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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1166

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3309

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Background: Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that will be health effects, if be used in a sufficient amount. Due to the growing use of industry dairy, rather than traditional products, there is the possibility of losing a lot of probiotic bacteria. It is, therefore, essential to identify the bacteria from traditional sources and use them in the production of dairy products. The aim of this study was to screen and identify Enterococci from KAMEH (a traditional dairy product of Sabzevar), and evaluation of their probiotic potential.Material and Methods: In this study, sampling was carried out from four different villages. For screening, the collected samples were placed in pH 4.5. The remained strains were evaluated in pH 4 and 0.3 % bile salt. Antimicrobial activity of screened strains was analyzed against Salmonella typhimurium and staphylococcus aureus using disc plate method. Finally, the strains were identified by PCR and sequencing techniques.Results: The results showed that three different species of Enterococci, including E. faecium, E. avium and E. faecalis, exist in KAMEH, which have a strong probiotic potential, such that they can withstand high levels of acid and bile salts. E1 code had most antimicrobial activity.Conclusion: This study revealed that KAMEH has Enterococci with appropriate probiotic potential, and can be added as a supplement to other dairy products.

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View 654

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Background: Burnout as multifaceted phenol minions serious issue for many faculty members which, can cause physical and mental diseases. It also can lead to negative attitude to professional activates and reduction of efficacy. This study aimed to assess the level of burnout and its=effect in work environment factors on faculty members of nursing schools in Khorasan Razavi.Methods: For descriptive analytic study, 79 people were selected among nursing faculty members in the nursing school by census.Data were collected by using standard Maslach burnout and work environment index (NWI questionnaires).Using the SPSS software 11.5 we analyzed data in level of =0.05by the ANOVA, T test.Results: finding showed 42 patients (%56.8) of the participants were male. Based on Burnout the lack of personal accomplishment (%77), depersonalization (%74.3) and emotional exhaustion showed medium level (%68.9).Significant relationship was between gender and emotional exhaustion (p<0.001). There were negative correlation between dimensions of emotional exhaustionandde personalization with subs calesscores of work environment (p<0.05).Conclusion: High level of emotional exhaustion specially in female faculty members is noticeable. Regarding relation between work environment factors and burnout, It seems that burn out can be controlled by increasing professional communication, teamwork, Professionalism, improving physical work environment.

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View 1684

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Aims: Long-term use of hemodialysis affects all sides of hemodialysis patients and was caused disease and disturbances such as anxiety in them. This study aimed to determine the effect of multi-dimensional model of psychiatric rehabilitation care on anxiety in hemodialysis patients.Methods: This study is a quasi-experimental study of two groups before and after hemodialysis on 35 patients of Razi hospital in Rasht (test group) and 35 hemodialysis patients from Bandar Anzali martyr Beheshti hospital (control group), in 1390 which were done on sampling method on purpose. Intervention was based psychiatric rehabilitation of multi-dimensional model in the form of a group and with the presence of a physician, nurse, psychologist and nutritionist and comprehensive client and family and with consideration of physical, mental, social and spiritual of patients, was carried out for three months. The tool includes a demographic questionnaire and Zung self-evaluation anxiety (SAS) which were measured three months before and after intervention. Then the data using SPSS 16 software and descriptive statistic, paired t-test, independent t-test, Chi-square and Fisher test were analyzed.Results: Data analysis between the mean anxiety score of samples before (48.40±3.972) and after the intervention (42.57±6.331) showed significant difference (p<0.001).Conclusion: The multi-dimensional model of psychiatric rehabilitation care caused a significant difference in anxiety scores in hemodialysis patients, so applying this model of care is associated with better living conditions in hemodialysis patients.

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View 1073

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Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing age at menarche in sabzevarian girls, for health policy.Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, we enrolled 400 girls aged 10-17 years, whose menstruation had started during 6 months before the study; and lived in Sabzevar at least for 3 years ago. Data such as demographic information, height and weight of the girls were collected using a checklist, and analyzed in SPSS 11.5 software.Pearson correlation coefficient test was used to determine relationships, and T test for qualitative variables.Results: The mean age of the participants, age at menarche, weight, height and body mass index (BMI) were 12.88±1.26 years, 15.12±1.53 years, 53 ±10.49 kg, 160.49±0.07 cm, and 20.58±3.83 kg/m2, respectively. There was a significant correlation between age at menarche, and height (P<0.001, r=0.209), underlying disease (P=0.008), mother’s age (P=0.002, r=0.153), body mass index (P=0.026, r=- 0.112) and level of mother’s education (P=0.001, r=- 0.164). There was no significant correlation between age at menarche and weight, mother’s job, and father’s job.Conclusion: The results showed that there is a significant correlation between changes in BMI with age at menarche in Sabzevarian female adolescent. But, because of differences between societies, further researches should be conducted to determine exact factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1116

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Background and Objective: Reconceptualization is a kind of critical thinking on education. By the same critics’ point of view, we investigated to examine the school concept with the role of school in mental health of the students..Materials and Methods: This study was conducted through analytic-reviewing method that first forthe school concept from Reconceptualist viewpoint, books and other existing electronic sources were studied., subsequently, they were analyzed through analytic method as long as were in relationship with mental health of the students.Results: Findings show that individuals with mental health, have traits such as self-developed character, ability to interact with others, creativity, active participation in life and ability to run their own life. while from Reconceptualist point of view, the sense of self, beauty, friendship and wonder have been lost in the labyrinth of tedious, repetitive, cliché assignments of the schools and the individual is defined based on the success and failure (pass /fail) like a statistical factor. It must be considered that motivations, interests, attitudes and experience of the students are necessary for promotion of mental health.Conclusion: The results indicate that -according to Reconceptualists- sometimes the educational atmosphere of the schools and universities not only do not promote mental health but also it is a threat for it, because they apply inappropriate approaches, contents and misconduct which ultimately result in anxiety, nervousness and mental stress.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3996

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Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of two types of quran voice, Majlisi or Tartil on IgA, IgM, IgG, C3, C4 and White Blood Cell count.Methods and Materials: this study was conducted on 60 volunteer students in sabzevar university of Medical sciences.Subjects were divided randomly into 2 groups. In the first group, participants heard to Majlisi voice and in the second group, subjects heard to Tartil voice of Quran for 20 minutes. Blood sampling were done before and after Quran hearing. IgA, IgM, IgG, C3 and C4 were measured by SRID and kit method and white blood cell count was done by cell counter. Data were analyzed using SPSS16 software and U Mann-Whitney and Kruskal Wallis tests.Results: Hearing the Majlisi voice significantly increased the IgG (p=0.032), C3 (p=0.049) and C4 (p=0.004), but it did not change other factors. Hearing the Tartil voice rose significantly gust the IgG (p=0.008) and C3 (p=0.001).Conclusion: The results of this study shows that hearing to both types of Quran voice (Majlisi or Tartil) can go up the immune system factors and inhance this to encountering some stressful and critical situations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1825

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Background: Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) is the predominant cause of infant diarrhea worldwide and represents a major endemic health threat to children living in developing countries. The increase in antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria, especially in children, is considered as one of the world's health problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antibiotic resistance and multi-drug resistance in EPEC which isolated from children with diarrhea admitted to the hospital in Zanjan.Materials and Methods: In this cross sectional study, 450 stool specimens were collected from children with diarrhea<5 years of age who referred to hospitals in Zanjan during 2012-2013. After culture and verifying of isolates by biochemical tests, Antimicrobial susceptibility was performed using the disk diffusion method (Bauer-Kirby) as recommended by CLSI to 13 antibiotics.Using PCR with specific primer pair's for eaeA gene, we detected EPEC in diarrheal and control samples.Results: From 450 children with diarrhea in this study, 140 (31.1%) isolates of E. coli were identified. The frequency of EPEC isolated were 13.6% (19 isolates). The most prevalent resistance profile were showed for erythromycin (100%), amoxicillin and co-amoxiclav 89.47%, respectively. Imipenem was found as an effective antibiotic with susceptibility rate of 84.21%. Also 90.6% of isolates were resistant to three or more agents and considered as Multidrug resistance (MDR).Conclusion: The results showed increase in profile for antibiotic resistance. Therefore it suggest that application of antibiogram test is necessary before antibiotic prescription for successful treatment and prevention of diarrhea caused by multi-drug resistance agents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1129

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Background: There is an absence of a valid and reliable tool basedon a field study for predictingfactors related to dental caries in adolescents. Also the lack of preventivemodels of tooth decay has been perceived. The aim of thisstudy was to design preventive models by assessing psychometric properties of questionnaire of predictive factors for dental caries inadolescents using factor analysis.Materials and Methods: This descriptive analytical research was done in 2013-14onadolescents who lived in Tehran city. First, model and questionnaire of predictive factors for dental caries in adolescents were designed based on qualitative research using grounded theory. Using systematic samplings, 607 students and 400 students (12 and 16 years old) were selected for Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis respectively. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by two different methods: Cronbach’ salphaand test-retest. Also, in order to determine the validity of the scale, we used three methods including face validity, content validity, and construct validity. Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis were done bySPSS software version 16 and LISLER software version 8.8 respectively. Finally, appropriate models for preventing of tooth decay were presented.Results: During exploratory factor analysis, eightfactors developed: behavioral factors, fear, social support, motivational beliefs, role of school, instructive elements, socio-economic status, and value of teeth. Results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the eightfactor model for preventing of dental caries fit Iranian adolescents and the four-factor model is the strongest predictor of oral health behavior which foresees 76% of behaviors related to oral and dental health. Also test-retest scoreobtained 0.74 and internal consistency was 0.85.Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the validity and reliability of the38-item questionnaires of predictive factors for dental caries in adolescents is acceptable and suitable. Therefore the presented models can be used in designing educational programs.Also this tool can be applied in future researches and different groups of students.

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View 1447

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Background: The use of coping strategies with stress in coronary heart disease (CHD) patients, can lead to significant changes in fasting blood sugar (FBS) level, but researchers have not empirically explored it. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between coping strategies with stress and FBS level in CHD patients.Materials and methods: This descriptive and correlative study was conducted in 2011. Study population was all patients who had referred to Shahid Rajaie Heart Hospital. A total of 44 CHD patients hospitalized in internal wards for women and men, and private units, whose coronary artery occlusion had been confirmed by angiography, were selected by judgmental sampling method. In this study, Lazarus and Folkman's Coping Questionnaire, and blood sugar kit (Pars Azmoon Company) were used. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression, in SPSS 17.Results: The results showed that, there was a significant positive correlation between emotion-based coping strategies and FBS (r=0.680, P<0.001), but a significant negative correlation between problem-based coping strategies and FBS (r=-0.720, P<0.001).Among the eight strategies of coping with stress, only reappraisal coping strategy was an appropriate predictor for FBS.Furthermore, this method could predict 58% of variance in FBS.Conclusion: Overall, it is concluded that the increased use of emotion-based coping strategies, increase FBS level, and the increased use of problem-based coping strategies, lead to a decrease in FBS level.

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Introduction: attention to the relationship between obesity and type diabetes and also lack of enough data on the evaluation of obese individual’s glucose and insulin responses to different exercise intensities, the present cross sectional study aimed to examine the effects of different intensities running on plasma glucose and insulin concentrations in two levels of obesity in sedentary male students at Sharif University of Technology.Materials & Methods: Six men in class obese and five men in class obese ran on the treadmill with progressive intensities of 50, 60, 70, and 80% of VO2max for 10, 10, 5, and 2 minutes, respectively. Blood samples were collected before, during exercise and at 30, 60, and 120 minutes during recovery period.Repeated-measures, two-factor ANOVA, dependent and paired ttests were used to assess both between group and intergroup differences. Statistical significance was accepted at the 5% level.Results: Plasma glucose concentrations of both groups were unchanged until 70% and increased at 80% compare to resting values but there were observed no significant differences during recovery. Plasma insulin concentrations decreased before 60% in both groups and rose after that and significantly differed to the resting values at 80% which remained significant just half an hour after the exercise cessation.Discussion: Considering the similar effects of running at 80% VO2max on elevation of glucose and insulin concentrations in both levels of obesity, conducting an experience on diabetic’s patients may help to find a proper manner for prevention and more effective treatment.

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View 703

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Background: Several systems of pain modulation in the central nervous system modulated the responses to painful stimuli in stressful and excitement situations. Stimulation of the hypothalamus induces analgesia through information relay to the brain stem including Rostral- Ventromedial medulla. The Rostral- Ventromedial medulla as output gate of the brain stem medulated pain through neurons in the dorsal horn.This pain modulation in central nerous system in various psychological conditions was based on existing of different neural groups and the special connections between them. These neurons cause pain modulation. The functional relationship between activation of one group of them and increasing pain and activation of another group and reduction of pain has been observed. In this review, it is discussed about the role of different neural groups of rostral-ventromedial medulla in pain modulation.Conclusion: The Rostral-Ventromedial medulla has a major role in modulating pain and higher centers of the brain by altering the activity of the special groups of neurons cause to induce inhibition or facilitate pain in different stress and emotional conditions.

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View 1203

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Introduction: the toxic epidermal necrosis syndrome is defined as severe skin and mucosal reactions which usually appears by some drugs such as phenytoin.Case Presentation: a 35-year-old man who consumed phenytoin hospitalized due to diffuse mucocutaneous lesions and bullous lesions. After diagnosing its etiology, therapeutic actions were done similar to severe burns which led to improvement of wounds and discharging from the hospital.Conclusion: finding the etiology of every disease is crucial step in its treatment. When the disease is caused by drug, it is necessary to discontinue immediately consumption of this and start treatment.

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View 1879

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Background: Breast Cancer is the most common cancer in the Iranian women. Fortunately, it is a type of preventable and discernible cancer. The hydroethanolic extract of the leaves and flowered twigs of Thymu vulgaris contain various ingrediants in which the Thymol and Carvacrol are the most important of them.The effects of this anti-cancer in this extract are attributed significantly to these ingrediants. The objective of this research is to study the comparison of the efficiency of hydroethanolic extract and taxol on 4T1 line cells and their effects rate on the induction of apoptosis in cancer cells.Materials and Methods: In this research, 4T1 line cells were bought from Tehran's Pasteur institute and the hydroethanolic extract is provided by the Soxhlet’s method. Therefore, We obtained Cytotoxicity five different doses of the extract and five different doses of Taxol in 24, 48 and 72 hours and studied the viability of cells by the MTT and Tripan blue methods. Also, in this research the morphologic changes are done by the Hoechst and Propidiumi odied coloring methods.Results: Extract and taxol-treated cells at different times have indicated distinct differences and dose-related results.Therefore, simultaneous treatment with the extract in comparison with taxol and taxol-treated cell extract can destroy more cells.Conclusion: The hydroethanolic extract can increase the cytotoxicity Taxol, Thus it maybe be effective in breast cancer remedy and probably by apoptosis Induction may cause cells death.

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View 3437

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Nowadays, targeted genome engineering is one of the most important advances in genetic engineering. This process is based on the function of engineered endonucleases. These tools can make desirable genetic changes through creating double strand breaks followed by homologous recombination or non-homologous end joining mechanisms in a specific site on genome. Genome editing endonucleases have strong ability in understanding the gene performance and gene therapy applications. Meganucleases are the first group of these tools which are naturally found in all creatures and play a crucial role in the targeted genome engineering. zinc finger endonucleases (ZFNs) are the second class made using fusion of a series of DNA recognition Zinc finger domains with catalytic domain of FokI enzyme. Another class of these nucleases includes Transcription activator like-effector nucleases (TALENs) in which, DNA recognition domains are derivatives of transcription activator like-effector proteins from Xanthomonas species, plant pathogen bacteria, fused with catalytic domain of FokI enzyme, like previous class. The last class of these engineered endonucleases, modeled on bacterial adaptive immune system which are called CRISPR/Cas. In this system, Cas9 endonuclease is recruited to the target sequence by a guide RNA that pairs with target DNA and then the enzyme cuts the DNA. In this review, characteristics of the four endonucleases mentioned above and some advances in this area for enhancing its efficiency and specificity in basic and practical researches will discuss through personal experiences and up to date references.

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Background: Direct observation is a method for objective assessment of practical skills and giving feedback to the students.This study investigated the reliability and validity testing direct observation of practical skills in the assessment of midwifery students’ clinical skills.Material and Method: In this cross-sectional study, participants included 44 midwifery students Internship of Kashan University Medical Sciences selected through census sampling method. Based on faculty members of Guilan, Kashan and Zahedan universities’ opinions foure midwifery skills choosed among the basice clinical skills and prepared related check list. Students were obzerved over the procedure in a real work environment by the experimenter and recorded the results according to the check list and objective feedback was given to the students. Content validity-criterion validity (correlation between mean score of clinical and theoretical courses of midwifery and dops-Each item relationship with dops each skill)-validity (internal structure), reliability (internal consistency determination-rater reliability) was analyzed using the SPSS software.Result: Dops test content validity index and content validity ratio were reported over 0.75% and 0.50%, respectively.Dops scores correlated with theoretical, 0.071 (p=0.647) and clinical 0.093 (p=0.548).The dops significantly correlated with the total score of each skill expressing the desired internal validity (p<0.001). Reliability test was measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.814). the Minimum and maximum values of the correlation coefficient of interrater reliability were 0.97 and 0.99, respectivelywhich were significant in all cases (p<0.001).Students’ satisfaction was rated from satisfay to very satisfy with 78.2 percent.Conclusion: According to the results of tha study, dops has suitable validity and reliability to use for objective evaluation of onstetrical skills.

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Introduction: among different specific strategies for treatment of drug abuse disorders, Family therapy has been attractive forre searcher. The family therapy would increase the efficacy of other approaches. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of integration of structural and solution- focused family therapy (cutting down on use of substance) in treating substan ceabusers and improving family function.Methods: This semi-experimentalstudy was carried out with preand post-test and a six-month follow-up along with Control group.The population included all families who hada drug abuser member and referred to zibadasht health center in 22nd district of Tehran in 2013.30 families selected viaConvenience sampling method and after matching, they were randomly divided into two experiment (15 families) and control (15 families) groups.Demographic questionnaire, addicts tests (opium) and family survey were used to collect data. pre and post-tests and also a six-month follow up were given for both groups.Data was analyzed through SPSS11 using multi-variables covariance anlysis and chi-squar test.Results: The results revealed that combination of structural and solution- focused family therapy is effective in both treating substance abusers (cutting down on use of substance) and enhancing the family function since 80 percent of population in post-test (X2=20, p<0.0001) and 66 percent of population in sixmonth follow-up (X2=11.63, p<0.0001) were succeed to cut down on substance use.ConclusionsThis study indicates thatan integrative approaches includingsolution-focused family therapy and structural one are more effective than the single approache in the treating (cutting down on use of substance) drug abusers and increasing their families’ function.

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Background & objective: adolescence is one of the most valuable periodin life which is foundation of the next stage Adolescents’ sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating behaviors threat the present and future life in this age group.The aim of this study was to evaluate healthy lifestyle education based on health belief model among adolescents.Materials and methods: this interventional study was conducted on 113studentswho were selected from two schools in an educational district in Mashhadand viathe cluster sampling method. They were divided intoa case group (56) and a control one (57). Data were gathered using demographic, knowledge and performance questionnaires and also the health belief model constructs. The reliability of the questionnaires was determined by test- retest and alpha. Educational program based on health belief model was designed and implemented in four 50-minute sessions. The data were analyzed using SPSS software (11.5) Results: There was observed a significant difference between after and before intervention in meanscores of knowledge (P=0.033), Performance (P=0.001) and also physical activity, puberty health, structures of health belief model include sensitive (P=0.013), intensity (P=0.008) and efficacy, perceived benefits (P0.001) and perceived barriers (P=0.001) while, there was no significant difference in the case group.Conclusion: Health education programs which are based on health belief modelcan be effective in promoting health awareness, perceptions of cognitive and healthy lifestyle behaviors in adolescents.

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Background: one of the most important groups of careers in health systems are Nurses. Their accupational moral is very crucial becuase of its effects on professional practice. furthermore, this study was condected to examin nurses’ moral and its related factors.Materials and Methods: in this descriptive-cross sectional study the numver of 226 nurses woking at 4 educational hospitals of Qom in 2014 were selected via an available sampling method.Information were collected using a valid and reliable questionnaire including 4 dimensions (cohesion and teamwork, corporate identity, communication, and job involvement) to investigate occupational moral. Data were analysed using spss software and descriptive and inferential statistics tests.Results: the mean score of accupational moral was (65.03±14.04) from a maximum score of 135.The highest mean score dedicated to the corporate identity and job involvement.67.3 percent (152 cases) had an average accupational moral. There was no statistically significant relationship between nurses’ accupational moral and demographic characteristics.Conclusion: there is suggested that managers try to promote cohesion, teamwork and communication within the organization and take effective measurments to address the major causes of nurses’ low accupational moral.

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Introduction: Fear and anxiety due to dental treatments have been identified as on of the important factors in delation and avoidance of dental care which is a major obstacle in diagnosis and treatment of dental peoblems on time. This study aimed to determine dental fear and anxiety prevalence in the students of Rafsanjan university of medical sciences, 2010-2011.Material & methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 400 students of Rafsanjan university of medical sciences.Needed information were gathered through demoraphic, DAS and DFS standard questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS-15 statistic software and Chi-square test.Result: among 400 particapants, 110 (%27.5), 67 (%16.75), 97 (%24.25) and 126 (%31.5) students were studying at medicine, nursing, midwifery and other courses, respectively.218 (%54.5) students were female. dental fear was reported by 333 (about 83) students and 161 (about %40) reported dental anxiety.Based on the majore, the maximum and minimum anxiety level dedicated to the medical students [18 (%42.9) severe DAS] and dental students [4 (%9.5) severe DAS], respectively (P<0.0001).About the fear of the treatment, paramedical students had the most fear level [87 (%37.3) severe DFS] and dental students had the least fear [25 (%10.7) severe DFS] (P<0.0001).Conclusion: most students suffered from dental anxiety and fear, however the least score of DAS and DFS were observed among dental students.

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Introduction and objective: preterm labor is the most important cause of neonatal mortality in the first 28 days of life in the world.Usin an appropraite theraphutic stratgy can lead to longer pregnancy duration, more evolution of neonate’s organs and bearing a healthy neonate. The effects of drugs to prevent preterm labor is still controversial. On the other hand making decision about treatment is based on practical experiences due to detrimental impacts of pre-term labor and lack of general agreement on using drugs. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of Progesterone with Salbotamol on reduceing the risk of preterm birth.Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 56 high-risk pregnant women who were between 26 and 34 weeks of gestation were selected via convenience sampling method, and were allocated to progesterone or salbotamol according to a randomized number table.In the case group Progesterone supp was administrated every 2days until the end of 34 week of pregnancy. In the control group was administrated salbotamol until the end of 34 week of pregnancy. After the following two groups and recording the time of delivery, data were analyzed in SPSS software (11.5) by means of student test and Chi square tests.Results: the mean score of gestational age at the time of delivery in the progesterone group was 37.7±1.3 weeks and in the salbotamol one was 36.9±2.1 weeks and there was no significant differenc between them (P=0.18). ferthermore, the mean length of continuation of pregnancy in progesterone and salbutamol groups were 12.5±1.8 weeks and 11.7±3.2weeks, respectively which were not significant statistically. (P=0.18).Conclusion: According to the findings, two regimens of progesterone and salbutamol have been able to maintain pregnancy 12.5 and 11.7weeks, respectively.The results indicate that progesterone treatment comparing to salbutamol may increase remaining pregnancy 8.0 weeks in average however this difference was not statistically significant.

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Background: Pneumothorax and its related mortality isvery commonin infancy and it is intensified among infants who received the mechanical ventilation treatment. Determining the effective factors in the incidence of this disease is very importantin reducing its related mortality. Our study has done with the goal of evaluating Pneumothorax prevalence and the related mortality among infants receiving mechanical ventilation in NICU and determining the effective factors on it.Method and Materials: This descriptive analytical study was conducted at all infants hospitalized in Mahdieh University children’s Hospital. All infants with post mechanical ventilation Pneumothorax were included in this study and infants’ information about birth weight, gender of the infant, method of delivery, the site of Pneumothorax incidence, treatment with surfactant, rate of PCo2, rate of PIP, the time of Pneumothorax initialization after the mechanical ventilation and the death time after Pneumothorax prevalence were collected. P<0.05 was set as the significance level.Results: During in 6 years, 1864 infants were hospitalized in NICU. Of this number, 500 infants (30%) required the mechanical ventilation and 95 cases (19%) of them developed Pneumothorax. We found that 82 cases (86%) with Pneumothorax had low birth weight. Considering the primary underlying diseases, 93 percent of cases had HMD. Meconium aspiration accounted for 4% of cases and 3 percent was unknown diseases. There was no significant difference in mortality between the gender and delivery method, (p ? 0.05).Also, there is no significant difference in mortality between receiving or not receiving surfactant (p? 0.05).Conclusion: According to the high rate of Pneumothorax prevalence and its related mortality, paying too much importance to preventable factors like enhanced nursing cares and controlling preterm labor can significantly reduce the side effects of such diseases.

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Background and Objectives: Regarding to remarkable growth of population and consequent crowding of it in big cities and immune system sensitivity against environmental agents, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of social stress on spleen of mouse.Methods and Materials: Thirty adult male mice of the NMRI strain were selected at the age of 5-6 weeks and were randomly divided into 2 groups. In control group, 5 animals per cage (3 cages) and in stress group, 15 animals per cage were housed for a period of two months. All animals were anesthetized with an intrapritoneally injection of ketamine and xylazine after two months. The sample of blood from left ventricle of heart was provided by heparinized syringe. Serum samples were used for hormonal study by radioimmunoassay. Spleen was weighted after removing and the samples of spleen were fixed for light microscopic study. The mean numbers of macrophage and megakaryocyte cells were determined. The data has been compared using statistical methods (t-test and Mann-Whitney test).Results: The mean weight of spleen and corticosterone level of serum was insignificantly reduced in stress group compared to control group. The mean numbers of macrophage cells in stress group were insignificantly increased compared to control group.The results showed that the mean numbers of megakaryocyte cells were significantly reduced between stress and control group (P=0.007).Conclusions: The results showed that the crowding stress can be resulted in decreased number of megakaryocyte cells whereas no significant effect on macrophage cells, serum cortisol hormone level and weight of spleen were found. However, further studies in this area are needed to confirm it.

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Background: The relationship between metacognitions and depressive symptoms has been proved during the past decades.The aim of this study was to consider effectiveness of group metacognitive therapy (GMCT) in improving metacognitive beliefs and ruminative responses of patients suffering from major depressive disorder (MDD).Materials and Methods: This study was a pre-posttreatment experimental design with control group. The statistical society included all of patients with MDD who were refered or came to Rahyab psychological Clinic, Astane Ghods psychology clinic and Ebne Sina hospital in Mashhad, Iran in 2013. Twenty four patients were selected via a purposive and available sampling methodand were assigned to experimental and control groups randomly. Experimental group experienced 8 weeks of GMCTand control group did not receive any treatments. All subjects completed 3 questionnaries at pre and post-treatment: the Beck Depression Inventory-2nd edition (BDI-II), Metacognitions Questionnaire-30 (MCQ-30), and Ruminative Response Scales (RRS). Data were analyzed by percentage improvement and multiple analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).Results: Results showed that GMCT compared to control group lead to significant improvement in depression, metacognitive beliefs and ruminative responses (P<.001). In experimental group, improvement perscentage mean for depression and ruminative responses were.35 and.49 respectively. Also, in experimental group, positive metacognitive beliefs and cognitive confidence had the most and the least improvement percentage mean in metacognitions, respectively.Conclusion: Result of this research showed that GMCT could be effective in improving metacognitive beliefs and ruminative responses of patient with MDD.

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