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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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Comparative Comparison of Critical Care Nursing Master's Curriculum in Iran and Griffith University




 Introduction: Considering the sensitivity and importance of Curriculum in better performance of roles and duties, as well as realizing the goals and missions of higher education, experts consider it necessary to conduct numerous studies to investigate and identify the weaknesses and strengths of the educational program. Methods: After searching the prestigious universities of the world, Griffith School of Nursing and Midwifery, considering that the second rank in the world, the first rank in Australia for the field of nursing in 2021, the top rank of Excellence in Research Australia in 2018 and in the ranking Shanghai, ranked second, was selected for study, and the research was conducted in a descriptive-comparative manner and in four stages of description, interpretation, comparison, and comparison using the Brady model. Results: Comparing the philosophy, vision, and mission of both Curriculums showed that they have similarities and the difference between the philosophies is that in Iran it emphasizes on scientific authority, comprehensive independence, comprehensive approach and participation in team work, but in Griffiths it emphasizes the use of It emphasizes world-leading research approaches as well as the development of culturally safe care. In Iran, the emphasis is on minimizing the mortality of critically ill patients, but in Griffiths, the emphasis is on increasing international fame. The mission in Iran is to train graduates to improve nursing care for patients in need of special care, reduce mortality and use their opinions in health system policy making, but the Curriculum of Griffith University did not have a mission. Other unrelated centers were included, but Griffith University focused on intensive care. The way of accepting students in Iran is through the national entrance examination of the Ministry of Health and it is done on a daily and international basis, and there is no need for a valid language score, while at Griffith University, there is no need for an entrance exam, and only work experience and an academic language score are required. be The conditions for continuing education in Iran are such that, in addition to nursing, fifteen other unrelated fields can be chosen, while in Griffiths, in addition to nursing doctorate, they can also choose advanced nursing master's degree. . Conclusions: The presence of work experience in the hospital for admitting students, using evidence-based nursing care in the hospital, part-time courses, planning courses with the aim of training faculty and holding online classes can increase the strength of the educational program of this course in Iran.




APA: Copy

Rokhafroz, D., MAMASHLI, L., RAMEZANPOUR, E., & Kalani, L.. (2023). Comparative Comparison of Critical Care Nursing Master's Curriculum in Iran and Griffith University. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH, 18(2 ), 60-72. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/1093380/en

Vancouver: Copy

Rokhafroz D., MAMASHLI L., RAMEZANPOUR E., Kalani L.. Comparative Comparison of Critical Care Nursing Master's Curriculum in Iran and Griffith University. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH[Internet]. 2023;18(2 ):60-72. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/1093380/en

IEEE: Copy

D. Rokhafroz, L. MAMASHLI, E. RAMEZANPOUR, and L. Kalani, “Comparative Comparison of Critical Care Nursing Master's Curriculum in Iran and Griffith University,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING RESEARCH, vol. 18, no. 2 , pp. 60–72, 2023, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/1093380/en

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