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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 The concept of EKPHRASIS, issued from the ancient Greek rhetoric, revived in the nineteenth century by the Romantics and especially by the Parnassians. The restrictions imposed on the meaning of this word during the centuries led to the formation of a diminutive view of the history of descriptive WRITING. However, the EKPHRASIS had a special place in poetry and fiction arts of the nineteenth century. The EKPHRASIS in The ophile Gautier's poetic and romantic works is based on poet’s aesthetics on the search for absolute beauty in order to idealize the real. The verbal representation of an art work takes a variant forms in the collection of POEMs ESPANA. It plays a key role whose magnitude exceeds a rhetorical objective. French: La description de l’oeuvre picturale, la transcription de l’ailleurs: l’etude de l’EKPHRASIS dansEspana de THEOPHILE GAUTIER La notion de l’EKPHRASIS, issue de la rhetorique antique, est mise a la mode au XIXe siecle par les romantiques et surtout par les parnassiens. Malgre les limites imposees pendant des siecles a sa definition qui ont mene la critique litteraire a une vision reductrice de l’histoire de l’ecriture descriptive, l’EKPHRASIS a eu une place de choix dans l’ecriture poetique et romanesque du XIXe siecle. L’insertion de l’oeuvre d’art et de sa description dans la poesie et les romans de THEOPHILE GAUTIER, tres frequente chez l’ecrivain, est fondee sur l’esthetique du poete concernant la quete de la Beaute absolue afin d’idealiser le reel. La representation verbale de l’oeuvre d’art, parue sous une forme polyvalente dans le recueil poetiqueEspana, y joue un role essentiel dont l’ampleur depasse une fin rhetorique.Keywords: EKPHRASIS, Transpositions d’Art, THEOPHILE GAUTIER, la Peinture, l’Ecriture, ESPANA, Ailleurs, Autre, Poesie, XIXe Siecle


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    APA: Copy

    AYATI, AKRAM. (2011). THE STUDY OF EKPHRASIS IN ESPANA BY THEOPHILE GAUTIER. PLUME, 6(13), 17-37. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/119995/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    AYATI AKRAM. THE STUDY OF EKPHRASIS IN ESPANA BY THEOPHILE GAUTIER. PLUME[Internet]. 2011;6(13):17-37. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/119995/en

    IEEE: Copy

    AKRAM AYATI, “THE STUDY OF EKPHRASIS IN ESPANA BY THEOPHILE GAUTIER,” PLUME, vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 17–37, 2011, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/119995/en

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