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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Presenting a Model of The Effect of Group-Based Learning in The Corona Pandemic Period on Critical Psychological Thinking in Medical Universities and Cultural Institutions of the Country




 Background & Aims: The discussion of active learning and active learning has a special place in educational discussions today. Learning is a process that ultimately leads to behavior change. Learning means strengthening the ability with the help of experience obtained from the following things. The importance of paying attention to education and learning is at the top of programs and the factor of countries' development. In such a situation, managing, identifying and creating new strategies in teaching and learning is vital. Team learning addresses the issue of collective learning transforms teams and teaches them to mobilize their energy and strength to achieve common goals. Team learning brings multiple results and these results occur at multiple levels. The study of organizational learning as a result of team learning showed that the direct relationship between individual learning and organizational learning was ambiguous, and organizations through the integration of individual learning and the integrated learning process at the team level. It will be obtained. Critical thinking guarantees the progress the social and individual life of every human being, and those who have this skill are successful people of course, if a society has more critical thinkers, that society is also more successful and developed. Critical thinking as a learning tool introduces students to the art of reasoning and logic and prepares them for situations outside the classroom better living and better understanding. All educational institutions, accreditation bodies, students, and employers agree that students need to learn critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is not just a good skill, it is an important necessity. Critical thinking in students can be the basis of strategic thinking, creative thinking, good judgment, and good decision-making. Good critical thinking leads to the right conclusions most of the time. Research also indicates that improving critical thinking ability has an important effect on improving problem-solving ability, expressiveness, creativity, organization, planning, and making appropriate choices in life. Higher education is one of the institutions that are effective in the all-round development of the country, which can provide opportunities for the continuation of learning and the active presence of students in various social, economic, c and cultural fields by creating the basis for the production and deepening of knowledge. One of the goals of higher education is to train students who use different methods of critical thinking to engage in scientific activity, which has a special place in the field of education. In today's world, the ability to process information is valuable, and information becomes valuable when it becomes knowledge and is used in innovation and production. Thus, educating learners as critical thinkers, readers, rs, and writers for the new millennium requires the foundation of educational programs on the model of critical thinking. One of the basic characteristics of a human being is awareness of his behavior and the power of thinking. Man can be self-aware of his behavior and use his thinking power in dealing with various issues. Critical thinking is an essential skill required for wise participation in a democratic society and today's modern world. From this point of view, conducting the present research seems necessary and important, which can greatly help policymakers and decision-makers in the field of education to gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of teaching critical thinking skills and team-based learning. grout to improve the problem-solving skills of students,Therefore this study aimed to provide a model of the effect of group-based learning during the corona virus pandemic period on psychological critical thinking in medical sciences universities of the country. Methods: This research is a mixed-survey method. In the qualitative part, the researched population included the president of the university, the directors of the directorate, the presidents and directors of the eight vice-chancellors of the university, and the directorates of the nine affiliated faculties) of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in the number of approximately 45 people, and in the quantitative part, it included the staff of the University of Medical Sciences and The number of health care services in Mazandaran and affiliated colleges was 2016. In the qualitative part, sampling was done by snowball sampling, and 20 people were selected, in the quantitative part, it was a multi-stage relative stratified sampling with Cochran's formula and there were 323 people. In this research, the method of collecting information was a researcher-made questionnaire, which included two parts including general questions and specialized questions (including 95 items). Delphi technique was used for data analysis in the qualitative part, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and AMOS software were used in the quantitative part. Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between Servant Leadership Style and Knowledge Sharing and also between Servant Leadership Style variables and Social Capital. Also, there is a significant relationship between Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing. Also, the results showed that the model presented in the research is acceptable and appropriate. Conclusion: In general, the more servant leadership exists in an organization, the more knowledge and Social Capital will be shared. Also, Social Capital facilitates people's access to other resources inside and outside the organization increases people's willingness to engage in bilateral interaction, and improves the effectiveness of creating and sharing knowledge. Therefore, a better and smarter decision-making process in an environment with these characteristics determines the success or failure of the organization. In general, it can be concluded from the present research and the research done by other colleagues that the use of team-based learning increases the critical thinking of students in the era of Corona and post-Corona. The results of this research can help teachers make decisions regarding the choice of teaching methods or the integration of these methods with traditional methods according to the situation. Carrying out short-term planning in the university based on research findings to promote team-based learning during the coronavirus pandemic period, critical thinking of the students of Farhangian University of Medical Sciences in Babol and helping the officials and managers of the university to develop long-term strategies for promotion Bartim-based learning is one of the practical implications of this research. Developing plans for the transformation of medical science education is a new stage of the plan for the transformation of the health system. To implement these plans, the educational assistants of the universities must follow the goals of the field of education in the context of team-based learning through interaction with professors, students, and national elites.


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