One of the methods of natural resource management is utilization of inefficient lands and use of resistant plant species in hard conditions. In this study, sampling from natural habitat in Arak (Markazi province) was conducted in 2009 at 3 growth stages including growth, full flowering and maturity using plots with replication. In full flowering stage, plant height, number of tillers, big and small diameter, root length, root weight, chlorophyll, plant dry weight, soluble sugar content, proline, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine and iron were measured. Mean comparison of morphological characters showed that the largest values of plant height, number of tillers, canopy cover, total shoot and flowering shoot were recorded for the region (locality 3) with less salinity (EC=7.6 dS/m). The largest values of root length, root weight and essential oil percentage at growthing, full flowering and maturity stages were also recorded for locality 1 with high salinity (EC=11.7dS/m). Locality 1 showed the highest content of soluble sugar, proline, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and chlorine. Locality 3 had the highest total content of chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and b while the highest iron content was related to locality 2. Results of correlation showed that there was negative significant relationship between plants height with essential oil percentage in full flowering stage. Significant correlation was also observed between soluble sugar and proline, magnesium, calcium and chlorine. There was significant negative correlation between soluble sugar and total chlorophyll 2. According to the results, Camphorosma monspilica L. is one of the salt tolerant plant species probably with medicinal and forage values.