Recently, skilled and specialist manpower is one of the most important parameters in economic and cultural development of countries and the role of human capital at the rate of economic growth and development in a country is higher than euer before. Therefore, one of the most essential ways for achieving social-economic development is investment in higher education. With respect to the vital role of higher education in training of manpower in Iran, likein under developing countries, qualitative and quantitative development of higher education is considered as an unavoidable principle. The main goal of this research is to study the trend development of quantitative private higher education institutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran and compare it with governmental higher education institutions. The present study is an applied one and the research method is survey-descriptive. Statically, population consists of all private and governmental higher education institutions (non-governmental universities, Islamic Azad University) in the Islamic Republic of Iran and to make an in-depth examination and thorough census was conducted. On the other hand, evidence shows that during the two last decades, governmental facilities and budgets could not respond to it. Thus, establishment, development and tooling of private and non-governmental universities and institutes, that the great part of it is Islamic Azad university, attracted considerable attention and growth. Hence Islamic Azad university students outnumber others (Bazargan, 2000). With respect to the sensitive role of this section, careful knowledge about its potentials and as well as planning for the future, is very crucial. Thus, in this research, primarily, the backgrounds of establishment and trend of private higher education development in some countries was discussed and then with the presentation of a short history of private higher education in Islamic Republic of Iran, we investigated the trend of growth in Iranian private and governmental higher education institutes.