The aim of this study was to identify the recurring themes and to evaluate methodological components of 204 marketing theses (1384-1389) in four selected universities including: Shahid Beheshti University (SBU), Tehran University (TU), Allameh Tabatabai University (ATU) and Tarbiat Modares University (TMU). Content analysis showed that the most favored subjects in marketing theses are consumer behavior (54 cases), product mix (35 cases), electronic commerce (26 cases), promotion mix (15 cases) and customer relationship management (11 cases). Simple correspondence analysis revealed the meaningful proximities between SBU with retailing (B2C) and traditional marketing, ATU with electronic and service marketing, and TMU with product marketing. TU was not found to be linked with any marketing subjects. Meta method study of the marketing theses indicated the high dominance of such components: Survey, Questionnaire, probability sampling, content validity, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, sample size £300, t-test, conclusive design, replication and extension of current models and single cross section for data gathering.