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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research deals with the effectiveness of mindfulness training on procrastination and academic stress among female students of the eighth-grade of district 1 Tehran city. This study was a quasi-experimental design, using a pre and post-test exam with the control group. The statistical population of the research was female students in district 1 of Tehran who was studying at the 8th grade in the academic year of 2016-2017. Two schools selected by accident among the female schools in the district of Tehran. Using a primary screening, 80 students randomly replaced by the Tuckman’ s Procrastination Questionnaire (2001) and the Zajacova, & et al. ’ s academic stress Questionnaire (2005) on the acquisition of high scores in Procrastination and academic stress in 2 experimental groups and 2 control groups. The experimental groups were taught in 8 basic techniques. While, during this time, the control groups did not receive the training. The results of the study using the covariance analysis and independent t-test showed that as a result of mindfulness training, there is a significant difference (p<0. 05) between the experimental and control groups in the level of procrastination and stress of the students in the pre and post-test. The result is that the use of mindfulness can decrease students' procrastination and academic stress.

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The present study was provided with the aim of predicting self regulated learning strategies by perceived social support, academic self efficacy and outcome expectation. For this purpose the sample of 303 student (207 girls and 96 men) were selected from faculties of tehran behavioural university. Data collected from juniors and Fourth year students by the use of random stratified sampling method. Multidimensional Scale of Peceived Social Support (MPSS) Questionnaire Zimet and etal (1988), College Academic Self-Efficacy questionnire (CASE) Owen and froman(1988) and Student Outcome Expectations Scale (SOES) Landry(2003) had been applied for this study. Results of using stepwise regression indicated that Perceived social support, Academic self efficacy, Outcome expectation can predict self regulated learning strategies. For comparing males and females in research variables Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) had been used. The findings showed that girls reported more perceived social support and outcome expectation than boys and boys were reported more academic self-efficacy than girls.

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This study investigated the antecedents and outcomes of goal orientation in a causal model in which student-teacher interaction and self-efficacy were considered as endogenous variables, goal orientation as the mediating variable and academic buoyancy as the exogenous variable. Participants were 516 high school students (291 boys and 225 girls) in Kazeroun who completed Academic Buoyancy Questionnaire (Hosseinchari & Dehghani, 1391), Goal Orientation Scale (Elliot & Mcgregor, 2001), Teacher-Students Interaction Questionnaire (Wubbles, Creton, Levy & Hooymayer, 1993), and Self-efficacy Scale (Moris, 2001). Descriptive statistical methods and path analysis were used to test the model. Results revealed that emotional and social self-efficacy dimensions of self-efficacy predicted academic buoyancy both directly and indirectly, through mastery approach goal orientation. However, academic self-efficacy only predicted academic buoyancy through mastery approach goal orientation. None of the teacher-student interaction dimensions predicted academic buoyancy directly. Mastery-avoidance goal orientation mediated the relationship between control and orientation dimensions of teacher-student interaction and academic buoyancy. After all, the research findings contributed theoretical knowledge, academic buoyancy and provide some for implications promoting students’ academic buoyancy skill more implications and justificationson of the results discussed in the final chapter.

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The purpose of this study was testing and comparing a model of causal relationships of family communication patterns (conversation and conformity), metacognition and critical thinking disposition, mediated by epistemic beliefs of male and female students in various high school grades in Ahvaz. The sample consisted of 808 high school students from Ahvaz who were selected by multi-stage random sampling method. The five questionnaires that have been used for collecting data were two subscales of Revised Version of Family Communication Patterns (RFCP), Metacognition Awareness Inventory, (MAI), Epistememic Beliefs Inventory (EBI) and Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CTD). Fitness indices of the proposed model were examined through structural equation modeling (SEM) method, using SPSS-21 and AMOS-21 softwares. The relationships of conversation, metacognition, and epistemic beliefs with critical thinking disposition were positive and significant, but the relationship of conformity with critical thinking disposition was significant and negative. The model fit indices showed that the model fitted the data. The indirect paths were also tested using the bootstrap procedure of Preacher and Hayes macro program for mediation. The results indicated that all of the indirect hypotheses have been confirmed. Also, the multi-group analysis method was used to compare the models of various high school grade levels (3rd grade of the first part of high school and 3rd grade of the second part of high school). Comparing The results of both groups showed that in the two high school grade levels three paths were significantly different.

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This study aims at investigating the effect of the type of instructional language on students’ intrinsic motivation and motor learning. Forty-eight female students of Farhangian University were randomly divided into three instructional language groups (autonomy supportive, controlling, and neutral). All groups watched a silent clip about darts throwing. Then, they performed 21 throws (pre-test) and subsequently, each group watched a specific clip prepared for them. The instructions in the second clip were prepared in such a way as to provide identical technical information but manifesting different degrees of choice or control in performing the task. Then, each group performed 51 throws as their post-test. On the second day, all groups performed 21 throws (retention test). All participants completed the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory by McAuley et al. (1991) after the three tests. The results of the repeated measures (ANOVA) showed that the instructional language in the autonomy supportive group facilitated learning significantly through its effect on intrinsic motivation this group.

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The reversed Jigsaw, one of the cooperative learning techniques, is based on group dynamics and social interactions. The aim of current study was to investigate the effect of reversed jigsaw method on university students' academic performance and statistics anxiety in statistics course. Research design was quasi experimental with pre and posttest and control group. Research participants were 43 under graduate university students. In one class students have been instructed using reversed Jigsaw method (n=20) and the students of other class have been instructed using instructional teacher-centered teaching method (n=23). The data was collected through statistics anxiety Scale (Rekabdar & Soleimani, 2008) and academic performance test. One way univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance was used for data analysis. The statistical analyses revealed that there were significant differences between the experimental and control groups in terms of their academic performance and statistics anxiety (p<0. 001). The results of mean comparisons indicated that, the mean of experimental group is significantly higher than control group. Also in statistics anxiety the mean of experimental group is significantly lower than control group. In general research finding indicated that, reversed jigsaw method has positive effect on students' academic outcomes such as anxiety and performance. In the other words, by using this method, students' academic performance will increase and their statistics anxiety will decrease.

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The purpose of this research is to predict happiness and creativity based on the school climate by mediating the educational Engagement, and emotional-social competence of high school female students. Method: The research method is correlational which a type of structural equation. A total of 518 students from all 16-18 year old students among public schools in Tehran were selected randomly by multi-stage cluster sampling. Students completed the questionnaire of Students' emotional-social competence: SECQ (2012), Rio's Educational Engagement (2013), Abedi's Creativity (1993), School Acceptance Questionnaire (SCASIM-St) (2017), Oxford Happiness OHI (1999). Pearson correlation and structural equation model were used. Findings: Based on the model presented in this study, happiness variables as much as 41% = R2 creativity variables were explained to 42% = R2. Social-emotional-social competence of students had the highest total effect (51/44) on the happiness of students after school enrollment (0/414) and then educational Engagement (0/260). Emotional-social competence of students has the highest total effect (0/632) on students' creativity. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, promoting the positive climate of schools and social-emotional-social competence of students as important variables affecting the creativity and happiness of students in the priorities of education.

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Doosti vahid | Kaviani Elham

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Vitality and happiness have always been one of the most important needs of students and teachers in schools. Studies have shown that educational, physical, managerial and educational factors in school are contributing to the happiness of teachers and students. This research was carried out with the aim of identifying the effective technological factors, affecting on happiness of schools in Sarpol-e-Zahab city. The statistical population consisted of professors and experts in the field of educational technology and teachers who were selected randomly and purposefully. To this end, 12 interviews were conducted to achieve theoretical saturation. To identify the technological factors affecting the hydration of schools, a semi-empirical analysis using NVIVO10 software was used. The results of open, pivotal and selective coding showed that seven educational, educational, behavioral, hardware and software objectives, the interaction between technologies and educational content, organizational and assignment related to technology from the technological factors affecting the happiness of schools In the city of Sarpol Zahab.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role tolerance of ambiguity and fluctuation in the prediction of academic engagement among students of the University of Medical Sciences. The present study was a descriptive-analytic study of correlation type on all midwifery, nursing, health and paramedical students of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences during first semester the academic year of 2017-18. The sample size was 219 people (%53/9 female and %46/1 male) according to Morgan table and they were selected by random cluster sampling. Data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient, multiple regression analysis, and independent t-test. The results showed that among girls there was a positive and significant relationship between tolerance of ambiguity (p<0. 001) and fluctuation (p<0. 01). Also, among the boys there was a positive and significant relationship between the fluctuation with academic engagement (p<0. 001) But there was no significant relationship between tolerance of ambiguity and with academic engagement. The results of multiple regression analysis by stepwise showed that among the girls, tolerance of ambiguity and fluctuation variables were %16 and among the boys, fluctuation the prediction of %12 of the variance of academic engagement was predicted. On the other hand, the results of independent sample t test showed that there was a significant difference between the tolerance of ambiguity, fluctuation and academic engagement in male and female students, such that tolerance of ambiguity, fluctuation and academic engagement among girls was higher than that of boys (p<0. 001).

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Promoting Psychological well-being are important tasks for directors and educational system professionals. Psychological well-being has always attracted psychologists' attention, in scientific environments. The purpose of this present study was the explaining of Psychological Well-being based on Mindfulness, Need for Cognition and Psychological Capital in the students. Research method was descriptive-correlational. Statistical population consisted of all students in Bu-Ali Sina University in the academic year of 2016-2017. Students 375 were selected by multiple cluster sampling method using Krejcie and Morgan table. The instruments for data gathering included, Mindful attention awareness scale (Brown & Ryan), Need for Cognition scale (Cacioppo, Petty & Kao), Ryff Psychological Well-being scale and Luthans Psychological Capital questionnaires. The data was analyzed with Pearson correlation and multivariate regression using. Results showed that Psychological Well-being had a significant positive correlation with Psychological Capital(R=0. 730؛ P<0. 001), Need for Cognition(R=0. 505؛ P<0. 001) and Mindfulness(R=0. 382؛ P<0. 001). Meanwhile Mindfulness, Psychological Capital and Need for Cognition predict 56% of Psychological Well-being variance. Given that Mindfulness, Need for Cognition and Psychological Capital variables were significant predictors of Psychological Well-being in students, creating and fortifying such capacities can promot Psychological Well-being of students.

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The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of the family support, friends support and others support on the academic Performance with the mediating role of academic self-efficacy, academic resilience and academic engagement. This descriptive correlational study was performed on students of Payam Noor University of Bojnourd. 500 students who were selected through multi stage stratified random sampling method completed the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, the College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale, the Academic Resilience Inventory and the Schoolwork Engagement Inventory. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test and path analysis in SPSSV19 and AMOSV20 software. The results of Pearson correlation showed that there is a positive and meaningful correlation between all of variables in model. Also results of path analysis showed that family support and friends support had a significant role in predicting academic performance either directly or indirectly with the mediation of academic self-efficacy, academic resilience and academic engagement. The direct effect of others support on academic performance was not significant. But this variable also had a significant effect in predicting academic performance with the mediation of other variables. In general, the research findings showed that family support, friends support, academic self-efficacy, academic resilience and academic engagement play a determining role in predicting academic performance. Therefore, according to the findings of this study, it is recommended that the necessary measures be taken to increase social support, academic self-efficacy, academic resilience and academic engagement in order to enhance the academic performance of students.

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