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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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View 1306

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St Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) from Hypericaceae is an important medicinal plant, which its secondary metabolites, hypericin and hyperforine, have several medicinal effects such as antidepressant, antiviral, antibacterial and etc. The importance of studying in vitro culture of medicinal plants is optimizing these protocols for subsequent studies about effective factors on biosynthesis of secondary metabolites and applying these methods in improving medicinal plants. Since now there are no report on in vitro culture of Iranian St Johns Wort and for the first time we studied the callogenesis, shoot regeneration and rooting process of this plant. The seeds of Iranian St Johns Wort were collected from Ardebil province and the base growth media was MS and for callogenesis we studied the effect of several levels of 2,4-D (0.25, 0.5, 1,2 and 5 mg/I) and BA (0.25, 0.5, 1 mg/I) or KIN (0.25, 0.5, 1,2 and 5 mg/I) and NAA (0,5, 1,2 and 5 mg/I), Several levels of BA (0.25, 0.5, land 5 mg/I) and several levels of KIN (1,2 and 5 mg/I) accompanied by 1 mg/INAA were used for shoot regeneration in callus. Several levels Of NAA (0, 0.5, 1,2 and 5 mg/I) were used for rooting of the shoots. The growth condition was 25ocand 16/8 hours period for rooting and shoot regeneration, darkness for callogenesis, the results of callogenesis with Duncans Multiple Range Test at 5% showed that highest callus fresh weight (2.1937 gr) was obtained in 0.25 mg/I 2,4-D with 1 mg/I KIN. Results of shoot regeneration in level 5% showed that maximum number of shoots (95 shoots/call and 4 Cm length) obtained in treatment contain 1 mg/INAA with 1mg/l KIN. Results also showed that maximum root number (4,7 roots per shoot and 2.2 Cm length) was in hormone free media.

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View 2081

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A green house experiment with four compost to soil (MClO, MC20, MC30, MC50), vermicompost to soil ratios (MCWI0, MCW20, MCW30, MCW50) and the control (soil) was carried out to investigate the effects of municipal solid waste compost (MC) and vermicompost produced from it (MCW) on psyllium. Treatments MC20 and MCW20 compared to the control, showed 7% and 23.5% increase in plant height respectively. MCW20 compared to MC20 showed an increase of 33%, and both when compared to the control increased the spike length by 28.4 and 3.4% respectively. Highest number of spike per plant in MCW20 had a significant increase comparing to other treatments, and the control (23.5%). Grain weight per spike was highest in MCW20 and lowest in MCW50 and both had 20% increase and 16.8% decrease respectively compared to the control. Number of grain per spike of MCW20 and MCW50 increased by 14% and decreased by 16% respectively when compared to the control. Grain weight per plant of MCW20 compared to MC20, proved to be superior by 37.8 increases and with respect to the control both showed an increase of 48.5% and 7.7%, respectively. Straw weight per plant of MCW30 and MCW20 treatments was highest. 1000 grain weight in MCW20 increased significantly when compared to other treatments and the control (+29.3%). Grain to straw weight ratio is usually considered detrimental in finding the treatments' effect on more production of grain or straw, vermicompost (MCW20) proved to be superior by 39.4% and 24% compared to municipal solid waste compost (MC20) and the control respectively in producing more grain than straw. The best urban solid waste compost-soil mixture was found at 20/80 ratio for vermicompost preparation which proved its superiority in almost all parameters when compared to other treatments.

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View 1041

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In this research the effect of different concentrations and exposure time of clove oil (Eugenia caryophyllata) on anesthesia and recovery stages of fingerlings of Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) in three groups of 4.25 g (9-11 cm), 3.33 g (7-9 cm) and 1.89 g (5-7 cm) was investigated at Shahid Rajaee center in Sari in Mazandaran Province by immersion method. The pH and temperature of water were 8.31 and noc, respectively. Different concentrations of clove oil (25-120 ppm) showed significant effect according to data of this research (mean range of anesthesia and recovery stages were 39-527 and 247-773 seconds, respectively). Based on the results, when the concentration and exposure time enhanced, the anesthesia stages happened rapidly, while recovery stages take placed more slowly (a<0.05). The 75 ppm of clove oil was determined as the best concentration for anesthesia and recovery. This study shows the high potential of clove oil for fish anesthesia, and the clove oil different concentrations (50-120 ppm) seems to be suitable for anesthetization of Persian sturgeon fingerlings.

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View 1009

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The 28 landraces of Nigella sativa were collected from Khorasan province in 1997-1999 and cultivated in the randomized complete blocks design. Morphological and anatomic characters were analyzed during the plant growth and other agronomic characters were measured after harvesting. Significant differences (P<0.01) were observed in plant height, weight of 1000 kernel, seed yield, number of stem branches, vascular bundles, weight of capsule and xylem and phloem diameter were significant at P<0.01. Only biological yield, harvest index (HI) and stem branches with R2=0.977confirmed the seed yield variation. Biological yield, HI and stem branches had maximum inheritability and genetic efficiency.

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View 934

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In order to investigate the allelopathic effects of the essential oils of Bunium persicum and Cuminum cyminum, this research conducted in two separate experiments to find out the effects of different essential oils concentration of Bunium persicum (200, 500, 700, 1000 and 2000 ppm) and Cuminum cyminum (100, 300, 500, 700 and 1000 ppm) on germination activity of Bromus tectorum, Centura ovina and Descurainia sophia. Each experiment was conducted in RCBD with 4 replications. Results showed that germination percentage of all the weeds were high in control plots (96.67, 73 and 96.67 respectively). Germination of Centura ovina and Bromus tectorum were completely inhibited by Bunium persicum essential oUs at 700 and 1000 ppm respectively. Descurainia seeds were more sensitive to Bunium persicum essential oils and its germination completely inhibited at 500 ppm. There was no significant difference between 200 ppm and 500ppm of Bunium persicum essential oils as germination percentage of Bromus tectorum as concerned (54% and 44% respectively). Bunium persicum essential oils at 500ppm decreased germination percent of Centura ovina by 25% (from 73% to 48.67%) But 200 ppm Bunium persicum essential oils decreased germination percent of Descurainia sophia by 69% (from 96.67 to 27.67). Cuminum cyminum essential oils also affected germination process of all the weeds that were tested in the experiments. Germination of Bromus tectorum, Centura ovina and Descurainia Sophia completely inhibited by 2000, 1000 ppm and 500 ppm, respectively Concentration increasing of Cuminum cyminum essential oils from 100ppm to 1000ppm decreased germination percent of Bromus tectorum, Centura ovina and Descurainia sophia by 46.67%, 51% and 53 % respectively. In respect to germination rate data showed that all the treatments decreased germination rate and it decreased from 11.25, 4.14 ,17.5 seed/day in control. plot to zero in treated seeds with Bunium persicum essential oils. Germina60n rate of Bromus, Centura and Descurainia were also affected by Cuminum cyminum treatments and it decreased from 18.77, 5.82 and 13.6 in control plot to zero respectively. It was concluded that Bunium persicum and Cuminum cyminum essential oils as an allelopathic agents for the weeds control should be a good agent for organic culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1328

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    3 (33)
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The aerial parts of Salvia bracteata were collected in two stages of plant growth (before flowering and full flowering) from Chenareh-marivan (Kurdistan province) in west of Iran .The essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation method. The oils were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The yields of essential oils were 0.22% before flowering stage and 0.28% full flowering stage. Before flowering stage 17 compounds and full flowering stage 19 compounds were characterized. In both of stages, b-caryophyllen and c-muurolene devoted the highest rates of the compounds. b-caryophyllen had a decreasing trend from before flowing to flowering so that it changes from 49.6% to 41.6% vs. c-muurolene so the rate of latter compound changed from 18.3% to 22.8%. In samples from Chenareh, Marivan, 17 constituents were common at two stages. (E)-b-ocimene was only before flowering stage and bornyl-acetate, d-elemene, b- bourbonene were found only at full flowering stage.

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View 914

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In this experiment, the effect of osmopriming on germination percentage and mean time for germination (MTG) of Borage (Borago officinalis L.) seeds was studied. This study had been conducted at Agronomy Department of Tehran University-Karaj during 2004 in four replications in factorial experiment on the base of randomized complete design. The treatments were osmotic potential of polyethylene glycol (PEG) with four levels (Control, -4, -8 and -12 bar) and priming duration with three levels (24, 48 and 72 h). The results indicated that osmotic potential of PEG had significant effect on germination percentage and mean time for germination. According to the results, the highest percentage was in -8 bar concentration. Also priming duration didn't affect the percentage of germination and mean time for germination. The results indicated that the interaction of osmotic potential and duration was not significant.

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View 1107

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In order to investigation of application methods of nitrogen fertilizer on essential oil content and composition of Balm, the experiment was conducted during 7 months in field condition at Alborze Research complex in 2004. This experiment was carried out at two levels of suspension nitrogen (4.5% and 6%) spraying on shoot and two levels of solid nitrogen (60 and 90 kg N/ha) application in soil with control. Treatment was implicated to three equal divisions. This experiment was carried out in complete randomized block design with 4 replications. In floral imitation, plants harvested and essential oil were extracted by water distillation. The essential oils were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The results showed a significant difference (1%) among nitrogen rates application on essential oil yield. Identification of essential oil components showed that some compounds of the oil decreased with more application of nitrogen in two methods of nitrogen application, whereas some other compounds increased with most application nitrogen in both methods.

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View 1578

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In this study, the effects of habitat and pre-treatments on seed germination of Salvia mirzayanii were investigated. Seeds were collected from two main habitats (Sirmand and Tange-zagh) and were tested for pre-treatments as scarification, sulfuric acid (for 15 and 30 minutes) and warm water. Seeds were sown in Petri dishes for 14 days. This experiment was carried out in factorial design in CRD with 3 replications. It take placed in Agriculture Resource Research Center of Hormozgan Province in 2002. According to the results, applying sulfuric acid for 15 minutes as pre-treatment on seeds that were collected from Sirmand had higher values of seed germination percent and germination rate. Vigor index of the seed samples that were collected from Sirmand was higher than those that were collected from Tange-zagh.

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View 996

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Daily increasing of Staphylococcus aureus resistance to various antibiotics in particular penicillin and Methecilin has led the scientist to look for new medicines in this area. In an in vitro laboratory studies, it has been demonstrated that ethanolic extract of Lemon verbena can prevent the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. In this study the efficacy of ethanolic extract of Lemon verbena against Staphylococcus aureus skin infections were assessed in an in vivo, in animal model. We inoculated 200l, of Staphylococcus aureus suspension with turbidity equal to 0.5 McFarland, interadermally on the shoulder of 63 laboratory 20-30 gram mice. The mice were divided in to 4 groups, 2 control groups: negative(without treatment) and positive (treated with Mupirocin) and 2 test groups that treated for 7 days by ointment prepared from ethanol extract of Lemon verbena (group3), or injection of Lemon verbena solution (group 4). The status of wounds and the rate of recovery were studied, and the presence of local pus after dissection of mice on day 8 recorded and compared with each other. The wound appearance in the second day, on the injection site of S. aureus, in groups 1, 4, 3 and 2 were 84.2%, 66.7%, 46.2% and 23.1%, respectively. In the last day, the lesion still was remained in 78.9, 23.1, 92.3 and 77.7% in group 1-4, respectively. The necrotic and wide wounds were more observed in groups 1 and 3 versus two other groups. The results from this investigation indicated that the ointment prepared from ethanol extract of Lemon verbena is a proper medication to prevent the skin infection by Staphylococcus aureus in the early phase but injected solution of this extract cannot show this effect, and none of them can prevent the wound itself completely.

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View 1322

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The fruits of Citrus sinensis (L.) from Rutacea family were collected from North of Iran and after pilling, the essential oil of the cover was obtained by the methods of cold-press and examined by GC and GC/MS. Twenty-one compounds were characterized representing about 98% of the oil. The yield of total oil was 1.5% (w/w). The oil was characterized by a high content of limonene which composed 94.3% of the oil. The other components were myrcene (1.5%), linalool (0.9%), decanal (0.5%), a-pinene (0.4%) and octanol (0.3%). After deterpination, the percentage of different componenets changed. The main constitute were limonene (92.2%), linalole (1.5%), myrcene (0.5%), a-pinene (0.1%) and decanal (0.7%).

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View 2986

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Moldavian balm (Dracocephalum moldavica) is an annual herb plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Moldavian balm is considered stomachic and sedative. Essential oil of this plant is used in pharmaceutical and food industries and possesses antimicrobial feature. To study the effects of different levels of water stress on growth, yield and essential oil content of Moldavian balm, a pot experiment in randomized complete block design with four treatments and four replications was conducted. Water stress treatments were: 100% of field capacity (non-stress), 85% of field capacity (mild water stress), 70% of field capacity (moderate water stress) and 55% of field capacity (severe water stress). According to the results of statistical analysis, water stress had significant effect on growth parameters, herb yield and essential oil yield. As the soil water content decreased, plant height, stem diameter, number and length of auxiliary shoots, fresh and dry herb yield in pot and essential oil yield decreased. There was no significant difference between water stress treatments for essential oil content. The highest amounts of essential oil content (0.35 ml/l00 gr dry weight) and essential oil yield (0.115 ml/pot)were observed in 70% and 100% of field capacity, respectively.

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View 2397

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This study was conducted to investigate planting date and seed rate on blond psyllium (Plantago ovate Forsk.) in dry land condition. This experiment was designed in a split plot arrangement using complete randomized block design with three replications in Maraveh-tapeh station in Golestan province. The treatments comprised two planting dates and three seed rates: 2, 4 and 6 Kg/ha. Planting date had no significant effect on spike length, number of spikes per plant and number of seed per spike but seed rates effect was significant p<0.05, p<0.01, p<0.01 respectively. Results indicated that seed rates had significant difference (p<0.05) on seed yield so that the highest yield obtained at the highest seed rate (6 Kg/ha) while planting date had no significant effect on seed yield.

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View 1811

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Salvia reuterana Boiss is a grassy and permanent herb, and belongs to Labiatae family which grows Wild in some regions of Iran including Lorestan province.The aerial parts of Salvia reuterana Boiss. Were collected from North of Aleshtar (North of Lorestan Province) on June 2005. The essential oil was obtained by hydro-distillation at yield of 0.6% (based on dry weight). The oil was analyzed by GC and GCIMS. Twenty-eight constituents, representing 91.7% of the oil, were identified. The major components of the oil were germacrene D (27.5%), b-caryophyllene (15.5%), bicyclogermacrene (9.2%), caryophyllene oxide (6.3%) and spathulenol (5.7%).

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View 1416

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