In study of cite-lactation and the security and passive defense planning of city, natural position, distribution of land use, the location and establishment of infrastructure facilities and urban facilities, security considerations (camouflage, concealment, dispersion, and fortifications), etc, are examined, threats of these factors and costs when the city reduces the crisis much more favorable for life and creates citizens. Amongst the city threatens to natural causes (flood, earthquake, tornado, storm, lightning), and human factors (the enemy attacks, domestic and street riots), social factors, economic (sanctions and boycotts), political and cultural and many other factors can be cited. The purpose of this study, has been passive defense consultative and how the use of specific criteria in order to enhance the safety of this approach to cities; the necessity of understanding use of the national and regional strategies of passive defense in the city saqez. Methods of research in this paper were descriptive and analytical, understanding for the evaluation of the passive defense of the questionnaire distribute and collected between the 25-person sample of governmental expert, agencies organization - public and private sector, then to analyze the geographic location and environmental conditions of saqez, study finding show that the experts are aware the issue and its executive strategies in face of crisis, the authors, finely some administrative guidelines for safety of saqez have presented.