The research was to make and standardize an achievement test of
writing for first grade elementary school. The test consists of four sub-tests:
word writing, sentence writing, picture name writing and picture
name writing in the blanks. Based on the test specifications table, the
items were selected out of the first grade Farsi test book. The pre-test
was run on a sample of 182 students (91 boys and 91 girls) who had
covered first grade Results showed that: 1.The distribution of the
scores in the sample shows a negative skewness and is longer in
comparison with Normal distribution. 2.Internal consistency of subtests
0.85, 0.86, 0.76, 0.54 for word writing. Sentence writing, picture
name writing and picture name writing in blanks respectively.
Reliability coefficient for the test in the whole sample group was
0.934. 3.The validity of the test was confirmed by correlation
coefficient of writing achievement and the Raven intelligence test
(r=0.25, P<0.510) with Dictation marks (r= 0.36, P<0.000),and
average marks (r=0.287, P<0.000).Correlation coefficient of sub-test
with the test total score was meaningful for all (P<0.000),0.921, 0.936,
0.801, and 0.624 for word writing sub-test, sentence writing, picture
name writing and picture writing in blanks respectively. 4. F- test by
analysis of variance for significance difference between sub-tests
scores and total test score within two groups of girls and boys showed
that the mean score for girls is higher than boys .