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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The impact of the relationship marketing on the labor placement performance in the job consultation industry and foreign labor placement




 Introduction: Customer relationship performance is one of the important factors in Business Performance. The relationship between the business and the customer creates significant services profits and influences the Business Performance directly such as income, preservation of the customers and obtaining new customers (Liao, 2016). One of the best approaches adopted by the firms and services sectors for fulfillment of this goal is Relationship Marketing. It includes expansion of strategies for establishing a relationship with customers and preservation of it in long-term and finally, creation of value. The aim of Relationship Marketing is creation of customer loyalty based on their satisfaction (Miquel-Romero et al, 2014). The commitment level of the parities of the relationship is very important. Commitment is defined as unilateral intention for continuation or preservation of the activity (Rashid, 2003). The services provider organization, especially job consultation and labor placement agencies industry is not optional in this regard and in addition to the relationships, commitment plays an important role. Previously, studies have been conducted on the positive impact of the Relationship Marketing on the customer satisfaction and loyalty in Iran and foreign countries. However, the effect of the Relationship Marketing on the Business Performance has not been investigated in Iran. Due to the importance of the improving of performance and efficacy of non-governmental job consultation and labor placement agencies, this research was conducted by the aim of improving the Business Performance (labor placement) based on the Relationship Marketing and commitment in the Foreign Labor Placement Agencies. Theoretical framework and literature review: The goal of a market-based organization is expansion of activities, so that it is achieved by establishing market-based culture for helping value-added for customer and finally, improvement of organizational performance (Doaei et al., 2011). This research evaluates and measures the Business Performance by two created job opportunities and the number of employees according to the nature of the labor placement agencies. The Relationship Marketing includes all steps that a firm takes for identification and providing better services to its valuated customers. The Relationship Marketing is a continuous process for identification and creation of new values for customers which bilateral benefits are considered and these benefits are divided with the customer in his life time (LeNguyen et al., 2015). Commitment is a sustainable tendency of each trading stakeholder for preservation of valuable relationships. If each party believes in the importance of the relationship a commitment in the relationship will be shaped and the parities will make effort to preserve and promote their relationship (Morgan & Hant, 1994). Leo et al, (2012) showed that there is a positive relationship between the Relationship Marketing approach and organizational performance. The analysis showed that Relationship Marketing has a positive and significant impact on enhancement of sale, preservation of customers, market share, capital return and the firm total performance. In this research the variables such as communication, Trust, common values, satisfaction and establishing a connection for a Relationship Marketing model that seems important for in the job consultation and nongovernmental labor placement agencies, have been considered as Relationship Marketing dimensions which proposed by Fontenot (2001). The theoretical foundation and variables, the research conceptual model are illustrated in figure 1. Main hypotheses:-Relationship Marketing via commitment increases the foreign labor placement. -There is a positive relationship between the Relationship Marketing and the number of employees. -There is a positive relationship between the Relationship Marketing and the number of the job opportunities. -There is a positive relationship between the Relationship Marketing and commitment. -There is a positive relationship between commitment and the number of employees. -There is a positive relationship between commitment and the number of job opportunities. Methodology: This is an applied research. This paper benefits from a descriptive and specially survey and cross-sectional methods. The data were collected via questionnaire. The structural equations modeling was used for testing the research hypotheses. In multivariate analysis, the conceptual model of the research presenting the relationship between Relationship Marketing and Business Performance, was analyzed by structural equation and multiple regression methods. The statistical population of the research consisted of 120 job consultation and labor placement agencies active in the foreign labor placement sector. The findings of the research: In the bivariate analysis of correlation coefficient test of the variables showed that both sides of the equation had a high correlation and between the Relationship Marketing and commitment, the highest correlation was obtained between the variables of satisfaction and commitment and the lowest correlation was achieved in variables of connection and commitment. The results of multiple regression also indicated that the Relationship Marketing influenced commitment and in other words, establishing commitment in a business about 54% depends on the Relationship Marketing factors. Other findings of multiple regression test depicted that 88% of the variability of the number of job opportunities is explained by commitment and also 94% of variability of the number of employees is determined by commitment. Finally, variation in the obtained job opportunities was related to utilization of the Relationship Marketing by the job consultation and labor placement agencies as 52% and 51% respectively. Conclusion and implications: The results of the hypotheses tests showed that the Relationship Marketing had a positive impact on the nongovernmental job consultation and labor placement via commitment. The results of this research are consistent with the results of Olto and Maclitive (2010), Vou and Lu (2012), Leo et al. (2012), Tondar and Peters (2018), Vazifehdoust et al. (2017) and Rabjbari and Barari (2009) providing the impact of the Relationship Marketing on Business Performance.


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    APA: Copy

    RAHIMI AGHDAM, SAMAD, Molaei, Leila, & Meydandar, Fahimeh. (2019). The impact of the relationship marketing on the labor placement performance in the job consultation industry and foreign labor placement. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 1(3 ), 145-164. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/268542/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RAHIMI AGHDAM SAMAD, Molaei Leila, Meydandar Fahimeh. The impact of the relationship marketing on the labor placement performance in the job consultation industry and foreign labor placement. JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION[Internet]. 2019;1(3 ):145-164. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/268542/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SAMAD RAHIMI AGHDAM, Leila Molaei, and Fahimeh Meydandar, “The impact of the relationship marketing on the labor placement performance in the job consultation industry and foreign labor placement,” JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, vol. 1, no. 3 , pp. 145–164, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/268542/en

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