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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Testing and comparing a Model of Causal Relationships of Family Communication Patterns (conversation and conformity) of Metacognition and Critical Thinking Disposition Mediated by Epistemic Beliefs of Male and femal Students in Various High School Grades in the City of Ahvaz




family communication patterns (conversationQ1


 The purpose of this study was testing and comparing a model of causal relationships of family communication patterns (conversation and conformity), metacognition and Critical Thinking Disposition, mediated by epistemic beliefs of male and female students in various high school grades in Ahvaz. The sample consisted of 808 high school students from Ahvaz who were selected by multi-stage random sampling method. The five questionnaires that have been used for collecting data were two subscales of Revised Version of Family Communication Patterns (RFCP), Metacognition Awareness Inventory, (MAI), Epistememic Beliefs Inventory (EBI) and Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CTD). Fitness indices of the proposed model were examined through structural equation modeling (SEM) method, using SPSS-21 and AMOS-21 softwares. The relationships of conversation, metacognition, and epistemic beliefs with Critical Thinking Disposition were positive and significant, but the relationship of conformity with Critical Thinking Disposition was significant and negative. The model fit indices showed that the model fitted the data. The indirect paths were also tested using the bootstrap procedure of Preacher and Hayes macro program for mediation. The results indicated that all of the indirect hypotheses have been confirmed. Also, the multi-group analysis method was used to compare the models of various high school grade levels (3rd grade of the first part of high school and 3rd grade of the second part of high school). Comparing The results of both groups showed that in the two high school grade levels three paths were significantly different.


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    APA: Copy

    SEPAHVAND, ESFANDIAR, SHEHNI YAILAGH, MANIJEH, BEHROOZI, NASER, & ALLIPOUR, SIROUS. (2019). Testing and comparing a Model of Causal Relationships of Family Communication Patterns (conversation and conformity) of Metacognition and Critical Thinking Disposition Mediated by Epistemic Beliefs of Male and femal Students in Various High School Grades in the City of Ahvaz. QUARTERLY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 15(52 ), 87-112. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/112254/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SEPAHVAND ESFANDIAR, SHEHNI YAILAGH MANIJEH, BEHROOZI NASER, ALLIPOUR SIROUS. Testing and comparing a Model of Causal Relationships of Family Communication Patterns (conversation and conformity) of Metacognition and Critical Thinking Disposition Mediated by Epistemic Beliefs of Male and femal Students in Various High School Grades in the City of Ahvaz. QUARTERLY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY[Internet]. 2019;15(52 ):87-112. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/112254/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ESFANDIAR SEPAHVAND, MANIJEH SHEHNI YAILAGH, NASER BEHROOZI, and SIROUS ALLIPOUR, “Testing and comparing a Model of Causal Relationships of Family Communication Patterns (conversation and conformity) of Metacognition and Critical Thinking Disposition Mediated by Epistemic Beliefs of Male and femal Students in Various High School Grades in the City of Ahvaz,” QUARTERLY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 15, no. 52 , pp. 87–112, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/112254/en

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