Information Journal Paper
CopyMALEKI, HAMED, TABATABAIE, FATEMEH, Bagheri Nik, Mosayeb, Laka, Sheila, Mohajeri Iravani, Mojgan, & Namazi, Mohammad Javad. (2021). The Relationship between Employees Spirituality and Organizational Vitality in Hajar Hospital of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the first year of the COVID-19 Pandemic (2019-2020). JOURNAL OF SABZEVAR UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, 28(6 ), 885-896. SID.
CopyMALEKI HAMED, TABATABAIE FATEMEH, Bagheri Nik Mosayeb, Laka Sheila, Mohajeri Iravani Mojgan, Namazi Mohammad Javad. The Relationship between Employees Spirituality and Organizational Vitality in Hajar Hospital of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the first year of the COVID-19 Pandemic (2019-2020). JOURNAL OF SABZEVAR UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES[Internet]. 2021;28(6 ):885-896. Available from:
CopyHAMED MALEKI, FATEMEH TABATABAIE, Mosayeb Bagheri Nik, Sheila Laka, Mojgan Mohajeri Iravani, and Mohammad Javad Namazi, “The Relationship between Employees Spirituality and Organizational Vitality in Hajar Hospital of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the first year of the COVID-19 Pandemic (2019-2020),” JOURNAL OF SABZEVAR UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, vol. 28, no. 6 , pp. 885–896, 2021, [Online]. Available: