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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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With increasing fierce competition in recent years, many organizations pay attention to outside sources, especially customer knowledge, in order to achieve new source of competitive advantage. The main purpose of our paper is to shed light on the consequences of customer knowledge flows on various dimensions of innovation and organization performance. Investigating 280 employees of private banks in Guilan, and analyzing the data by LISREL, we found out that knowledge from customers, as an important source of new ideas and competitive advantage, has a positive impact on innovation speed and quality and also operational and financial performance. Also, our results demonstrate a different effect of knowledge about customer and knowledge for customer on various dimensions of innovation and firm performance. Our conclusions may help banks in formulating appropriate strategy in order to achieve higher innovation capability and superior performance by utilizing customer knowledge flows effectively.

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Most of people are familiar with returning home with products they never intended to buy. Impulsive buying is a specific and broad aspect of consumer lifestyle in different communities. For this reason, Impulsive buying has been subject of study for many researchers. The subject of individual differences in impulse buying, which is a relatively new approach, has created a new enthusiasm in this area. The present study aimed to investigate the impact of individual characteristics on impulsive buying using questionnaire and scenario as the data collection tools. Allameh Tabatabai university students make up the members of population. The sampling method is stratified sampling. The sample size is 376. Structural equation modeling with SMARTPLS software used as the statistical technique. The results show that the personality variables -conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism- affect the general impulsive buying tendency, the general impulsive buying tendency and the product involvement affect clothing impulsive buying tendency and the clothing impulsive buying tendency affects clothing impulsive buying decision.

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Although selection of marketing strategy could be considered the most important action with regard to forming and maintaining an optimum customer mix to gain sustainable profitability for the organization, some businesses have neither true understanding of their own customer mix nor the profitability associated with them. Commercial banks are one of those businesses that have millions of customers and have made huge investments in human resources and infrastructure in order to serve them, but their business management activities are poorly customer oriented. This research is trying to benefit from grounded theory approach to provide a better understanding of the situation in which sales and marketing managers in Bank Mellat select marketing strategies. Through analyzing of data we came up with 400 initial codes which in return led to 65 concepts, 17 initial categories and ultimately 5 final categories which enabled us to explain Bank Mellat marketing selections based on their understanding of customer equity.

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Considering the change in structure and regulations governing banks during last two decades, rivalry among banks have been rapidly increased, and quality of services has been recognized as an important indicator of organization, banks and financial institutions performance. Meanwhile several financial institutions have tried to design a system to improve quality of their performance in long run and most of the banks are formulating or implementing a comprehensive strategy in financial corporation level. A comprehensive and global system based on stockholder's performance and market risk. In interviews with 14 experts in Iran banking industry and universal banking field we have compared the dimensions of banking business model in Iran and universal banking. Thematic analysis shows that banking model in Iran and universal banking are different in nine dimensions of their respective business models.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, strategic planning was very important for every company, many companies realize the importance of strategic planning. Holding companies have considered this issue. Strategic planning in holding Multibusinessess Company differs from other single companies based on complexities. Holding companies are faced with two important strategic decisions: 1) what areas and how investments should be done? 2) How management and control the subsidiary businesses. Holding companies in light of strategic decisions, faced with risks that are necessary to consider. This paper uses Multigrounded theory that is combination of grounded theory and Methasynthesis, to identify those risks. We select 50 articles among 400 articles for Methasynthesis and conducted 14 structured interviews for grounded theory. Finally concepts and categories are derived which include managerial, structural, financial, operational, and behavioral risks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Companies for survival and the presence of strong and innovative strategies are needed in the global market, thus to achieve profitable growth opportunities and create new blue ocean. Blue ocean Created of red ocean weakness (focusing too much on competition and lack of attention to the creation of a new market without competition) comes. While the Blue Ocean Strategy to industries that do not exist today and in the future are created. Blue ocean market space not capture growth opportunities and profitability are very high definition. In the present study to explain the model to identify important aspects have been addressed in the implementation of Blue Ocean Strategy. The main aspects of the book Blue Ocean Strategy Kim and Maborn model, derived model barriers blue ocean strategy. The main aspects of this model include cognitive, sharing resources, and political motivation. In the present study to determine the importance of each of the dimensions, in terms of strategy experts and academics as well as non-linear modeling fuzzy. The results of mathematical modeling suggests that cognitive dimension is in the first place.

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Product quality depends on the compatibility of the product design with the perceived quality of the product by the customer. Design a product that fits the customer's needs increase quality of products. Intense competition in the global market on the one hand and on the other hand increasing complexity in product design has caused activities related to the design and selection of product designs become more and more specialized knowledge. The main objective of this research is selecting the product design in the long-term and uncertainty. To fulfill the objective of this research, using the concepts of rough set theory to identify customer behavior patterns and then proposed options for the product according to the dominant behavioral patterns using a D-AHP assessment and prioritization are.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ambidexterity is one of the strategies used by dynamic businesses to give a suitable response to the current high competitive business environment. It can be investigated in different dimensions such as market orientation and innovation as the two necessary key success factors in a firm. The strategy of using both exploration and exploitation dimensions simultaneously in market orientation and innovation is an area that has not been investigated systematically. The purpose of this survey is to test the indicators which can measure market orientation ambidexterity and innovation ambidexterity. We distributed questionnaires among 186 managers in addition to the marketing experts of food firms, of which 138 questionnaires were collected and analyzed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. We propose a model based on the results to measure ambidexterity of orientation and innovation strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Recognition of the common attitudes of consumers in the field of consumer behavior is a strategic capability. Therefore, consumer direct experience is the first effective factor on the formation of people' s attitudes towards the products and services.The purpose of the present study is to explore the effect of experiential marketing, destination image and corporate image on satisfaction in four-star and five-star hotels Parsian Tehran. Structural equation modeling was employed to explore experiential marketing in the hotels. The research sample included 530 customers of four-star and five-star hotels Parsian in Tehran province. Sampling was conducted via two-phase stratified sampling method. The obtained results disclosed that customers' perceptions of experiential marketing, destination image and corporate image have a direct effect on satisfaction. Moreover, the proposed conceptual model to develop effectiveness models of experiential marketing, destination image and corporate image were confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 930

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Their challenge finding skilled workforce led to the competition to attract talented employees. This study examined the impact of employer branding on intention of talents to apply for a job. The Statistical population was engineering students in final semester in three top universities (Tehran University, Sharif University of Technology, and Amirkabir University of Technology). Data was collected by questionnaire from 267 students through the Stratified sampling in 2015. The results indicate that employer brand attractiveness had direct positive effect (0.175) and indirect positive effect (0.229) by corporate reputation on intention of talents to apply for a job. Also, from the perspective of students, value in innovation, development, social, application and economic had the greatest gaps in employer branding for subordinate companies of Oil Ministry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research aimed to investigate the effect of brand vision and positioning on brand equity with regard to moderating role of product performance and using descriptive survey research. The population of research was marketing experts of superior brands in Iran’s food industry, which chosen 148 sample of those population using stratified sampling method. Data collection tool was a questionnaire that confirmed its validity and reliability by content validity and crovbach’s alpha method. To review and hypothesis testing structural equation modeling were used. Results suggest that brand vision has positive and significant impact on positioning, product performance and brand equity. Product performance also plays a positive moderating role in brad vision and positioning on brand equity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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