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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1221

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3189

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Introduction: One of the ways of optimizing the management of solid waste, is recycling which has considerable economic and environmental benefits. Whitout knowing the amount of the waste and its components, the possibility of accurate planning and optimization of the waste management system does not exist. The aim of this study was to evaluate a quantitative and qualitative and recycling potential of solid wastes in 13 regions of Mashhad.Methods: This study was conducted during the 12 mounths of 2012 in 13 regions of Mashhad municipality. This research was needed to know the phisical analysis of waste, so the information and statistical analysis of Waste Management Organization of Mashhad was used.Results: The solid parts of studied waste were paper and cardboard (46.7%), bread (10.8%), plastic (9.7%), metals (6.8%), glass (5%) and others (20%). There was a significant relationship between the amount of solid wastes in winter and summer months. The total income from selling of recycled materials was 14, 793, 458, 000rials. The income from selling of recycled paper is higher than other dry wastes.Conclusions: The amount of recycled dry solid waste was26.15%. It is recommended that by performing comprehensive studies and appropriate managemnt can effectively increase the percentage of recycling dry waste as well as proper recycling will lead to revenue and creating jobs in this sector.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1163

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Background: Corrosion and scaling are the main problems that water facilities still face with them. Corrosion can caused great financial losses and health damage to the system, and consumers. Blockages and pressure drop in the network are another disadvantage of scaling. The aim of present study was to determine the corrosive and scaling potential in drinking water resources of Shahrood city.Materials and Methods: This crosses-sectional study was conducted over 4 seasons in 2013 years.1104 samples were examined using Langelier (LSI), Rayznr (RSI), aggressive (AI) and Pokurious (PSI) indices to determine the corrosive and scaling potential in drinking water resources of Shahrood city. To compare the mean values of each indices, the results were analyzed using t-test.Results: The results indicate that the drinking water resources of Shahrood according to the Langelier index equals -1.03 with a standard deviation of 0.11, according to Rayznr index equals 9.72 with a standard deviation of 0.17, based on Aggressive index equals 12.10 with a standard deviation of 0.14, based on Pokurious index equals 9.59 with a standard deviation of 0.13 respectively. The difference between the mean values of the four studied seasons also were significant. P-value<(0.05).Conclusion: Comparison of four indices and obtained results showed that drinking water resources in Shahrood was corrosive, therefore, it is suggested that the city's water resources should constantly assessed and try adjusting the pH and control of other affecting factors on the corrosion such as chloride, dissolved oxygen and sulfate concentrations to reduce corrosion.

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View 988

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Background & Objectives: Stroke is a debilitating and chronic disease. Caring of a patient with stroke can affect caregiver’s life dimensions, especially their quality of life. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of patient care education on caregivers’ quality of life of stroke patient.Materials & Methods: This randomized field trial was performed on 120stroke patients who were hospitalized in Vasei hospital in Sabzevar in 2014. Research units were randomly assigned to two groups: intervention group (n=60) and control group (n=60).Both groups completed SF-36 questionnaire before and one month after education. Data analyzed through chi-square, wilcoxon, paired t-test and independent t-test with STATA software (V.12) with 5% significant level.Results: The results revealed that, one month after education, scores of quality of life was significantly higher in intervention group than control group. The most differences were in General Health (p=1.000), Role ofPhysical (p=1.000) and Role of Emotion (1.000).Conclusion: Teaching caring to caregivers of stroke patients leaded to enhancement of knowledge and skill in caring of patients and, finally, increased their quality of life. So, the importance of teaching care skills to caregivers by nurses must be paid more attention than before.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1959

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Background: Marital satisfaction contains positive relationship between each person and her or his spouse’s family members, positive dynamism in the original family, self-esteem and religious homogeny of couples. Religious beliefs and commitments are one of the important factors in marital satisfaction. The main aim of this study was evaluating the relationship between religious orientation and marital satisfaction among couples of Qom City.Materials and method: In this cross sectional descriptive - analytical Study, the study population included all the couples referred to counseling centers and psychological clinics of Qom City. Among them, 150 people, of those who volunteered to participate, were selected. The required information was collected using Azarbaijani’s Religious Orientation Questionnaire and Valter’s Index of Marital Satisfaction. All the data were analyzed by correlation, regression in SPSS-17.Results: findings show that there is a positive correlation between religious orientation and marital satisfaction (r= -0.511, p=0.001). This means that religious orientation can predict marital satisfaction (R2=0.771, p=0.006).Conclusion: considering the importance of religious beliefs and orientations in families especially among couples, taking training programs for improving quality of marriage life and family is suggested.

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View 2332

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Background: Occupational accident in ports with enormous transports and handling materials is probable, although preventable. Scientific documents have been reported a direct and strong relation between human personality, psychological factors, safety perceptions and accidents in industries and organizations. Present study (2014) has been designed in a port was located in the south of Iran to assess job burnout and safety climate components which are effective on occupational accidents.Materials and methods: All workers of an active company (n=60) in an Iranian south ports were included in the present cross-sectional study. Job burnout and safety climate were assessed by Maslach and Vinodkumar questionnaires, respectively. In addition, Demographic data and occupational accidents were survived applying a self-reporting questionnaire. Data was analyzed by t-test, Pearson correlation and ANOVA, using SPSS V20.Results: The age was 31.58±5.71 and also, work experience was 7.75±4.78 years. Regard to outcomes of analysis, job burnout score was calculated as 76.17±8.9 and safety climate was determined equals to 188.7±23.07. There were significant differences (p<0.05) associated with job burnout and safety climate (r= -0.44). Also, a significant relationship were between job burnout, safety climate and their components with reported accidents (p<0.05).Conclusion: The results indicate a relation between job burnout, safety climate and occupational accident. Therefore, it is important to prevent and manage burnout through some specific actions like occupational software and hardware redesign approaches. Applying an Integrating macroergonomics and safety climate model in a socio-technical system framework for safety climate improvement was recommended to manage workplace condition and accident prevention.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1221

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Background: Organic dyes, with a complex structure, often toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic, non-biodegradation and stable in the environment are and if without treatment enter the environment can endanger the environment and human health. The aim of this study was to nanoparticles zero valent iron synthesis and evaluate the performance of H2O2 and H2O2/Fe0 for the removal of dye Acid Red 18 from aqueous environments.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at the laboratory scale. Nanoparticles were synthesized by reduction of ferric chloride using sodium borohydride and then removal efficiency of Acid Red 18 from a synthetic solution by H2O2 and H2O2/Fe0 was investigated. As well as effect of solution pH, dye concentration, concentration of nano zero valent iron, H2O2 and time contact in decolorization efficiency was investigated.Results: Results show that in the pH=3, contact time of 80 minutes, dye concentration of 75 mg/L and Concentration of nano zero valent iron, 2 g/L and H2O2, 200Mmol, about 90% day removal was observed.Conclusions: According to the results of experiments, the use to be of H2O2/Fe0 the efficiency in dye removal of Acid Red 18.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1759

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Back ground and purpose: Previous studies have shown conflicting results regarding to the relationship between shift work and lipid disorders. This study has investigated correlation between shift work and serum lipid.Methods and Materials: An analytical cross sectional study was performed on a total of 2100 workers of Polyacryl Iran Company in 2013. The relationship between shift work, biochemical parameters, blood pressure and fasting blood sugar were investigated. SPSS (19) was used for data analysis. Comparisons of quantitative and qualitative variables were performed using, a one-way analysis variance (ANOVA) and Chi 2 tests respectively. The significance level defaults to 0.05.Results: Total cholesterol average in 3-rotating shift workers (10.32±50.171) was lower than total cholesterol average in the day-shift workers (19.34±46.178) and 2-rotating shift workers (59.35±15.178). ANOVA revealed a significant correlation between total cholesterol and shift work (p<0.001). The prevalence of total cholesterol ³ 200 mg per dL was 25, 23.7 and 18.6% in day-shift, 2-rotating shift and 3-rotating shift workers respectively. Chi-square test showed that this is a significant difference (p<0.01).Conclusion: This study was shown that total cholesterol and its prevalence was higher among 3-rotating shift workers than day workers and 2-rotating shift workers. So this study emphasizes on the importance of metabolic risk factors measurement among shift workers and prevent from this risk factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1074

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Background: In pregnancy period, mothers experience many changes psychologically. Self-concept as one of the factors affecting the mental states, in present cares of pregnancy becomes less than attention. Present study was implemented in order to the effect of intervention this model on personal self-concept in primi gravida women.Materials and Methods: In this randomized controlled field trial, Research Sample consisted of 83 primi gravida women that were selected by simple random sampling and were assigned in groups of intervention (42 persons) and control (41persons) through block permutation method. Intervention group received the educational supportive intervention consisted of training sessions and psychological counseling planned based on model over 4 weeks. For assessing the level of adaptation in personal self-concept mode, a valid and reliable questionnaire was used. Data was analyzed by means of SPSS software and using descriptive statistics and tests of analytic statistics were analyzed. P<0.05 was considered significant.Results: Adaptation scores in personal self-mode in both groups before intervention respectively were 38.26±7.56 and 40.73±8.21 and their comparison had not significant statistically difference while after intervention scores in two groups respectively were 30.69±4.46 and 41.29±8.40 that their comparison showed a significant difference.Conclusion: Using of designed program based on "Roy" model, as an effective and low cost intervention, can increase prim-gravida women's adaptation in self- concept mode. Therefore the implementation of this pattern besides in this period is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1018

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Background & purpose: Ma-al-Shaeerisanon-alcoholicbeer which usually consumed in the younger generation in Islamic countries. It is regarded as having antioxidant compounds and in additiontohavingthe desirable organoleptic properties. Therefore, thisstudy designed to determine the effect of non- alcoholic beer (Ma-al-Shaeer) intake on the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) levelsinyoung people.Material & Methods: In an interventional study, 50 students including; 25 girls and 25 boys were selectedas simple random. Then, 4ml of blood was takenfroman individual before and after consumption of 240 millitr Ma-al-Shaeer respectively. After separating the serum, total antioxidant levels was measured by Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) method. The spectrophotometric method was used for measuring the level sof uric acid and total thiols (Hu's method). Statistical analysis was done by software SPSS, version 17. It was used for determination mean, standard deviation, number and percent and also one-way ANOVA test for comparison of variables. P<0.05 was considered as significant difference between two groups.Results: The mean age of samples 20±1.2 year. It was observed significant differenceinmean of total antioxidant level in subjectsbefore and after intervention (1312.3±301 m mol /lvs.1374.4±345 m mol/l) (P=0.0001). But, there was no significant differenceinserumuricacidlevels of subjects. It was observed significant difference between mean serum levels of totalthiols of subjects in before and after intervention (0.42±0.22 mg/ dl vs.0.59±0.18 mg/dl) (P=0.0001). There was a significantpositive correlation between consumption of total antioxidant level and totalthiol of subjects in before (r=1, P<0.0005) and after (r=1, P<0.0005) intervention respectively.Conclusion: Results showed thatnon-alcoholic drink Ma-al-Shaeer dramatically increased serum TAC and protein thiols in subjects. According to effect of antioxidant in health, it seems increase of antioxidant power in Ma-al-Shaeer can be analyzed which requires to more extensive investigation.

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View 1301

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Background: Diabetes as one of the most common diseases, metabolic disorders, is a public health problem in the world. The most important underlying cause of death in diabetic patients is the lack of care.Aim: Survey self care on patients with diabetes type II Methods: In this cross - sectional study of 108 patients with type II diabetes referred to the Parsian clinic in Mashhad in 1393 years met the inclusion criteria were selected. Diabetes Care questionnaire and description questionnaire by patient was completed. The main Data were analyzed by SPSS version 11.5.Results: The findings showed that 47.2% of people had a poor self-care and self-care among the sexes (p=0.018) and physical activity (p=0.019) there is a significant relationship.Conclusion: From the results of this study, patients with diabetes self-care was poor and the weak annual imposes high costs on patients. To find ways to improve the care of these patients is necessary.

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Background & Objectives: Garlic that is known as a medicinal plant for the treatment of cardiovascular and other metabolic diseases, include active photochemical units. Purpose of this study was to investigate the acute effects of garlic supplementation on oxygen consumption volume (Vo2), the volume of produced carbon dioxide (Vco2), and respiratory exchange ratio (RER) among athlete men with hot temper.Materials & Methods: This study was semi experimental with pre-test and post-test project with a control group. The population of this study were all male students of Mohaghegh Ardabili University for the academic year 92-93.Thirty healthy young athletes (Age 20.0±0.8 yrs., Height 178.6±4.7 cm, Weight 71.5±8.9 kg) divided into two equal groups: supplementation (15 patients) and placebo (15 patients). The supplement group received each day for a week 1000 mg of garlic pill and placebo group each day for a week 500 mg of starch. All of the subjects participated before and after supplementation on self-dependent protocol. Vo2, Vco2 and RER of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds as well as maximal state were measured with the respiratory gas analysis system. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) aimed to control the pre-test scores as a covariate as well as the Omega Square test aimed to assess the effect size of garliconVo2, Vco2 and RER of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds as well as maximal state were used to analysis the data.Results: Results indicated that short-term garlic supplementation has a significant effect on maximal oxygen (P=0.01) and the effect size was reported by 20%.However, garlic consumption reduced to as low as other cardio-respiratory indices that point was not statistically significant (P>0.05).Conclusion: Based on the results we can conclude that presumably short-term supplementation of garlic impact on the maximum oxygen consumption in the healthy young athletes.

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View 1064

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Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the concentration of nitrate and nitrite in groundwater resources of Jiroft city and compare them with WHO standard.Materials and Methods: This was descriptive-analytical and cross-sectional study. The samples were taken from 55 wells in different parts of Jiroft in a one-year-period study. Each season three samples were taken from each source. Nitrate and nitrite concentrations were determined by spectrophotometry. SPSS 16 software were used for data analysis. Statistical tests used, included One-way ANOVA and Post Hoc Tests (Tukey HSD and the Tamhane).Results: The annual average concentration of nitrate and nitrite in the water wells of Jiroft were 10.05 and 0.01 mg/L, respectively. Nitrate and nitrite levels in different seasons showed no significant differences (P>0.05). Nitrate concentration s were significant differences between first zone and zone 2 and 3, second zone and zone 5 and 6, Third zone and zone 5 and 6. Nitrate concentrations in residential areas was more than garden and vacant lands (P<0.05).Conclusion: Nitrate and nitrite concentrations in wells were less than WHO standard but It is likely that some wells will have nitrate concentrations above the standard level, in the future. It is suggested that nitrate increasing factor in wells have to be controled and proper strategy should be considerd for prevention, reduction and control of nitrate concentration.

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View 1194

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Objective and background: Population aging and advancing longevity is one of the achievements of the present century. Life satisfaction is considered as a typical sign of a successful adaptation to changes in various life situations. It seems that social support may be associated with life satisfaction. The aim of this study was determination of relationship of perceived social support and life satisfaction in in older adults dwelling in Gonabad city.Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional analytical study 310 participants were selected according to convenience sampling method. Data were collected using interview and questionnaire including these three parts: demographic form, perceived social support and LSI-Z questionnaires. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (V.20), descriptive statistics, chi-square and spearman.Results: The mean age of the elderly were 70.25±8.20. We observed a significant correlation between perceived social support and life satisfaction (p=0.000, r=0.419). In this study family was an important resource for social support of older adults.Conclusion: According to the impact of perceived social support on life satisfaction of elderly people and the importance of this dimension of health; it is essential to consider this issue among older people.

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View 3041

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Background & Objectives: Libraries are the main levers of supporting educational programs in any university. A university without a good library cannot be successful in fulfilling its educational and research programs. The current condition of a library should be studies to find out whether it plays its part well as one of the main components of the university.Materials & Methods: In the present research, the condition of the central library of the Medical University in Sabzevar was studied based on four quantitative indices of budget, human resources, collection, building and equipments. The library condition in 2011 was investigated and descriptive statistics (the mean, standard deviation, percentage and frequency) were used to obtain the required information.Results: The findings showed that the library has complied 71.42 and 38.5 percent of the required standards of human resources and collection, respectively. On the other hand, the reported budget index was 3.2 times higher than the standard amount (320%). The standard index of building and equipments has been observed up to 51.48 percent.Conclusion: In general, among the four quantitative standards (budget, human resources, collection, building and equipments), only the budget standard has been completely observed by the central library of the Medical University of Sabzevar and other aspects are far from the standards.

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View 1034

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Background and aim: Nurses encounter with different job stresses that because of different personality traits meet stress in different ways and their mental health affected by personality traits. The aim of this research is investigation of relationship between personality traits and mental health with resilience mediation in nurses.Methods and Materials: This research is descriptive with path analysis way. 105 nurses in Sfarayen hospital were randomly selected. NEO personality, Conner and Davisson and Goldberg mental health questionnaires were used. Correlation and path analysis tests using SPSS and AMOS for data analysis.Results: Results indicated that direct effects of neuroticism (Beta=0.282 and P=0.000), consciousness (Beta=0.207 and P=0.002), and resilience (Beta=0.392 and P=0.000) are significant on mental health and other direct paths into mental health were not significant and also personality traits of neuroticism (Beta-0.236 and P=0.000), agreeableness (Beta=0.147 P=0.000), and openness (Beta=0.044 and P=0.014) have indirect significant effect.Conclusion: Personality traits in addition to direct effect on mental health have indirect effect on mental health via resilience. So it can mention resilience variable as one mediator variable between personality traits and mental health.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and objective: Resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics is one of the most serious problems in the field of infectious medicine that leads to in costs, adverse drug reactions and the development of resistant bacterial infections. Therefore, the present study is to investigate antibiotic before surgery in Gerash Amiralmomenin hospital in 1393.Material and methods: A random sample included 2282 patients from different departments of surgery (general and gastrointestinal, urological, orthopedic, ear, nose and throat, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynecology) were recruited from hospital then Using the information contained in their records and illegible medical and surgical data were asking each service professionals Result: In this study, 2177 patients had received antibiotics in the selection of antibiotics (69.88%) were correct. The most commonly used antibiotics were cefazolin in patients.Conclusion: This study showed that antibiotic prophylaxis consistent with national guidelines It is located on the upper level. The guideline recommends that for most surgery is only one type of antibiotics prescribed several medications, while at this center, the number was too Guidelines This in turn could increase drug interactions, reducing efficiency and increasing costs in the long term due to the resistance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: Today, mental health is one of the development indicators of countries and one aspect of the overall concept of health. Religious beliefs are considered as one component of impact on mental health, however internal and external religious orientation can have different effects on lives of individuals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the relationship of religiosity and mental health nurses.Martial & Methods: This study was performed as a cross-correlation analysis. The studied population consisted of all nurses working in public hospitals in Tabriz in 2014 so that 180 subjects were selected. To selection of the sample size in each hospital were performed randomly. Data from standard general health questionnaire and Alport religious orientation were used and analyzed by Pearson's correlation coefficient and software SPSS.20.Results: The findings indicate a positive correlation between the religious orientation and the outer component of mental health (P=0.001) and a negative correlation between the intrinsic religious orientation and mental health (P=0.001). This means that the nurses with intrinsic religious orientation have better mental health.Conclusion: Due to the influence of religious orientation on the quality of mental health, it seems that, for achieving a spiritually healthy society, developing programs to promote religious culture and spiritual and internal aspects of religion should be emphasized.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: There is growing evidence that the relationship between coping ways with stress and Coronary Heart Disease. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the relation between coping ways with stress and IL-6 immunologic biomarker in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) when faced with a stressful event.Materials & Methods: Statistical community was all CHD patients referred to Shahid Rajaie Heart Hospital in Tehran in 2012. 44 patients with CHD were chosen from eligible patients. In this study, coping ways questionnaire of Lazarus and Folkman, human IL-6 kit and Stroop color test software were used. For statistical analysis of survey data, statistical methods of mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis were utilized. Computer software for data processing in this study was SPSS-17.Results: The results indicated that, when the patients face with a stressful event, there are significant positive correlation (P<0.001, R=0.635) between emotional focused coping ways with IL-6 immunologic biomarker and significant negative correlation (P<0.001, R=-0.698) between problem focused coping ways and IL-6 immunologic biomarker. Also, when the patients face with a stressful event, from 8 coping ways with stress confidently of 0.99, only positive re-evaluation has significant predict for IL-6 immunologic biomarker (P<0.001).Conclusion: Results showed that, when the patients face with a stressful event, the increased use of emotional focused coping ways leads to increase in the level of biomarker IL-6, and increased use of problem focused coping ways leads to decrease in level of biomarker IL-6.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purposes: Esophageal Squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is ranked as the sixth cause of cancer-related death. However there are chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical as standard treatment, for this cancer the survival rate is lower. Therefore, clarification of molecular pathways are needed for diagnosis, prevention and treatment. In this study we aimed to evaluate the ectopic expression of SOX2 and its correlation with Notch signaling pathways.Materials and Methods: Using lentiviral SOX2, we did transduction in KYSE 30 cells and over-expressed SOX2. Then, we confirmed the overexpression by Real time PCR. Also the correlation of SOX2 overexpression with Notch signaling factors was assessed by Real time PCR.Results: The over-expression of SOX2 in KYSE 30 give rise to up-regulation of Notch signaling factors.Conclusion: Our data showed, the overexpression of SOX2 causes overexpression of HEY1 and HEY2 which maintain stemness in ESCC. These concepts will require deeper studies to use as biomarker for ESCC.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Elderly patient's length of stay in hospitals is very important and similar research is low. This study was aim to determine the factors affecting on length of stay of hospitalized elderly Vaseie hospital in Sabzevar (2014) using numerical regression models.Materials: This study was a cross-sectional study for modeling of length of stay in elderly patients in Vaseie hospital during second 6 months of 1392 in Sabzevar. 3330 elderly were selected using convenient sampling and the amount of length of stay was considered as the response variable and demographic variables as independent variables. Count regression models were used to analyze the data at a significant level of 0.05 using SAS software (version 9.2).Result: The mean age was 74.2±8.4, 50.3%were male and mean length of stay of elderly patients was 4.8±3.5 days. Also according to the regression model, there was not a statistically significant relationship between length of stay with sex, but relationship between age with length of stay was statistically significant (P=0.008). So that the number of hospitalization days were increased approximately one day for one-year increase in age.Conclusion: Since the hospitalization stay is a count variable, count regression models introduced in this study are functional and very suitable statistical models and recommend for similar cases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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