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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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If we study Ibn Abi al-Hadid's commentary on Nahj al-Balaghah from the lexical point of view, we will find out the fact that he has based his commentary on lexical points.Fair and constructive criticism avoids the language from falling into mistake and error. Ibn al-Hadid, like other scholars and authors, has the probability of misunderstanding of the vocabularies, especially because of his deductive method and that he has not only quoted from others. Therefore, the the present reasearch critically studies the lexical efforts of Ibn Abi al-Hadid, and indicates his mistakes, especially those caused by inattention to the exact meaning of words, the context, theological ideas, the different meanings of different words, and the grammar and syntax. At the same time, the researcher had not neglected the ability of Ibn Abi al-Hadid on different sciences.

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A literary work is some kind of announcing the self-existence, and a woman's works are considered as continuity of her natural existence as well as an emphasis on her cultural, social, ideological and spiritual aspects. In fact, romance is the arena for introducing a woman's identity. Prototype is the primary model, which stimulates the writer's mind in the real life to create a character, and gives her or him the instrument and raw materials for this creation."Suvashun" is the first Iranian romance written by a woman, Simin Daneshvar, and "Albabol-maftuh" is the first realist romance of the Egyptian woman writer, Latife Azzait. The influence of both writers' personality is severely sensible in creation of the main heroes of the two romances.This paper aims at proving the prototype (the writer's character) in personalization of the main heroes of the two romances, and attempts to show artistic similarities and differences of the two Iranian and Egyptian writers in personalization and story writing technology. The method of the research is analytic-descriptive with a comparative approach. The results show that Simin Daneshvar had less intentionally through prototyping for developing the female hero's personality relative to Latife Azzait.

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This research tries to give a brief idea about receipting Furough Farroukhzad's poetry, and show how much interest it has got in the Arab World.Furough Farroukhzad's poetry was considered to be a sample of the evolution of Persian contemporary poetry, because this poet had moved in composing her poems from the classical way to the renovated one, and was also considered one of the best Persian contemporary poets.Her poetry has got many specific characters like: simplicity, plainness, fluidity, spirituality of words, the large quantity of inspirations, plenty of emotions, association of time and thoughts, repetition of words and using them in new creative phrases and structures, the multitude of symbols, variety of contents, and numerousness of pictures, images and figurations.Topics of her poetry varied between love and beloved, death, dissolution, desperation, loss of hope, pessimism, recalling the beautiful past, craving for family life, and criticizing the old traditions of her society.Publishing the Arabic translations of her poetry is divided into two major ways: selections and studies; as for selections, some of them were comptented in her poetry, and some others were among other Persian poems. Concerning the studies, they were either found in books, which are specialized in Persian poetry and literature, or in magazine articles, or in academic studies.Translators' choices of the poems translated were thoroughly discussed and some reasons of these choices were found; one was publicity and notability of the poems.Translations of "Let's Have Faith at the Beginning of the Cold Season", the most famous poem of Farroukhzad and the most translated one into Arabic, were studied in this research, and special characteristics of every translation together with their positive and negative points were concluded.Finally, there was a call to give Furough Farroukhzad the interest she deserves as an important, famous, and celebrated poet, who played an essential role in developing Persian poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Poetry of Alsanyd was born out of the revolution in community, faction and street. This shows a direct link between the poet’s poetry and the period of Iraq's national awakening, an Era that the cry of freedom seekers gradually finds its way to become an anti-authoritarian and anti-regime turn out against the Saddam’s dictatorship. In this situation, the poet found a way to fighting against the regime, and published his revolutionary ideas using symbolism and minding the situation of his country.This study tries to review the usage of symbolic elements in the defiance poetry of Alsanyd under the following titles: 1. Natural-based symbols; 2. Zoological symbols; 3. Time symbols; 4. Major and minor locative symbols (man-made); 5. Tool symbols (hand-made); 6. Human-related physical and spiritual symbols; 7. Symbolic good characters; and 8. Symbolics of iconic bad characters, races, jobs, and labels. The paper futher presents the implications and semantic changes in symbols in the form of tables. The findings of this research show that the poet’s symbols often return to the tyranny and its consequences, and call for a national rebellion.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The literature of Al-Andalus and Mahjar literature are two literary schools, which have been founded outside the Arabian territory. The former has taken place during the 8th century up to the 15th century, and the latter is related to the end of the 19th century up to the beginning of the 20th century. These two schools have led to the emergence of evolutions in the domains of form and theme of the Arabic poetry. Although they have some common properties, e.g. using simple, familiar and metrical vocabulary and ignoring traditional Arabian poetic forms, there are some differences between them. For example, despite Al-Andalus poetry, there are philosophical tendencies and contemplating about the human soul and the reality of existence in Mahjar poetry, where as Al-Andalus poetry does not benefit this kind of perceptivity. It can be concluded that, albeit that Andalusians are precedent in this respect, the innovative aspects of Mahjar poetry, specifically northern Mahjar, are more profound and more influential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Abul 'Ala Al-Ma'arri, a famous Arabic Poet and Arab philosopher, is considered as one of the greatest figures of science and literature of the world, who could perpetuate his own thoughts via poetry and literature. He had a great personality, and different aspects of his personality, particularly his pessimism have influenced many intellectuals around the world from tast to West. Also many individuals have looked at the world through his view. Many people have followed his pessimistic way of living and thinking. Regarding the importance of one of the important parts of his personality, the present study investigates the psychological criticism of his pessimism. We try to find psychological factors through applying criteria and theories of psychology and studying his life and works. In this line, his depression as the main factor of his pessimism, is evaluated based on the received Holon and Jacobson's factors received from Beck's test, and is investigated based on Freud's view.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Holy Quran has been descended to guide the Jinn and mankind. One of the necessities of the guidance is comprehension of verses. There are undoubtedly numerous difficulties in front of the translators in translating the verses of Quran, because of different grammar, syntax and eloquence elegances and subtleties. One of these issues is observance of the category, Tazmin, applied much in Quran. Surely this term has several meneanings, which is intentioned on syntax Tazmin in this essay. Chief benefit of Tazmin is a word enunciation with the meaning of two words. This quest researches the exact meaning of Tazmin, problems concerning to it, and investigation of the most important contemporary translations and necessaries of its translations in the Holy Quran. Additionally, the essay regards the recognition of the most successful method of translation of syntax Tazmin.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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