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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 Thinking of the DEATH occupied, for a long time, the spirit of the human being and it changed constantly the image of his life. The DEATH is registered in the depths of us, as an inseparable certainty of our destiny, however thinking the DEATH is already thinking about life, because it is the perception of the DEATH that forms the way of life. The theme of the DEATH and its connotations impose in a privileged way, in THEOPHILE GAUTIER's POEMs, writer and poet French of the 19th century. The reading of these POEMs with a touch pessimistic revives OMAR KHAYYAM’s quatrains in the minds which are familiar with Persian poetry. This present ARTicle tries, by a comparative approach to identify the extent and modality of the presence of this motif in both poets and see how the obsession with DEATH, deep pain of human destiny, the absolute despair of the inexorable passage of time and the unspeakable disgust of the dissolution of things and bodies have disrupted the spirit of both poets. This paper studies the way of escape the constant state of suffering which the system of thought of each imposes him: to live in the moment or get beyond the moment, both of them have only one purpose: to conquer time. French: La thematique de la mort chez Khayyam et Gautier La mort est inscrite au plus profond de nous, comme une certitude inseparable de notre destin, pourtant penser la mort est deja penser la vie, car c’est la perception de la mort qui forme la maniere de vivre. La thematique de la mort et ses connotations s’imposent d’une facon privilegiee dans les POEMes de THEOPHILE GAUTIER, ecrivain et poete francais du XIXe siecle. La lecture de ces POEMes d’une sensibilite tres pessimiste ressuscite, pour les familiers de la poesie persane, les Quatrains d’Omar Khayyam.Le present ARTicle essaie, par une approche comparee, de reperer l’ampleur et la modalite de la presence de ce motif chez les deux poetes et de voir comment l’obsession de la mort, la douleur profonde du destin humain, le desespoir absolu de l’inexorable fuite du temps et le degout ineffable de la dissolution des choses et des corps ont trouble les deux poetes. Il s’agira ensuite d’etudier le moyen que le systeme de pensee de chacun lui a impose pour fuir cette souffrance; habiter l’instant ou se detacher du present, les deux actions n’ont qu’un seul but: vaincre le temps.Keywords: THEOPHILE GAUTIER, OMAR KHAYYAM, Poesie, Mort, PESSIMISMe, Intemporalite, ART


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    APA: Copy

    AYATI, AKRAM. (2012). THE THEME OF DEATH IN KHAYYAM AND GAUTIER. PLUME, 7(15), 45-69. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/120001/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    AYATI AKRAM. THE THEME OF DEATH IN KHAYYAM AND GAUTIER. PLUME[Internet]. 2012;7(15):45-69. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/120001/en

    IEEE: Copy

    AKRAM AYATI, “THE THEME OF DEATH IN KHAYYAM AND GAUTIER,” PLUME, vol. 7, no. 15, pp. 45–69, 2012, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/120001/en

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