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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of Test of Gross Motor Development– 3rd Edition in 7-10 Year Old Children with Intellectual Disability in Tehran City


HOSEINI SEYED HASHEM | Sheikh Mahmoud | Bagherzadeh Fazllolah | Houminiyan Sharif Abadi Davoud  | Issue Writer Certificate 




 Background and Objective: The test of Gross Motor Development is broadly used in research and clinical settings. The aim of study was to evaluate of the psychometric properties of TGMD– 3 in 7-10 year old children with intellectual disability in Tehran. Subjects and Methods: The research method was descriptive-normative. 208 children aged 7-10 years were selected by cluster sampling from Tehran. Our research tool was TGMD-3. The factor analysis, inter-class and Pearson correlation coefficients statistical methods were used. Results: The content Validity ratio ranged from 0. 60 to 1. Content Validity index showed a range of 0. 80 to 1. The internal consistency for the locomotor, ball skills subtests and total TGMD-3 was 0. 75, 0. 71 and 0. 83 respectively. The test-retest reliability was 0. 94, 0. 93 and 0. 94, respectively. The intra-rater reliability coefficient for the locomotor, ball skills subtests and total TGMD-3 was 0. 99, 0. 99 and 0. 99 respectively, while inter-rater was 0. 94, 0. 88 and 0. 95, respectively. The correlation coefficients of the subtests with age for the locomotor, ball skills subtests and TGMD-3 was 0. 64, 0. 68 and 0. 72 respectively. The construct Validity was confirmed through confirmatory factor analysis. Characteristics of goodness were fitted in the factor of locomotor and ball skills. (χ 2(78)=645. 7, P=0. 0001, RMSEA=0. 02, GFI=0. 95, AGFI=0. 93, NFI=0. 95, NNFI=0. 99, CFI=1, IFI=1, SRMR=0. 04). Conclusion: Validity and reliability of TGMD-3 in children with intellectual disability were confirmed. They can be safely used to evaluate the motor development. However, for children with other disorders, results can not be generalized. Further studies should consider the psychometric properties of TGMD-3 in other developmental disorders.


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    APA: Copy

    HOSEINI, SEYED HASHEM, Sheikh, Mahmoud, Bagherzadeh, Fazllolah, & Houminiyan Sharif Abadi, Davoud. (2019). Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of Test of Gross Motor Development– 3rd Edition in 7-10 Year Old Children with Intellectual Disability in Tehran City. JUNDISHAPUR SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL, 18(1 ), 81-93. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/365980/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HOSEINI SEYED HASHEM, Sheikh Mahmoud, Bagherzadeh Fazllolah, Houminiyan Sharif Abadi Davoud. Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of Test of Gross Motor Development– 3rd Edition in 7-10 Year Old Children with Intellectual Disability in Tehran City. JUNDISHAPUR SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL[Internet]. 2019;18(1 ):81-93. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/365980/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SEYED HASHEM HOSEINI, Mahmoud Sheikh, Fazllolah Bagherzadeh, and Davoud Houminiyan Sharif Abadi, “Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of Test of Gross Motor Development– 3rd Edition in 7-10 Year Old Children with Intellectual Disability in Tehran City,” JUNDISHAPUR SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL JOURNAL, vol. 18, no. 1 , pp. 81–93, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/365980/en

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