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To evaluate the effect of highly decreased soil pH on soil nutrients availability and as well as corn (Zea mays L.) nutrients uptake, a pot experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design with three replicates under greenhouse conditions. For soil acidification elemental sulfur was applied at 0, 7.5 and 15 ton ha-1. The determined variables were soil pH and salinity, phosphorous and micronutrients availability, plant dry matter and Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn uptake by Corn. The results showed that sulfur levels had significant effects on all determined characteristics. Soil salinity increased by addition of sulfur. phosphorous availability and soil pH decreased (from 5.5 to 3) as well. The amount of Iron (Fe) and manganese were highly increased by the reducing soil pH. In the case of Cupper and Zinc, their availability increased by application of 7.5 ton ha-1 and decreased by application of 15 ton ha-1 sulfur. Plant dry matter decreased by increasing sulfur rate and hence plant uptake of all nutrients were significantly decreased.

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In order to study quality traits among 10 promising lines and 4 cultivars including Tarom Hashemi, Kaduos, Bahar1 (Hybrid) and Nemat, A field experiment was carried out at Rice Research Institute of Iran (Rasht) during 2008. Considered lines in this study were results of hybridizing of Nemat variety that were considered as maternal parent by any of local good quality varity as paternal variable parent. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with 4 replications. Quality traits such as amylose content, gel consistency, gelatinization temperature, length and width, shape, grain elongation and aroma were evaluated after harvesting and milling in lab. According to the results, there was significant differences between promising lines and control varieties based on all of the studied traits. Line 223 had high quality because was classified in medium amylose (22.3), medium gelatinization temperature (4.63 score), good grain elongation. This Line, however, didn' t show significant differences compared to Bahar1 (Hybrid) in terms of aroma trait. In spite of the highest yield (by 6736.6 kg/ha) in Line 415 but its quality traits were low when compared with other lines. Also, Lines 108 and 209 showed same physico-chemical properties and were aromatic. According to orthogonal comparisons, grain elongation in local varieties was more than improved varieties. There were positive and significant correlations among amylose content and gelatinization temperature with grain yield. However, several traits such as length of cooked and grain elongation showed negative and significant correlation with grain yield. Finally as a result, lines with high quality traits had lower grain yield.

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Recently, because of high cost of fertilizer production and its environmental problems it is necessary to revise maximizing of crop production strategies. For this reason, an experiment was conducted to evaluate nodulation and grain yield of soybean (JK cultivar) in response to biofertilizer application at Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. Experiment was arranged in splitsplit plot based on randomized complete block design with three factors and three replications. Treatments were included four levels of organic sulfur (0, 25, 50 and 100 kg ha-1) as main plots, two levels of Thiobacillus (with and without application) as sub plots and two levels of co-inoculation of Azotobacter and Azosperillium (with and without application) as sub sub-plots. Results showed that application of sulfur fertilizer and Thiobacillus significantly improved number and dry weight of nodules in which the best combined treatment in terms of these parameters was application of 50 kg ha-1 sulfur plus Thiobacillus. Inoculation with Azotobacter and Azospirillum markedly increased root growth and nodulation compared to control. Generally, using of 50 kg ha-1 sulfur plus Thiobacillus significantly increased pod number per plants, grain yield, biological yield and plant height up to 19, 40, 41 and 26 percent, respectively.

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In our previous studies the positive effects of organic fertilizers such as municipal solid waste compost either alone or plus with inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of soybean (one year application) and corn (one and two year applications) were reported. According to our previous studies, a field experiment arranged in split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications on corn cv. SC704 during 2008. Main plots were considered six fertilizer levels (consisting of control, recommended chemical fertilizer, 20 and 40 tons per hectar municipal solid waste compost alone or plus half recommended chemical fertilizers and sub plots were considered one, two and three years application of those fertilizers. According to results, type of fertilizer and application period had significant effect on grain yield and yield components. Also, interaction effect of two factors was significant for all studied traits except for row number. Increasing of application period from one to three years significantly increased total dry matter and grain yield in which the maximum grain yield recorded when 20 tons per hectare MWC CF, 40 tons per hectare MWC or 20 and 40 tons per hectare MWC plus chemical for three continuous years were applied. These results not only confirmed our pervious studies but also indicated that long-term application of MWC plus reduced amount of inorganic fertilizer could improve grain yield and yield components as well as reduction of over application of chemical inputs.

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The development of genotypes, which can be adapted to a wide range of environments, is one of the most important goals of plant breeders in a crop improvement program. In this study, genotype × environment interaction and stability of crop varieties from the different characteristics of four cultivars of monogerm sugar beet, including; Shirine, Zarghan, Latitia and 7112 hybrid in five major regional sugar beet factory of Biseton including Kangavar, Sahaneh, Chamchamal, Dinavar and Ravansar were investigated using nonparametric methods with three replication and three year (2007-2008). Analysis of variance for traits of root yield, sugar yield and sugar content showed that the environment and genotype and genotype × environment interaction had significant variation. According to the Si (1), Si (2), Si (3), Si (6), NPi (1) and NPi (4), 7112 hybrid was stable genotype for traits of root yield and sugar yield. The unstable genotype based on these stability parameters was latitia genotype but had greatest mean yield. For trait of sugar content, latitia genotype was stable cultivar with highest mean yield.

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In order to evaluate the forage quality and yield, 36 accessions ofFestuca arundinacea were investigated by using randomized complete block design with three replications under dry land condition. Traits such as the forage dry matter yield and quality were measured.The results of the variance analysis indicated a significant difference between accessions and other traits studied. Forage dry matter yield and neutral detergent fiber had greatest the heritabilities and water solution carbohydrate had lowest heritability. A negative correlation was observed between forage dry matter yield with digestibility dry matter and crude protein but with other traits, positive correlation was observed. A positive correlation (p£0.05) was observed between digestibility dry matter with water solution carbohydrate and with acid detergent fiber and neutral detergent fiber negative correlation was observed. Among the quality traits studied, the crude protein indicated positive and significant correlation with ashes percent (p £0.05) and significant positive correlation between ashes percen and neutral detergent fiber was observed. The cluster analysis and mean comparison among groups resulting from the cluster analysis verified these results. Using factor analysis, three factors could be identified after Varimax rotation. These independent factors accounted for 76.79 % of total variance. The first and the second factors were markers of the forage quality and The third factor indicated the forage dry matter yield. According to the mean comparison and the factor analysis, accessions 1, 8, 4, 7, 18 and 36 had greatest values for forage dry matter yield, digestibility dry matter and water solution carbohydrate, But for neutral detergent fiber had lowest value than other accessions. According to second and thired factors the optimum amount of the herbage yield and crude protein were observed for accessions 19, 6, 32, 23, 33, 16 and 7 and was greatest amount for neutral detergent fiber and ash percentage. Consequently, accessions 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12 and 25 could be introduced and suggested to produce artificial cultivars in breeding program under dry land condition in Kermanshah province.

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In order to study the effect of different green manure plants on soil organic carbon, phosphor, total and mineral nitrogen, an experiment was conducted over two years (2009 and 2010) based on randomized complete blocks design with four replications. The green manure treatments included sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), pearl millet (Panicum miliaceum), turnip (Eruca sativa), white clover (Trifollium repens), sainfoin (Onobrychis viciaefolia), red clover (T. pratense), berseem clover (T. alexandrinum), vetch (Vicia sativa), bitter vetch (Vicia peregrine) and oat (Avena sativa) plants. Changes in soil nutrient elements and nitrogen mineralization were measured during different time periods after plant residues incorporation to soil. At the first and second year the results indicated that sorghum and pearl millet green residues resulted in the highest amount of soil organic carbon after five months incorporation. At first year, the highest soil nitrogen content (0.23 %) was observed in white clover plant after five months incorporation and at second year has been derived by applying vetch green residues (0.34 %). At first year the C: N ratio significantly decreased after 3 months soil incorporation of white clover. At first year, the highest soil phosphor content (34.00 mg/kg) was obtained after five months incorporation of white clover plant while in second year the highest phosphorus content of soil obtained by applying vetch green residues. In conclusion white clover and vetch due to lower C: N ratio, higher total and mineral nitrogen and phosphor for subsequent plant, is introduced as proper green manure among studied plants.

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Out break and duration of water stress condition in plant cells, will decrease the cells membrane stability and causes the electrolytes leakage of cell. In order to evaluate the some physiological characteristics of wheat under water stress and zeolite application, this study was carried out in research field of Arak Payam Noor University in 2009. A split-plot arrangement of treatment in a randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Water stress (I0=Control irrigation, I1, I2 and I3=Irrigation about 85, 70 and 55% of plant requirement water) were assigned in the main plots and different levels of zeolite application (Z0=without zeolite application, Z1, Z2, and Z3=3, 6 and 9 ton ha-1) in sub plots. Results indicated that different levels of water stress had significant effect on characteristics such as: harvest index, flag leaf area, Concentration of chlorophyll a+b, electrical conductivity of control treatment, electrical conductivity of 60 degree water, electrical conductivity of methanol treatment and electrical conductivity of aseton treatment. The effect of different levels of zeolite application on leaf area, yield, conductivity of control treatment, conductivity of 60 degree water, conductivity of methanol treatment were significant, too. Results indicated that sever water stress (%55 of water requirement) with average grain yield of 5193 kg ha-1 and control with average grain yield of 3330 kg ha-1 had hightest and lowest grain yield, respectively. Application of 9 ton ha-1 zeolite with average grain yield of 4901 kg ha-1 and without zeolite application treatment with average of 4078 kg ha-1 producted the maximum and minimum grain yield, respectively.

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In order to determine effects of weed competition on some different traits of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), an experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station of Hamadan during 2011 cropping season. The experiment was a Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications. The treatments consisted of two different periods of weed interference which weeds were either removed or infested the plots for an increasing duration of time (10, 20, 30, 40, 50 days) after crop emergence. Additionally, two treatments consisted of season long weed-infested and season long weed-free periods were adopted as control plots. Results showed that treatments had a significant difference at 1% and 5% probability levels for leaf’s chlorophyll content and seed’s protein, respectively.The lowest protein value (19.56%) was observed in full season weed-infested treatment, while the highest one (21.20%) was observed in full season weed-free treatment. Weed competition did not have any significant effect on seed’s EC. Increasing duration of weed infested periods reduced grain yield so that it was decreased from 2869.1 kg.ha-1 in season long weed-free treatment to 1168.3 kg.ha-1 in season long weed-infested treatment. Therefore, it can be concluded that weed interference not only reduces the grain yield but it can also affect the quality of the crop through modifying of seed’s compounds such as protein content.

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In order to evaluate the effects of plant density, number and stages of weed control, on weeds dry matter and seed yield of corn varieties, an experiment was conducted in 2011 on research farm, College of Agric. Univ. of Shahid Bahonar, Kerman, Iran. It was in randomized complete block (RCBD) in factorial design, with 3 replications. Weed control treatments were W1: weed control 4 times (2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks after planting), W2: weed control 3 times (2, 4 and 8 weeks after planting), W3: weed control 2 times (4 and 8 after weeks after planting) and W4: no weed control during corn growth season. Corn varieties were Single cross 704 and Maxima from FAO580, and were planted under 70, 000 and 90, 000 plants in hectare densities. Corn seed yield, plant leaves area, leaves dry matter, steam dry matter, total plant dry matter and weeds dry matter were calculated. The results showed that W4 treatment showed significant different in seed yield reduction compared to other weed control treatments. W1, W2 and W3 showed no significant difference between each others, so it can be concluded that W3 treatment could be used as an effective and economic weed control treatment in Kerman. Increasing weed-crop interaction time, caused low plant leaves, leaf and stem dry matter, and total plant dry matter of corn. Higher corn density produced lower total dry matter, leaf and stem dry matter and weeds dry matter. Seed yield increased with higher density. Maxima variety had higher seed yield and plant leaves area than Single cross 704. It seems that higher density caused a better ability and weed competition, and produced higher seed yield.

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This experiment conducted to study the effect of on-farm seed priming using tap water and zinc sulfate solution with 0.03 % zinc on morphological traits, water use efficiency, leaf chlorophyll index and seed protein content of two mid-maturing maize hybrids. The trial was arranged in factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications and carried out in experimental research center of Bu-Ali university in 2011. Seed priming was first factor with three levels (priming with 0.03% zinc using Zinc sulfate for 16 hours, priming with tap water for 18 hours and control (no priming)) and maize hybrids were second factor with two levels (Single crosses 580 and 600). Results showed that on-farm seed priming especially with zinc sulfate solution increased emergence rate, plant height, ear height, ear length, ear diameter, chlorophyll index (spad value), biological water use efficiency, grain protein. The highest increase in these traits due to the prime with zinc sulfate compared to no-primed treatment related to emergence rate, ear length, ear diameter, spad value, biological water use efficiency and grain protein that were 46.7, 10.9, 13.4, 8.5, 9.3 and 11.5 respectively. Between two single cross hybrids of corn, 580 had a greater diameter but in terms of biological yield and response to priming treatments single cross 600 was superior.

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In order to evaluate some physiological traits such as activity of antioxidant enzymes (Superoxid-Dismutase, Catalase, Glutathione peroxidase) and production of biomarkers (Malon De Aldeide, Dityrozin, Dihydroxy guanozin), an experiment was carried out in two dry land and irrigated conditions at Zanjan Agricultural Research Center during 2007-2008. The experiment using two plants grass pea and barely in pure and mixed cropping was designed as randomized complete blocks with five treatments and four replications.Treatments were as fallows: 1. pure stand of barely 2. pure stand of grass pea 3. ratio of 75% grass pea+25% barely, 50% grass pea +50% barely, 25% grass pea+75% barely. Results showed that production levels of biomarkers (MDA, DI-TY, DG) and enzymes activity (SOD, CAT, GPX) and electrical conductivity (EC) were higher in dry land compared to irrigated condition. The measurement of anti-oxydant enxymes as anti-stress enzymes showed that enzymes activity increased with increasing biomarkers production rate in dry condition. In addition, % nitrogen, relative water content (RWC), chlorophyll contenta, b in dry condition were lower than irrigated condition. Higher ratio of grass pea and lower ratio of barley in mixed croppings, there were greater enzymes activity (SOD, CAT, GPX), % nitrogen, RWC, chlorophylla, b, and lower amount of biomarkers (MDA, DI-TY, DG) and EC. With increasing of ratio legume in mixtures, activity of antioxidant enzymes increased and biomarkers production decreased. One reason for increasing activity of antioxidant enzymes in mixcropping with high ratios of legume was due to rhizobium bacteria and effects of these bacteria in increasing free radical oxygens. Therefore, for nitrogen fixation during nodule formation and elimination oxygen free radicals, activity of antioxidant enzymes increased and, thus biomarkers production decreased.

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The objectives of this study were to analyze genotype by environment (GE) interactions on the forage yield of 15 sorghum lines by the additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model and to evaluate genotype (G), environment (E) and GE interactions using stability parameter i.e., AMMI stability value (ASV) and Wrick, s ecovalance (W2 i). The trials were conducted at two research station (Neyshabur and Torogh Mashhad) for three successive years2007-2009. The result ’ s of AMMI analysis for forage yield indicated that the Genotype main effects, environment, and GE interactions as well as two first interaction principal components (IPCA1-2) were significant. AMMI biplot was able to distinguish stable genotypes and environments with high and low genotype discrimination ability. The genotypes 5 and 15 with higher mean yield than total mean were to be most stable genotypes, while the genotype 1 and 3 with the highest contribution to GE interaction, were to be the most instable. The result of recommended genotypes based on AMMI analysis showed that the genotypes 1 and 3 were highly adapted to Neyshabur and genotypes 5 and 15 were adapted to Mashhad environments during this study.

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This study was carried out as split plot in base design of randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Research was done in Tonekabon-Chaparsar station, placed on west Mazandaran in2009- 2010. Irrigation career in 5 levels: I1- continuous flooding irrigation with full water control, I2- 4days after tillering processes, I3- Intermittent irrigation, 4 days after formation of the first cluster bud on stems, I4- Intermittent irrigation, 8 days after formation of the first cluster bud on stems, I5- Intermittent irrigation, 8 days after heading process; and another 3 career: V1– Khazar, V2- Shiroudi, AND V3- 843 line were analyzed. Irrigation careers were considered one week after transplant seedlings, on main fields. the results showed that, Irrigation diets is effective on daily Irrigation careers (6432 kg per Hectare), 4 days after tillering processes (6326 kg per Hectare), 4 days after formation of the first cluster bud on stems (6432 kg per Hectare) have no mean differences. Effect of irrigation careers on yield was significant in 5 %; also number of whole Seeds, number of filled seeds, number of empty Seeds, weigh of panicle, Seed length, Bush height were significant in 1%. Different irrigation careers were effective on Seed number property, so that increasing the irrigation intervals decreases the number of Seeds. Species review showed that the best yield was achieved for line 843 (6900 kg per Hectare). Also review of effect of careers on grain yield showed that, the maximum grain yield for line 843 and dail irrigation careers (7834 kg per Hectare), Intermittent irrigation, 4 days after formation of the first cluster bud on stems (7857.33 kg per Hectare) were achieved.. In general, we can consider the 4 days after tillering processes and 4 days after formation of the first cluster bud on stems as the best periods without decreasing in mean yield.

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To study of the sowing system, plant density and weeding on yield and yield components of maize and peanut, an experiment at the Research Farm of Agriculture Center of Zabol University (Iran) in 2012 at factorial experiment in the form of RCBD with three replicationswas conducted. Use of sowing system in four levels as first factor inclusive (sole maize, sole peanut, 50% maize+50% peanut, 100% maize+100% peanut) and plant density as second factor in two levels (40 and 50 cm) and weeding as third factor in three levels inclusive (non weeding, once weeding, twice weeding). The results showed that the sowing system was significant on Plant height, Stem diameter, No. of kernel.ear-1, No. of kernel.row-1, No. of ear.plant-1, 1000 grain weight, biological yield, economical yield and harvest index. As well as, effect of weeding was significant on all of the said characteristics excluding of Biological yield, economical yield and harvest index. The highest economical yield was obtained from sole maize, twice weeding and 50 cm density. The results of this experiment showed that the highest LER was obtained from 100% maize+100% peanut that have sign of advantage of intercropping system compared to sole maize and sole peanut.

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In order to study the effects of terminal season drought stress on yield, yield components and drought indices of 19 promising genotypes of barley, two separate experiments in randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted at the Agriculture Research Center of Birjand during 2009-2010 growing season. To enforce drought stress experiment, irrigation stopped after the 50% of heading stage until harvest, and in the normal condition experiment, irrigation followed to the last growth stage. Grain yield, number of seed per spike, grain weight, spike and peduncle lengths and plant height were measured. The reactions of barley lines were different in the two conditions. Drought stress leads to reduction of yield and yield components. Also, MP, GMP, HARM, SSI, TOL and STI indices estimated. Lines No.11, 13, 15, 18 and 19 were the most tolerant in both control and stress circumstances and lines No.2, 5 and 7 have a good yield in the control condition. MP, GMP, HARM and STI had a high correlation with grain yield under both conditions, which considering to the correlation between all tolerance indices to drought, were the best indices in both conditions.

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In order to study the effect of Ca, K, and Mn foliar application on physiological traits of safflowerPadideh cultivar under salt stress, a factorial experiment was conducted based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Vali-asr university of Rafsanjan greenhouse. Factors included salinity with four levels of 0, 500, 1000, and 1500 mg NaCl kg-1, and foliar application with four level representing distilled water, Ca (NO3) 2, KH2PO4 (10 mM) and MnSO4 (1 mM), sprayed two weeks after emergence, Every fortnight.The results showed that foliar application of KH2PO4 and MnSO4 inhibited ions leaching in 1000 mg NaCl. Ca (NO3) 2 foliar application increased soluble sugar content (no salinity control) while Ca (NO3) 2, KH2PO4, and MnSO4 foliar application somewhat increased Ca and K content in 1000 and 1500 mg NaCl treatments. Salinity and foliar application treatments didn’t affect Mg content. Increasing salinity increased Na content and Proline content significantly increased in 1500 mg NaCl under Ca (NO3) 2 and KH2PO4 foliar application.

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Soil Sustainable management requires comprehensive information about the amount and form of phosphorus (P). The objective of this research was to evaluate the relationship of various P fractions in 10 calcareous soils of Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiari province with bean indices growing in the greenhouse. Thus, P fractions, including P absorbed by Al and Fe oxides (] NaOH+CB] -P), occluded P (CBD-P) and P absorbed by Ca (HCl-P), were determined by Olsen and Summers' sequential fractionation procedure. Furthermore, organic P was determined. A pot experiment in 10 soils with three replications was conducted to evaluate the bean plant indices. After the bean plants harvested, plant indices such as dry yield, P concentration and P uptake were determined. The results showed that the amount of P fractions increased in the order of HCl-P>residual-P>PO>] NaOH+CB] -P>CBD-P. The significant correlations were found between CB-P, OP and CBD-P and plant indices. Thus, P fractionation method appears to be a powerful tool to identify the P status and availability in the studied soils.

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To evaluate the Effect of different herbicides on weed control and yield of ratoon rice, the experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with four replications in Pasha Cola village-Sari. Treatments include the use of 6 types of post emergence herbicide as follows: 1- Anilofos+ethoxysulfuron (3 lit ha-1), 2- Butachlor (3 lit ha-1) +cinosulfuron (100 g ha-1), 3- Bensulfuronmethyl (75 g ha-1) +butachlor (3 lit ha-1), 4- Butachlor (3 lit ha-1), 5- Cinosulfuron (100 g ha-1), 6- Bensulfuron - methyl (75 g ha-1) with two times weeding and weedy check treatments. In the basis of visual injury assessment, 10, 20 and 30 days after post emergence application, most of plant injury (burning) in ratoon rice occurred by butachlor+cinosulfuron and bensulfuron - methyl+butachlor (heavy damage) treatments. On the other hand, In the basis of visual injury assessment, bensulfuron - methyl+butachlor and bensulfuron- methyl weed control was less than 50% despite having the highest level of weeds control. Means comparison results also showed that sulfonylurea groups herbicide such as bensulfuron - methyl and cinosulfuron have most positive impact on weed density and dry weight of weeds and crop yield in end of the growing season, however, based on visual assessment at the beginning of the growing season, have nota good influence on crop and weeds control. The positive effects of bensulfuron - methyl+butachlor treatments during the growing season showed that these two herbicides have synergistic effect on each other although they are from different groups and with different mode of action.

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To assess the phenotypic and genetic diversity and their relationships in five genotypes of rice cold tolerant (selected from the experiments of 20 cold tolerant lines) and a control, a three-year experiment was conducted as a randomized complete block design in Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari province. Results showed that the differences among genotypes was significant for days to heading and maturity, plant height, number of stems per plant, panicle length, number of grains per panicle, 100-seed weight and seed yield per unit area. In all traits, the phenotypic coefficients were more than the genetic coefficients. The number of days to maturity had maximum and seed weight had the lowest general heritability. The seed yield was relatively high heritability, too. Yield phenotypic and genetic correlations was positive and significant with number of fertile tillers per plant, number of filled grains per panicle and grain weight and was negative and significant with the other traits except panicle length. In stepwise regression analysis, fertile tiller number per plant, number of seeds per panicle, grain weight, and number of days to heading were entered into the model, respectively and were made a total yield of 91%. Path analysis revealed that number of fertile tillers per plant had the highest direct effect on grain yield. Seed weight also having a high positive effect and a positive indirect effect via number of tillers per plant, was highly significant positive correlation with yield, in spite of the negative indirect effects from other traits.

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This study is to assess the amount on the foxtail millet yield. And yield and elemeuts correlatios. And to compare the same effect on the quantity and quality of the yield in 20 foxtail millet genotypes in Karaj weather condition. For this purpose, 19 preferable millet genotypes identified The identification was done and by seed and plant improvement institute cooperation and iranin plant gene bank the Bastan variety as an introduced foxtail variety was chosen to control the assessment. And an experiment on the full random basis with 20 treatments in 3 recurrences was implemented. After the planting operation and at the same time during the maintaining period notes were. The obtained results show that the KFM91/17 variety with a 27476 kilograms fresh crop per hectare and 14176 dried crop per hectare had the largest amount of the yield among the treatments. And the KFM91/6 variety with 4124 kilograms grains had the largest amount of the seed producing performance. Between amount number of tillers and number of days till flower appearance and the flower's indicator was negative and significant. And between seed production with number of tillers negative and insignificantcoefficient was noticed.The most Growing degree days (GDD) and most number of tillers in the plant was found in the KFM91/17 variety which also contained the highest production of fresh and dried crop production.The correlation of fresh crop with new dry crop and panicole length was negetivesignificant at level of 1%.Based on these results, the KFM91/17 introduces as wast fitted variety to produce fresh and dry production and KFM 91/6 for seed producing.

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In order to evaluate the effects of salt stress in different growth stages on morpho-physiological traits in rice, a greenhouse experiments was conducted in three replications with using two rice cultivars, including Daylam and PSBRC88 as main plats, as well asthreesalinity levels including 0, 6 and 12 dS/m at vegetative growth, stem elongation and flowering as sub-plots in a split plot factorial based on RCBD. Salinity treatments were imposed for 20 days in nutrition solution at each stage. Results showed that total and leaf area as well as their dry weight, decreased with increasing salinity at different growth stages. K+ concentration with increasing salinity levels decreased while that of Na+ increased. The SPAD value, RWC, stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate also declined.Reduction at flowering stage was more than vegetative growth and stem elongation stages. The maximum reduction in dry matter in any growth stage of growth, was observed at 12 dS m salinity level. Saline water with EC 12 dS/m, at the flowering stage reduced leaf area, total dry weight, photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance by as much as 12, 25, 48 and 55 percent.

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This study was conducted to assess sources of genetic and phenotypic variability of eight different alfalfa populations. Thirteen morphological and agronomic traits were measured on studied populations. The traits included plant Height, leaf chlorophyll content, total fresh weight, total dry weight, leaf fresh weight, leaf dry weight, stem wet weight, stem dry weight, number of stems, number of leaves, ratio of number of leaves to number of stem, ratio of leaf dry weight to stem dry weight and total dry weight: total wet weight ratio.Multivariate data set was analyzed by Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) in combination with a clustering procedure. The first two canonical variables were significant and canonical variables indicated that leaf dry weight, total dry weight, total fresh weight, leaf fresh weight and stem fresh weight are the most differentiating traits among the studied traits of plant populations. The canonical variables were used for clustering the populations into three main groups. CDA was useful in identifying the genetic variation and the traits that better describe the variation among the alfalfa populations. Effective traits identified in the variation between populations included that leaf dry weight, total dry weight, total fresh weight, leaf fresh weight and stem fresh weight and plant height. Recognize the diversity of these traits among the cultivated alfalfa allow to plant breeders that focus on specific traits that contribute to variation. Cluster analysis was successful in differentiating the populations into similar main groups on the basis of the measured traits.

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Given the importance of phenology in crop growth and development, especially in stressful conditions, this study evaluates the phenological stages and their relationship with the yield production of bean genotypes in seed and plant improvement institute (SPII). The experiments were arranged as split plot based on a randomized complete block design with four replications. Eight bean genotypes (Akhtar, D81083, AND1007, WA4502-1, WA4531-17, COS16, MCD4011, and KS21486) were evaluated under two contrasting moisture regimes (normal irrigation and water deficit conditions). The results showed that days from emergence to R5 (floral initiation), R6 (flowering) and R7 (pod set) stages shortened, while R8 (grain filling), R9 (maturity) and grain filling duration (GFD) took relatively longer time under drought conditions. The situation was not similar for all genotypes. KS21486 line had the lowest vegetative growth period but was also the earliest maturing genotype in both conditions. Under both irrigation conditions, GFD of white beans were longer than the other genotypes. The lowest decrease in GFD due to water deficit was observed in KS21486. Drought in some genotypes accelerated maturity and the others were delayed. Grain yield decreased by 50% due to water deficit. Percentage of yield loss by drought in the AND1007 and D81083 genotypes was the highest and the lowest, respectively. Average grain yield of red beans was higher than the other two groups in both normal and water deficit conditions.

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Double cropping is one method for improve production of crops. In order to study the effects of planting date and seeding rate on berseem clover forage yield in double cropping system, an experiment was carried out in split plot based on Randomized Complete Blocks Design (RCBD) with 3 replications in Shahrekord agriculture research station in 2006-2007. Main and sub plots consisted three planting dates (6, 16 and 26 July) and three seeding rates (20, 25 and 30 kg ha-1) respectively. Berseem clover were planted in no tillage condition after harvesting canola. Two-year results showed that the most fresh, dry forage yield and plant height were obtained from 6 July with 19.26 and 4.78 ton ha-1 and 43.6 cm respectively that these traits were 1.4, 12.5 and 12.7 higher than second planting and 31.3, 54.8 and 69.7 percentage more than 26 July. Dry forage yield of 16 July was significantly increased (37.6 percentage) in compared with 26 July. No significant difference were in the among seeding rates for dry forage yield, although the most was obtained from seed rate of 30 kg ha-1, with 1.8 and 11.7 percentage higher in compared with 25 and 20 kg ha-1 respectively. Planting date had no significant effect on stem number per m2, but in the among seeding rates, the greatest was recorded with 405 of 30 kg ha-1. According to the results, the highest dry forage yield of berseem clover were harvested in 6 and 16 July with seeding rates of 25-30 kg ha-1 in double cropping system in Shahrekord region. So berseem clover can be used for forage production in the canola- wheat rotation.

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