The main purpose of the research has been to investigate the components of the philosophy and purposes, policies, diciplines, and criteria of choosing the place of education, strategies of supplying financial resources, forms of sending students to abroad, the cost of education and the scientific qualifications of graduates in sending university students abroad in order to present a suitable comprehending framework in the system of the country's Higher Education. In order to do this, first, regarding the research background and theoretical bases, the primary components were identified. Then, the obtained components were ordered in a structure. The research methodology is descriptive (documental and survey type). The research population consisted of all members of faculty with at least the academic status of assistant professor in all universities of Iran. The whole population comprised 13649 university teachers and the related documents of sending students abroad were the other main source of extracting the research data. The research sample was selected randomly out of the given population using the method of random sampling of multi-step clustering. The obtained sample consisted of 386 members of faculty. The research tools were two researcher-made questionnaires whose validity was obtained by applying the experts' feedback and the project reader and counsellor. The reliability of the tools was extracted by administering them to a sample of 30 subjects as pilot study and the obtained index 0.92 for Chronbach's Alpha. While the researcher followed the procedure of descriptive analysis, the obtained data resulting from administering the research tools based on the different items of the questionnaires were analyzed using the statistical methods and single-group t-test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Based on the obtained data a comprehending framework was suggested for sending the students abroad. The components of philosophy and the purposes of sending students abroad, the policies of sending students abroad, the regulations of sending students abroad, the criteria for selecting the foreign country, the strategies of supplying the financial sources for sending students, and the types of sending students explain the proportion of the suggested comprehending framework for sending the students abroad obtaining the co-efficients of 0.86, 0.88, 0.92, 0.80, 0.85, and 0.90 respectively.