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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The present research investigated the effects of positive and negative mood states on cardiovascular responses and the moderating role of extraversion and neuroticism in this regard. Method: 654 university female students completed the Persian version of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire- Revised (EPQ-R). On the basis of extreme scores in extraversion and neuroticism dimensions from the main sample, 4 groups (each with 30 samples) selected. All groups experienced positive and negative induced mood in two separate sessions with 2 to 4 weeks interval. The blood pressure and heart rate assessed before and after mood induction.Results: In all subjects, the rate of systolic blood pressure decreased more in positive mood condition than in negative mood condition and the heart rate increased in negative mood condition as compared with positive mood condition. Although the effect of mood variability on the rate of systolic blood pressure and heart rate is considerable, the extraversion and neuroticism dimensions did not moderate this effect. Conclusion: In sum, the findings of present research revealed that the role of induced mood states is important in relation to physical health.

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Introduction: This project studied the direct and indirect impact of social self-efficacy on loneliness of adolescents.Method: In this descriptive and cross-sectional study the selected samples were 946 students (471 girls and 475 boys) of high schools from north, east, west and central regions of Tehran. Participants completed children self efficacy questionnaire, social avoidance scale, Peer rejection questionnaire and child social support questionnaire. Data analyzed by SPSS AMOS software. Results: Direct impact of social self-efficacy on loneliness was significance and indirect impact of social self-efficacy on loneliness was significant by social anxiety and social support. Conclusion: Social anxiety and social support affect the social self-efficacy on loneliness directly and indirectly. So, in prevention of damage of loneliness in adolescents, social self-efficacy and its dependent variables are important.

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Introduction: This research was to study the relationship between learning strategies (cognition and metacognition) and attribution styles (internal and external).Method: In this correlation study, Karami learning strategies test and Seligman attribution style questionnaire performed on 384 high school students in Shirvan. SPSS 11.5 software, t-test, one-way ANOVA and qui-square used to analyze hypothesis. Variables related to the dimensions of attribution studied in two internal and external situations.Results: Girls used cognition and metacognition learning strategies more than boys. Moreover, students with internal attribution style use metacognition learning strategies significantly more in comparison with the students with external attribution style.Conclusion: Girls use learning strategies more than boys. It is probable that internal attributions and metacognition strategies increase the educational and self-efficacy achievement, deep learning and self-esteem of students.

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Introduction: This study was to compare attribution styles and converging-diverging learning styles in depressed and non-depressed students.Method: It is a casual comparative study through which 170 university students selected by convenience sampling. The participants evaluated by Kolb's learning style inventory (LSI) and attribution style questionnaire (ASQ) for both positive and negative events. Using Beck's depressed inventory (BDI), the participants divided into two groups of depressed (n=45) and nondepressed (n=125). The collected data analyzed by Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U.Results: Depressed students, in comparison to nondepressed students, used less internal and stable attribution styles in positive events and there was no significant difference between the two groups in using global-specific attribution styles in positive events. However, depressed students, compared to non-depressed students, used more internal attribution style in negative events and there was no significant difference between groups in other aspects of attribution styles. Moreover, no significant difference found between the two groups in using diverging-converging learning styles. Also, in negative events, those who had converging learning style didn't use more pessimistic attribution styles in comparison with those who had diverging learning style. Conclusion: With a better understanding of both attribution and learning styles of students as two important cognitive variables, we can take a step toward recognizing cognitive vulnerability of mood disorder.

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Introduction: The present research compared two personality characteristics of BAS/BIS activity and perfectionism in coronary heart disease (CHD) and normal male subjects.Method: 50 married male by mean age of 53 with CHD diagnosis from Modarres hospital compared with 50 healthy male (with the same including criteria) according to the Carver & White's BIS/BAS and multidimensional perfectionism scales.Results: In men with CHD the activity of BAS were higher than healthy men. Also, in subjects with CHD self-oriented perfectionism and other-oriented perfectionism were higher than healthy men. There were significant differences between correlations of BAS's subscales and dimensions of perfectionism in CHD and healthy subjects.Conclusion: Activity of BAS system and dimensions of perfectionism are good components of type A behavioral pattern for psychological analysis of CHD.

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Introduction: The goal of this study was to investigate reliability, validity (construct and convergent) and gender differences of PGIS in Iranian university students.Method: 205 students of Tehran University (88 boys and 117 girls) participated in this study. All students asked to complete PGIS, positive affect, negative affect, life satisfaction and psychological and social well-being. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, independent samples t and correlation analysis with Bonferroni correction performed to analyze data. Results: Internal consistency of the scale was 0.87 showing that this scale had acceptable internal consistency. Results of exploratory factor analysis showed that this scale has a one-dimensional factor structure in the used sample. Results of confirmatory factor analysis confirmed this finding. Correlations between this scale and convergent validity scales were significant and in the expected direction.Conclusion: PGIS has a one-factor structure and good reliability and validity with Iranian university students.

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View 1229

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Introduction: The objective of this study was to validate the Iranian version of students' evaluations of educational quality questionnaire (PSEEQ) and to initially tested Marsh model in the context of Iranian students.Method: A total of 339 Iranian students of Semnan University participated in the study. Participants completed an Iranian version of PSEEQ and to be collected the scores of their final exam. To assess the psychometric properties of PSEEQ, exploratory factor analysis, item-total correlation and reliability analysis were undertaken. Confirmatory factor analysis used to provide further validation for the questionnaire. Results: Exploratory factor analyses showed a six-factor model of the Iranian version of PSEEQ. The fit of the proposed models examined. The internal consistency of PSEEQ (31 items) was high (Cronbach's _=0.936). PSEEQ correlated with the scores of final exam (r=0.50). Conclusion: The results of confirmatory factor analysis do not support the nine-factor framework of the SEEQ with Iranian students on the basis of Marsh model, but it supports that educational quality is a multidimensional construct, as Marsh stated. Taken together, the data suggest that PSEEQ should be interpreted with caution when used to assess educational quality of instructors.

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View 969

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Introduction: The aim of present research was to investigate the impact of general family function on identity status in girl high school students. Method: 140 girl students from high schools of Isfahan city selected by available sampling method. Used research tools were family structure questionnaire and Benion & Adams identity status questionnaire. Achieved data analyzed by descriptive and deductive approach in deductive level and factor analysis and multivariate variance analysis test used.Results: There was a significant relation between general family function and diffuse identity, moratorium identity and foreclosure identity, but there was not any significant relation between general family function and achieved identity.Conclusion: Achievement of identity is a subject that not only affected by the general family function but also by other factors such as culture and separation-individuation process. On the other hand, it must be regarded that child effects on parent behaviors and relation between parents and adolescence is bidirectional in the field of behavior disorders and identification.

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Introduction: This study surveyed the effect of teaching social-emotional skills on teachers to develop their socialemotional skills.Method: This research is a kind of experimental design in which 68 elementary teachers (grades 4 and 5) with at least 10 years of teaching experience and bachelor degree randomly assigned into control (18 females, 16 males) and experimental (20 females, 14 males) groups. The Bar-On social-emotional scale (already informed by Samooei) used collecting data. This questionnaire has 90 items in 5 domains (interpersonal, intrapersonal, adjustment, general mood and stress management). Social-emotional skills in the field of interpersonal and intrapersonal skill taught in 10 two-hour sessions to experimental group participants. Results: Experimental group performance in socialemotional skills and its components were higher than the control group and their difference was significant. There was no significant decrease in social-emotional skills and its components after 4 months.Conclusion: To be most effective, emotional literacy content and processes should be applied consistently across the curriculum in all grade levels. Earlier steps to operate social-emotional program are to involve teachers with these skills and to promote their social-emotional abilities.

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Introduction: Current study conducted to identify personality characteristics and negative events as prediction factors of suicide attempting.Method: This descriptive-correlating study performed on totally 148 people included 74 male and female suicide attempters and 74 male and female non-attempters that matched with attempters. Used Instruments for collecting data were Millon Multi-axial personality inventory-II (MCMI-II) and researcher-made negative life events checklist.Results: Maladjustment personality patterns such as borderline, antisocial, narcistic, passive-aggressive, anxiety and depressive disorders were more prevalent among suicide attempters than non-attempters. Also, suicide attempters experienced negative events more than nonattempters. Conclusion: Among psychological disorders, anxious, narcistic and antisocial and among negative life events, sever conflict with family and blame experience have the highest power to predict suicide attempt.

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Introduction: Anxiety is a common phenomenon after all surgical operation. Complementary methods as foot reflexology massage and Bensone relaxation cause comfort, tranquility, correction of physical function disorder, change of physiological responses and decrease of fear with signs of disease. Researchers purposed to study the effect of foot reflexology massage and relaxation on decrease of anxiety. Method: This study was a quasi-experimental three group clinical trial. Community search was women with abdominal surgical operations. Method of sampling was convenience non probable. Samples placed in three groups of foot reflexology massage and relaxation as test and a witness group. Spielberger scale used to measure the anxiety and data analyzed by descriptive and analytic statistics.Results: After using foot reflexology massage and Bensone relaxation, anxiety decreased significantly between mean of foot reflexology massage and witness groups; and between relaxation and witness groups (p<0.05). Comparing the mean of anxiety did not show a significant difference after foot reflexology massage and relaxation (P>0.05).Conclusion: Foot reflexology massage and relaxation are effective on decreasing the anxiety after women abdominal surgical operation and so recommended to use as complementary methods for decreasing anxiety.

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Introduction: In attention to the role of relationship between child and parents in child development, this research was to study internalizing symptoms (anxiety depression, depression-withdrawal and somatic complaints) in children regarding to parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian and permissive) and determine the role of these variables in prediction of children problems.Method: For this purpose, 271 mothers of 7-9 year old boys educating at first to third grade of 4 primary schools of 6th region of Tehran randomly selected by cluster sampling and completed the parenting styles questionnaire of Baumrind and Ashenbakh system of empirically based assessment. Data analyzed by pearson correlation co-efficiency and regression analysis. Results: Authoritative style had negative significant relationship with all the internalizing symptoms and authoritarian style had positive significant relationship with all the internalizing symptoms. The result of regression analysis showed that authoritative style is a negative significant predictor and authoritarian is a positive significant predictor of all internalizing symptoms.Conclusion: Result of the research was concordant with the past studies in this field. In total, it seems that control along with intimacy is the most important factor in prevention of internalizing symptoms. 

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