizens of Tehran, this profession has medium to high social status and this status is not influenced by the above mentioned teachers’ socioeconomic status. Findings showed that during 30 years period, the social status of this profession has been lowered.

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One of the factors affecting students’ mathematical performance is their mathematical knowledge. Like many other issues in mathematics education, mathematical knowledge, has been developed in recent years. In this paper, some of the important studies, researches and approaches on the conceptual and procedural Knowledge of mathematics were analyzed and the result determined three main approaches in this area.At First, one dimensional model of mathematical knowledge was illustrated. So that, this knowledge was classified into conceptual and procedural knowledge. The need for changing this model, Leaded us a two dimensional model of knowledge based on type and quality of knowledge, and then a three dimensional model based on type, depth and readiness for learning were suggested. In addition to the models, diverse ideas regarding the relationship between these two types of knowledge are discussed. Some of the important ideas views were: Inactivation view, simultaneous activation view, dynamic interaction view, Genetic view and Iterative view.In-depth study of existing approaches and also the results of this research suggest that the three dimensional model of mathematical knowledge is the most significant model, compared to other models. Also, the iterative view about the relationship between conceptual and procedural Knowledge is the most significant view, compared to others.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Religious textbooks are intended to present a divine value system to their audiences. The target adolescents and youth, on the other hand, are not only involved in puberty developments and try to find their own identity, but also, they are living in an era in which it is permissible to challenge all religious fundamentals and their underlying axioms. Moreover, the globalized context confronts the youth with different and sometimes conflicting values.In sum, religious textbooks are expected to provide the required cognitive knowledge (clarifying life principles based on divine policy), and at the same time, provide the adolescents and youth with information needed to help them distinguish between right and wrong in their individual and social lives.So in this study, we concentrated on content analysis of third-grade junior and senior high school religious textbooks, with regard to the components of response to students' affective-psychological and social needs. Therefore, the present study was conducted by developing the categories needed for content-analysis of the above-mentioned textbooks in terms of two dimensions of their response to target adolescents and youth' affective-psychological and social needs. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that the books were poor according to the issues and categories cited above.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research considers the relation between respecting the principles of human relationships and efficiency of principals in girls’ high- schools of Tehran. The main question was: is there any relation between respecting the principles of human relation slips and efficiency of principals?This research is a kind of descriptive research and is conducted by correlation method. The research population include all principals and Teachers (7213) of girls high schools in 22 districts of Tehran, among which 1110 are principals and 6103 are teachers. Research sample include 100 principals and 500 teachers (the proportion of teachers to principals is five to one). They are selected randomly and according to morgan specimen volume table.The research instrument consist of Achieve questionnaire and the data are analyzed using regression. Findings showed that the principals who respect the principles of human relationships and are clearly familiar with the role, tendency, encouragement and evaluation skills and adaptation with context are more efficient comparing with other principals who only pay attention to capabilities, organizational supports and decision validity.

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The aim of this research was identifying and prioritizing the variables influential on the development of research in physical education in Iran’s ministry of education. The research population consisted of 546 physical education experts working in Iran’s ministry of education. The sample includes360 experts, i.e., 64 percent of the research population.This is a descriptive research, and the data are gathered through field method. The necessary information have been collected through the library study and questionnaire. To prepare the questionnaire, the primary information was collected through Delphi method, and then it’s questions were analyzed through factor analysis.In this research, the reliability of the questionnaire has been checked by the Cronbach alpha procedure (0/88 ). The descriptive statistic methods (frequency, percent, mean and standard deviation) and factor analasis have been utilized to analyse the data.The findings indicated that among organizational elements, the existence of comprehensive rules and regulations for a principled and continuous support of researches, among financial elements, increasing research feas corresponding to teaching payment in the ministry of education, and among professional elements, the familiarity of the ministry of education’s physical education researchers with using the research facilities, information technology and labraory, and finally among individual and social elements, training skillful physical education researchers at Iran’s universities are the most important factors for developing physical education researches at the ministry of education.

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This paper examines Molana’s – a 7th century Iranian poet’s- philosophical views about education. First, Molana’s philosophical presuppositions in his educational views is stated. These presuppositions are as follows: He holds that all of the creatures are different expressions of God and they belonged to him all the time. It follows that every thing is originated from God and then come back to him again. In other words, God is a unique power in the world that can influence other creatures. Also, he argues that all of the creatures are able to understand and can percept. In epistemology, he sees the world in a symbolic way and considers things as many symbols that convey some messages. He also accepts the whole reason but challenges partial reason. So he criticizes narrow version of reason which is restricted in logical argumentations. On the human being, Molana holds that human being is a multiple identity but his spirit is superior to his body. So human being is originated from God and then returns to him again. However he holds that negligence is an important element of human characteristics. Moreover he argues that human being is free to select some options. In axiology, he accounts God as a unique origin and aim of values too and he views human intent as a source of validity in his action. Thus, his educational aim is movement towards God and expansion of human existence. In education process, we can deduct some general principle from his views. Human responsibility for his own education, coordinating education with everybody’s abilities, concentrating to the inside of learner and changing the stream of education towards a fixed aim are some of them. The other ones are self-evaluation, trusting the teacher and the precedence of refinement on knowledge. Moreover Molana offers three methods for education: self-impose, giving insight about self and self-position and loving God.

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Because of increasing importance and role of TVS in providing manpower at pre-university level، it’s evaluation and continuous quality improvement is an unavoidable necessity. In this study, using the systematic approach, we tried to evaluate the quality of girl's TVS in Tehran, and also we tried to provide some recommendations for it’s quality improvement. This study was carried out in 2 separate phases including: 1) developing a framework consisting of 19 factors and 237 input, process and output indicators, as well as 129 judgment criteria, 2) implementing the framework for quality evaluation of target population. The viewpoints of 1590 participants, including experts, students, teachers, principals, assistants, alumni, and direct employers of employed alumni were gathered using questionnaire, interview and observation.The results showed that the quality of input and process sections was in “fairly desirable” level and output section was at “undesirable” level. Also, the quality of girl's TVS in Tehran was at “undesirable” level. Recommendations for quality improvement of the present situation in TVS are discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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