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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background: In the past two decades, there we see a significant increase in clinical research to determine the underlying mechanisms of social anxiety disorders. This study is aimed to compare the ability of solving socio-metacognition of students with social phobia disorder symptoms and normal samples. Methods: 284 male students were selected from University of Tabriz using cluster-random sampling. All of the subjects were asked to answer demographic questions and social problem solving and metacognition and social phobia questionnaires. Of these 70 subjects were enrolled in the study. Data were analysized using descriptive statistics and multivariate analysis of variance. Results: Research findings showed different significance between students with symptoms of social phobia disorder and normal ones. Conclusion: Social problem solving and metacognitive beliefs are effective factors in general health. Also, it is possible to promote students’ mental health by changing metacognition beliefs which enhance maladaptive and negative thinking styles or general negative beliefs.

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Hadiyan Maryam

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Background: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of acceptance & commitment therapy on separation anxiety disorder in children with type 1 diabetes. Methods: A semi-experimental method with pretest-posttest and follow up, including control group were used. Statistical population included all children with type 1 diabetes that had referred to diabetes treatment centers in Najaf Abad town in 2014-2015. The instrument used in this study was Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED). All students filled the questionnaires and among them, 24 students whose scores were higher were selected and randomly assigned into two experimental and control groups (n1=n2=12). Students in the experimental group were offered eight sessions of acceptance & commitment therapy and control subjects received no therapy in this while then after six month follow up was executed. Data were analyzed by Analyze of covariance method (ANCOVA). Results: Findings showed that mean score of separation anxiety in children in post-test and follow-up in comparison with pretest had a significant decline. With controlling pretest scores, Acceptance & Commitment therapy caused a significant decrease in separation anxiety scores of children suffering with diabetes type 1, in post-test (F=92. 78, p≤ 0. 0001) and also caused significant decrease in anxiety of children, at the end of 6 month follow-up period (F=43. 77, p≤ 0. 0001). Conclusion: After all, results of the current study showed that acceptance & commitment therapy can be used for reducing separation anxiety disorder.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Studies have shown that neutrophils in effect by parasitic triggers can produce many different chemokines. These chemokines are called leukocytes, T lymphocytes, dendritic cells, monocytes, lethal cells and neutrophils to the site of infection. The aim of this study is to investigate the expression of neutrophils exposure with leishmania infantum. Methods: During this experimental-laboratorial study the blood was collected from 30 healthy individuals. Peripheral blood neutrophils were isolated by HYSTOPAQUE 1077, dextran and centrifuge. Then cells were exposed to the promastigote forms of the Leishmania infantum parasite, which was prepared from the immunology department of the Pasteur Institute in stationary phase and was incubated for one hour in co2 incubator, not stimulated neutrophils were used as control. After extracting RNA, RNA was converted to cDNA by enzyme complex. cDNA was used for Real Time PCR. Selected gene been gene of CCL3, CCL4 and CXCL8 chemokines and β-Actin was used as references gene and then gene expression change was evaluated by ANOVA statistical methods. Results: The results indicated that CXCL8 gene expression were significantly increased in the face of leishmania compared to control neutrophils (p<0. 001). On the other hand CCL3 and CCL4 genes expression weren’ t significant change in the face of leishmania compared to the control neutrophils. Conclusion: The results show that exposure with leishmania parasite caused no change in expression of CCL3 and CCL4 mRNA genes among of simulation neutrophilsbut lead to increases high expression of CXCL8. On this basis measuring of CXCL8 can consider as a criterion for detecting leishmania infection level.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Currently, genetics is considered to be a major factor in the risk of osteoporosis and obesity. Therefore, we investigated possible association between TGFβ 1 polymorphisms (rs: 1800470) with anthropometric and bone mineral density characteristics in postmenopausal women referred to Shariati Hospital in Tehran. Methods: In this study, 254 postmenopausal women aged 46 to 78 years were examined. Body composition measured by Body Composition Analyzer. Physical activity using the short form of physical activity questionnaire (IPAQ) was performed. Bone mineral density was measured by DEXA method. DNA samples from participants were genotyped using RFLP-PCR method. The results were analyzed by SPSS software version 20 and ANOVA method. Results: Our results showed that prevalence of osteoporosis in lumber and hip Tehranian women were 17. 7% and 2. 4% respectively. For first time in Iran, we found that genotype frequencies for TGFβ 1 polymorphism (rs1800470) were: TT: 28. 3%, TC: 48%, CC: 23. 6% respectively. TGFβ 1 polymorphism (rs1800470) in Iranian postmenopausal women after adjustment for age, age of menopause weight, physical activity, calorie intake were not associated with demography, body composition and bone bharacteristics (p>0. 05). Conclusion: It seems that TGF-β 1 variants (rs: 1800470) in postmenopausal Iranian women did not have direct association with bone mineral density and body composition.

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Background: Overweight and obesity, as physical disorders, can threaten health in different ways. Regular exercise (training) is defined as an improving factor for body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight and obese people. However, the intensity of exercise, as one of the training principles, for attaining the highest fat burning effect, is still challenged. This paper reviewed the studies that have investigated the benefits of different intensities of exercise on fat burning. Methods: This paper provides an overview of the researches that have investigated the effects of exercise with intensity of FATmax, disregard the date of published material. Journals with impact factor ≥ 1 have been documented. Results: According to most of the studies, FATmax presents an intensity of exercise that the greatest fat metabolism rate occurred in which varies and is measurable in different individuals. According to the results of investigations, FATmax occurs between the range of 39 to 65%VO2max and can be affected by genetics, gender, body composition, physical activity level and diet. It can be helpful to determine FATmax intensity, before exercise prescribing in both healthy and unhealthy individuals. So, the trainer could be aware of metabolic situation of client for better control and reaching the training goal. Although this method of practice is effective, there are a lot of questions in this regard. Whether this type of training is preferred to other exercise protocols, such as high intensity interval training or not, is still unclear and needs more research. Conclusion: The literature review showed that determining the FATmax intensity can lead to the optimal training design to help effective fat burning. However, many of investigations in this regard are performed on healthy and mild overweight people. This review showed that there is not enough evidence to prefer the FATmax training to other exercise protocols. More studies are needed in different groups to compare this type of training with others, with certain determination of biologic pathways in FATmax training.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Lactic acid bacteria interfere to improve the taste of food products and and to prevent the growth of food spoilage organisms and pathogens with producing antimicrobial substances called bacteriocin. To study the antagonistic effect of isolated Lactobacillus from soil where native yogurt is processed against pathogenic bacteria is the purpose of this study. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, Lactobacillus isolated from the soil contaminated with native yogurt waste were identified with the help of biochemical methods. The antimicrobial quality of supernatant fluid was tested against five pathogenic bacteria using diffusion agar and disk diffusion agar methods. Each test was repeated three times to reduce error and inhibition zone diameter measured then their antimicrobial ability were compared. Results: According to the results, three species of Lactobacillus were identified. These bacteria included Lactobacillus casei, plantarum and delbrueckii. Also, these bacteria showed their good antimicrobial ability against pathogenic bacteria. The most antibacterial effect was abserved from Lactobacillus casei against Staphylococcus aureus in well diffusion agar method with inhibition zone diameter of 18. 66 mm. Conclusion: A great variety of bacteria producing bacteriocin with antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria exist in traditional dairy products, and it is recommended to use them in the production of industrial dairy products.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Gentamicin is an aminoglycosides antibiotic which is used to treat several types of bacterial infections. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of Nigella sativa L. extract (NSE) on liver toxicity and serum level of liver enzymes in rats induced by gentamicin. Methods: In the present experimental study, 42 Wistar male rats were divided randomly into 6 groups includes: control (normal saline 2ml/kg, i. p), gentamicin (gentamicin 80mg/kg/day, i. p), positive control (400mg/kg NSE, i. p) and treated groups 1, 2, 3 (gentamicin 80mg/kg/day+ NSE 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg respectively, i. p). Nigella sativa extract was injected for 7 days after ten days period of gentamicin injection. After the examination the blood samples were collected from heart directly and the serum of ALT, AST and ALP liver enzymes were measured. Microscopic studies of hepatic tissue were done. All data analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey test. Results: Gentamicin caused necrosis and inflammation in the liver tissue and significantly increased serum level of liver enzymes (p<0. 001). Treatment with NSE significantly decreased serum level of liver enzymes in treated groups compared with the group receiving gentamicin (p<0. 001). The greatest impact was created in high dose of NSE. Conclusion: Gentamicin can cause necrosis and inflammation effect in liver tissue. The Nigella sativa seed extract have antioxidant and flavonoid compounds that can decrease toxic effect of gentamicin in liver tissue.

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Background: Enterococci are part of normal flora of the human gastrointestinal tract, which have a high potential for acquiring antibiotic resistance genes. The widespread use of antibiotics in the agricultural and food industriel leads to release of resistance genes in pathogens and normal flora bacteria, transfer to human and also the cause of the disease, which is a serious menace to human health. So, the purpose of this study was evaluation prevalence of bla CTX-M gene in gentamicin resistant Enterococcus faecalis isolated from consumption red meats. Methods: In this cross-sectional study 190 Enterococcus isolates were collected from consumption red meats Boroujerd Slaughterhouse. 90 E. faecalis strains were identified by routine microbiological tests. The antibiotic susceptibility testing on isolates by disk diffusion method according to the CLSI was performed. Finally, to assess the frequency of bla CTX-M gene in gentamicin resistant Enterococcus faecalis isolated from consumption red meats were performed by using PCR and specific primer. Results: In this study, the highest antibiotic resistance was observed against erythromycin and penicillin (94. 44% and 56. 66% respectively), strains had a high sensitivity to nitrofurantoin, meropenem and ciprofloxacin. Out of 90 samples 9(10%) were resistant to gentamicin, the gene was not found in any of the 9 strains. Conclusion: Given that the genes producing Betalactamase enzymes are easily transferred via plasmids, lack of tracking the mentioned genes among the studied bacteria suggests, this gene is not transferred along with genes inducing resistance to gentamicin. Thus significant relationship between these gene and investigated antibiotic was not observed.

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Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are small, short-lived and highly reactive molecules that can oxidize proteins, lipids and DNA. ROS are formed by incomplete one-electron reduction of oxygen. ROS include oxygen anions, free radicals, including superoxide and hydroxyl radicals, and peroxides such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Autophagy is a catabolic pathway for degradation of intracellular proteins and organelles via the lysosome. Autophagy is activated under stress conditions such as starvation, ischemia/reperfusion and pathogen infection, and is deregulated in various pathological conditions, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. It is generally accepted that ROS induce autophagy, and that autophagy, in turn, serves to reduce oxidative damage. Cells have developed various nonenzymatic and enzymatic antioxidizing agents to detoxify ROS and prevent oxidative stress. These include glutathione, thioredoxin, superopxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and peroxidases. ROS produced by damaged mitochondria might induce mitophagy, which in turn eliminates the damaged organelles. Two pathologies highly associated with the accumulation of ROS are cancer and ischemia/reperfusion. The role of mitochondria as ROS generators, is essential for the activation of autophagy. Autophagy is a survival mechanism in response to ROS. Removal of damaged mitochondria and oxidized proteins, in most cases, supports survival.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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