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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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بسیاری از همکاران دانشگاهی با این سوال دانشجویانی که در مرحله انتخاب موضوع پایان - نامه قرار دارند، مواجه می شوند که چه موضوعی را برای انجام تحقیق خود انتخاب کنند ؟ انتخاب موضوع تحقیق برای دانشجویان مسئله کلیدی است که در سرنوشت شغلی یا ادام ه تحصیل آنها نیز نقش بسزایی دارد. ...

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The present research is conducted to investigate the relationship between sales culture and customers’ perceived value and customers’performance. The present research is operational in nature and regarding data collection procedure is considered as descriptive - correlative survey study.Research population of this research includes all the employees and customers of banks in Pledokhtar city. The number of employee participants is 141 and there is no limit for the number of customers. All the employees were selected as case study and also 384 cases of customers were selected based on random category sampling using Cochrane formula. The data were collected using questionnaire whose face and content validity were confirmed by the experts and convergence validity was approved using statistical analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed through construct validity using confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient index. The data were analyzed using Lisrel and SPSS software. The findings of the present research indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between sales culture and customers’ perceived value and performance. In addition, there is a positive and significant relationship between all 6 dimensions of sales culture and customers’ perceived value and performance.

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The strategic alliance is an effective model to improve the competitive capability of firms and business, especially in the developing economies. However, the institutional environment of developing economies hinders the formation of such strategic alliances. The current research aims to investigate the institutional parameters in the formation of strategic alliances from the regulatory, normative and cognitive attributes. Data were gathered from a sample of 270 chief executive officers, deputy managers and consultants of industrial equipment and manufacturing contractors through a simple randomized sampling method, and the role of legal procedures, educational system and trust in the formation of strategic alliance in industrial projects were evaluated using regression analysis. The findings provided a macro-image of the effect of the institutional environment on alliance formation and showed that the legal procedures and the educational system have a significant relationship with alliance formation of the contractors. In addition, the more the technological uncertainty of projects, trust will have a more effective role in the alliance formation.

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The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between organizational culture and marketing capabilities and performance of companies mediated by extroverted strategic orientations. The statistical population of the research is the top managers of small and medium sized businesses involved in the food industry of the country during the first nine months of the year 2016. The research is descriptive correlative in nature. Of all the members of the community, 368 individuals were selected using multi-stage cluster sampling. Data collection instrument was a questionnaire and the data were analyzed based on structural equation modeling technique using SPSS and PLS software. The findings of the research showed that transformational organizational culture has a significant effect on extroverted strategic orientations (market orientation and technology orientation).Moreover, the evidence could confirm the positive role of the mediating market orientation and disapprove the mediation role of technology orientation in the relationship between organizational culture and marketing capabilities. Finally, the findings indicated the impact of transformational organizational culture on the development of marketing capabilities and the direct and significant relationship between marketing capabilities and the performance of active businesses in the food industry of the country.

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The aim of this study was to design an advertising model through social media in order to influence the customers’ willingness to use Parsian banking services. For this purpose, the data were collected using grounded theory and interviews. Snowball sampling strategy was elected and with the researchers conducted interviews with 18 experts. As this was a new research field, the researchers collected data through semi-structured interviews within an open process. To analyze the data, three-step systematic coding (open, axial and selective coding) was used. The categories were classified into 6 classes and formed the different components of the model. The first component of this model was marketing leadership selected as the casual condition, and this causal condition was the underlying force for the next factor, namely the lack of customer. The next factor includes E-banking capabilities, customer-oriented and virtual advertising defined as research strategies. Other components include intervening conditions such as technical factors and advertising methods (relationship quality as context factor). The last component includes loyalty factors such as customer trust and performance, cooperative and competitive advantage which are the consequence of the implementation of this model.

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The study seeks to identify how Iranian consumers (Isfahan as the case study) perceive archetypes. Drawing on the Theory of Shape Symbolism, the study also addresses geometric shapes as potential elements in conveying archetypal meaning to the brands. Findings from several preliminary studies and seventy-seven semi-structured in-depth interviews in the main study revealed that, in spite of some similarities, Isfahan citizens are somewhat different in their perception of archetypes compared to western consumers. Moreover, the most and the least fitting shape (s) with each archetype were identified. Respondents’ archetypal associations with shapes are based on both intrinsic meaning stemming from shape’s attributes such as symmetry, angularity and number of sides, and referential meaning of shapes.In contrast to the existing literature on geometric shapes, angularity is not the only shape characteristic to affect archetypal associations and is not proved influential in all archetypal perceptions. The results of the present study are invaluable in brand meaning management in general, and for branding and advertising in particular.

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This research aims at identifying a model for successful branding in the Ceramic and Tile industry. According to the systematic approach in the grounded theory methodology, famous experts in ceramic and tile industry and the famous firms in the industry were selected. Experienced experts in the Ceramic and Tile industry were selected using snowball sampling methodology. The data were gathered using depth-interviewing tool with 12 experts in three stages which finally led to theoretical adequacy. At the end, we identified a successful branding model in the Ceramic and Tile industry.The results showed that the effective role of the power of bargaining brokers in the relationship between producers and the consumers. It was also found that it is necessary to pay attention to national branding in the form of strong holdings in order to expand foreign markets.

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This study aimed to identify and classify the features of fast food restaurants. In addition, it was conducted to segment customers based on each of the identified categories. Statistical population consists of all the customers of fast food restaurants in Shiraz city among which 384 individuals were selected based upon their availability. The face and content validity of the questionnaire (the data collection instrument in this study) were approved and its reliability is confirmed using Cronbach's alpha (91%) and split half (85%) methods. The findings showed that 31 final features of fast food restaurants can be divided into 9 categories using factor analysis.The most important factor (we labeled it health and hygiene) includes some features such as sanitation of the employees in the restaurant, clean environment, courtesy and respect of the fast food staff, the safety of fast food products and the taste of fast food products.

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Increasing growth of social commerce has led to an extended use of this new technology to become more successfully. That is because it’s providing a good opportunity for marketing and business transactions through web 0.2-based technologies. Despite its importance, necessary change management has not been considered in order to implement it; hence, the aim of this study is to design a change management framework to exploit social commerce with an emphasis on its organizational change capacity. The present research is operational in nature and regarding data collection procedure is considered as descriptive survey. Statistical population of the study includes experts in the fields of social commerce, social media and change management among whom 34 have been selected using judgmental sampling. After the dimensions and indicators were identified and verified using a Binomial test, Network Analysis (ANP) method was used for item prioritization. The proposed research framework is presented in the forms of five dimensions and twenty-four indicators. To name the dimensions in order of preference: technological conditions, competitive factors, resources conditions (financial/time), environmental support and organizational change conditions which have been considered as the main dimensions of the research framework. The respective indicators were listed based on their importance as well. This research is innovative in terms of the subject and extracting a thorough list of factors and priorities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, successful brands in the global markets have to display distinctive (brand) images in order to maintain their competitive advantage.The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between the brand equity and brand image of Samand Automobile considering the mediating role of social capital. The statistical population of this study consists of Samand Automobile buyers in district 5 in Tehran. The data were collected through questionnaires and library studies. In this research, 420 questionnaires were distributed through the availability sampling method among the visitors to Iran Khodro dealerships and car exhibitions, and 385 questionnaires were returned. In order to test the hypothesis of the research, the structural equation model and, specifically, the path analysis techniques have been used. For this purpose, the statistical software SPSS (version, 17) and Smart PLS have been used. The results indicated that brand equity has a significant effect on social capital and brand image, and also social capital has a significant impact on brand image.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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