Naturalism is a philosophical doctrine. Naturalism is concerned with “, natural self”,or “, real self”, . It contends that the ultimate reality is matter, and not mind or spirit. Naturalism does not believe in spiritualism. It denies the existence of a spiritual universe. The universe of ideas and values. According to naturalism, the material world is the only real world. It is the only reality. Whenever a system of education becomes stereotype, there is reaction against it in the form of revival of naturalism. This material world is being governed by a system of natural laws and the man, who is the creation of the material world, must submit to them. The naturalists have regard for actual facts, actual situations and realities. For them nature is everything. It is the whole reality. Behind everything there is Nature. It denies the existence of anything beyond nature. Naturalism believes that everything comes from nature and returns to nature. Nature, according to naturalism, is a selfsufficient entity. It is selfdetermined and governed by its own laws. Naturalism is a revolt against traditional system of education, which gives very little freedom to the child. In naturalism, maximum freedom and central position is given to the child. This philosophy believes that education should be according to the nature of child. It advocates creation of natural conditions in which natural development of child can take place. According to Rousseau, The role of teacher should be that of a guide. there are three sources of education namely, nature, men, and things. Education from nature is to prepare a natural man.