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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Role of Perceptions of Class’ Environment and Motivation for Academic Achievement in Predicting Students’ Academic Satisfaction




 Satisfaction with education is known as one of the indicators for measuring the quality of learning and teaching students. Furthermore, perception of the classroom environment and motivation for academic achievement are among the factors that affect students’ Academic Satisfaction. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the role of perception of classroom’ s situation and motivation for academic achievement in predicting students' Academic Satisfaction. Hence, the research method was a descriptive correlational study. In addition, the statistical population of this study consisted of all students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2018-2019, and so 400 students were selected by cluster sampling according to Morgan sample estimation table. To collect the data, the questionnaire of Turkzadeh and Mohtaram’ s Academic Satisfaction, Hermes Academic Achievement Motivation, and Fraser’ s et al. perception of Classroom environment. were used. Then, data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. According to the results, it showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between perception of classroom environment and its components and motivation for academic achievement with Academic Satisfaction (P <0. 05). Moreover, there was a positive and significant relationship between Academic Achievement Motivation and Academic Satisfaction (P <0. 05, r = 0. 20). On the other hand, the results of regression analysis showed that the variables of perception of classroom environment and its components and motivation for academic achievement can predict changes in students' Academic Satisfaction. Therefore, perceptions of classroom environment and motivation for academic achievement play an important role in students' Academic Satisfaction in education.


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    APA: Copy

    HABIBI KALEYBAR, RAMIN. (2020). The Role of Perceptions of Class’ Environment and Motivation for Academic Achievement in Predicting Students’ Academic Satisfaction. EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF JUNDISHAPUR, 11(3 ), 323-333. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/415801/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HABIBI KALEYBAR RAMIN. The Role of Perceptions of Class’ Environment and Motivation for Academic Achievement in Predicting Students’ Academic Satisfaction. EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF JUNDISHAPUR[Internet]. 2020;11(3 ):323-333. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/415801/en

    IEEE: Copy

    RAMIN HABIBI KALEYBAR, “The Role of Perceptions of Class’ Environment and Motivation for Academic Achievement in Predicting Students’ Academic Satisfaction,” EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF JUNDISHAPUR, vol. 11, no. 3 , pp. 323–333, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/415801/en

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