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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Effect of Collegian's Group Counseling by Transactional Analysis in Comparison with Solution Focused Therapy on Emotional Expressiveness (Preceding High-risk Behaviors)




 The analysis of Human hazards of urban community and investigating urbanization perspective is necessary to address High-risk behaviors and behavioral uncertainties such as behavioral biases, aggression, vandalism, and social imbalance in the lives of families and predictors in Iran. The risky behaviors such as vandalism, acts of chastity, deviant behavior, and even war are affected by excitement and improper emotion expression. Improper styles of Emotional expressiveness are a strong predictor of High-risk behavior. Also, Emotional expressiveness is a key factor which prevent mood and Psychological disorders and social harms in facing disasters and natural hazards. This study aims to investigate the effect of Therapy by Transactional Analysis in comparison with Solution Focused Therapy on collegian's Emotional expressiveness. This is a quasi-experimental study. The Emotional Expression questionnaire is used to identify the collegian's Emotional expressiveness as the pre-test and the post-test. Statistical society of this study comprised of University of Art's collegians in Tehran. For this purpose, firstly, collegians of the University of Art were asked to complete the Emotional expressiveness questionnaire so that, collegians with low Emotional expressiveness could be identified. Then, 54 collegians were randomly selected as the statistical sample. These 54 collegians randomly divided into 3 groups, and each group comprised of 18 collegians. Two groups were considered as the Experimental Groups, and one group was considered as the Control Group. Each Experimental Groups had 10 intervention sessions of therapy by two different types of (Transactional Analysis (TA) & Solution Focused Therapy (SFT)) approaches. A post-test was taken in the end, from all groups. One month after the end of sessions, a follow up session was held, and Emotional Expression questionnaire was taken again from all groups and then the results were compared with each other. The statistical methods used in this study are descriptive statistics (mean) and inferential statistics (the frequency measurement variance analysis method). The results showed significant efficacy in symptoms of Emotional expressiveness in collegians under SFT experimental group and the results were compared with the control group (p<0. 001), and results also showed significant reduction in symptoms of Emotional expressiveness in collegians under TA experimental group and compared with the control group (p<0. 001). Final results showed that Solution Focused Therapy is more effective than Transactional Analysis to increase emotional expression (p>0. 04).


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    APA: Copy

    DOROSTIAN, ELHAM, Navabinejad, Shokooh, & FARZAD, VALIOLLAH. (2018). The Effect of Collegian's Group Counseling by Transactional Analysis in Comparison with Solution Focused Therapy on Emotional Expressiveness (Preceding High-risk Behaviors). ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS MANAGEMENT, 5(2 ), 167-183. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/378889/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    DOROSTIAN ELHAM, Navabinejad Shokooh, FARZAD VALIOLLAH. The Effect of Collegian's Group Counseling by Transactional Analysis in Comparison with Solution Focused Therapy on Emotional Expressiveness (Preceding High-risk Behaviors). ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS MANAGEMENT[Internet]. 2018;5(2 ):167-183. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/378889/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ELHAM DOROSTIAN, Shokooh Navabinejad, and VALIOLLAH FARZAD, “The Effect of Collegian's Group Counseling by Transactional Analysis in Comparison with Solution Focused Therapy on Emotional Expressiveness (Preceding High-risk Behaviors),” ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS MANAGEMENT, vol. 5, no. 2 , pp. 167–183, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/378889/en

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