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View 1433

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Plants as bioreactors are able to produce substances including proteins. In order to produce a protein, the corresponding gen is introduced into plant cells by two systems: stable genetic transformation and the use of viral vectors. Tobacco, alfalfa and hevea have been used for this purpose. Peptides such as leu-enkephalin, blood proteins such as albumin, hormones and cytokines such as interferons, immunogens such as Hepatitis B surface antigen, antibodies such as secretary IgA and enzymes such as glucanase, xylanase, phytase and amylase have been produced by this method.

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Background: Thymus vulgaris L. belongs to Lamiaceae family that has 14 aromatic and perennial species, Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus L.) belongs to Asteraceae family, this genus has 34 annual and perennial species. These two species aren’t self growing in Iran but are cultivated. Widely use of two species (Thyme, Tarragon) essential oils in different industries indicate that, plant water content affects on yield and constituens of essential oil. Objective: To find out the essential oil quality and quantity in dry and fresh aerial parts of Thyme and Tarragon herbs. Method: The aerial parts of Thyme and Tarragon are collected in dry and fresh from. The essential oils extracted with Clevenger set by hydrodistillation method. The yield and constituens of essential oils were determined by GC/mass. Results: No variation between yield and constituents of essential oil of Tarragon was observed in fresh and dried herb at 35°C. The essential oil yield and constituents of dried Thyme at 35°C obviously decreased as compared to fresh herb. Conclusion: The yield and constituents of essential oil of tarragon herb are same in fresh and dried form but yield of constituents and essential oil in aerial part of thyme decreased in dried form.  

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View 2053

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Background: Compounds with anti-oxidant properties cause reduction of lipid peroxidation, LDL and increment of HDL serumic level. Catechins are the major component of the green tea and have strong anti-oxidant properties. One of these catechins is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Selenium is the cofactor of glutathione peroxidase enzyme and has anti-oxidant properties. Objective: The purpose of this investigation was the comparison of EGCG and SiO2 on rats serumic lipid level. Methods: In this investigation 20 Wistar rats were selected and were fed a diet high fat for 4 weeks. Then blood samples from rats were prepared and serumic level of triglyceride, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were measured by kits. 15 rats of these were selected and were randomly divided to three experimental groups consisting of 5 animals each. All groups were fed with the same high fat diet. One group were control, another group was injected with EGCG and the other group was injected with SiO2. Blood samples from rats were prepared again and sermic level of triglyceride, cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol were measured. Results: EGCG has stronger reductive effects on serumic cholesterol than SiO2 and it is EGCG was decreased serumic level of HDL-cholesterol more than SiO2. Also EGCG was decreased serumic level of cholesterol and triglyceride more than SiO2.

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View 1115

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Background: Achillea millefolium L. is a traditional herbal medicine used widely as a spasmolytic, anti- cancer, anti – inflammatory and carminative. This paper focuses on the analysis of the chemical composition of essential oil from the upper parts of plant and calli of Achillea millefolium L. Method: Growing the calli of Achillea millefolium L. and production its secondary metabolites studied and compared with those in the whole plant. Achillea seeds were first surface sterilized by shaking in 3% (W/V) aqueous hydrogen peroxide, then by shaking in 5% Na hypochlorite and 80% aqueous - ethanol solution, then under aseptic condition, strile petrydishes containing autoclaved agar (0.8%) and kept in the dark at a temprature of 25-27 oC. Seedlings were developed in two weeks. Then they were transferred to strile Murashing and Skoog (MS) culture media which were containing 2,4-D (3mg/l), IAA (5mg/l) and K (0.2mg/l) as plant grow regulators. The amorph masses (calli) were produced and subcultured every 40-45 days. Results: The result obtained from GC/MS of essential oil of plant indicated that the major compounds of the essential oil are alpha – Pinene, beta – Pinene and Caryophyllene oxide. Conclusion: In contrast, calli lacked essential oil, this was indicated upon GC of its dichlorometanic extract. However phytochemical tests indicated that some tannins were produced by calli.

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View 1441

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Background: Sumac (Rhus coriaria L. epicarp) is an Iranian traditional spice which is widely used in the country. Following the recent efforts to look for healthy herbal remedies with antimicrobial potential, the effect of total extract of sumac was investigated on some clinical isolates of skin bacteria. Materials and methods: Hydroalcholic extract of Sumac prepared from Tehran botanicals drug market was extracted by maceration method using 80% ethanol. The antimicrobial activity of the extract was studied and compared with the commercial antibiotic of Gentamycin as positive control. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) and minimum bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) of the extract were determined against the skin bacteria of Corynebacterium xerosis and Staphylococcus epidermidis. The skin bacteria used included ten axilla isolates of C. xerosis, seven skin isolates of S. epidermidis and also a standard strain of S. epidermidis ATCC 12229. Results: The results obtained in this study indicate considerable antimicrobial effect of Sumac on skin bacteria. Sumac showed bactericidal effect on all of the tested strains. The MIC obtained against most of the microorganisms was 1.56 mg/ml. Discussion: The antimicrobial effect of Sumac on skin bacteria looks promising. Further studies should be conducted on identification and purification of the potential antimicrobial compound of Sumac which could be used in the antiseptic products.

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View 1463

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Background: Plant phenolic compounds such as flavonoids have important role in treatment of many diseases. Also some of them have potent hepatoprotective effects. Objective: In this study, we have investigated the protective effects of polyphenolic extracts of Silybum marianum and Chichorium intybus on thioacethamide-induced hepatotoxicity in rat. Methods: Extracts were injected to rats, at a dose of 25 mg/kg body weight together with thioacetamide at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. For investigation of the hepatoprotective effect of extracts against thioacetamide, activity of aminotransferases (SGOT and SGPT), alkalin phosphatase, bilyrubin, Na+ and K+ were measured. Results: significant decreases were observed in activities of aminotransferases, alkalin phosphatase and bilyrubin in groups that treated with extracts together with thioacetamide in comparation with thioacetamide treated group. Level of Na+,K+ and liver weight betwen different groups had not significant different. Conclusions: This results showed protective effect of chichorium extracts on thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxicity in rat.

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View 1719

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Background: Many reports have shown the various pharmacolosical effects for grape (Vitis vinifera) seed extract; for instance: antioxidant, hypotensive and hypolipidemic and vasodilatory effects. We have recently shown the relaxatory effect of grape leaf extract on rat ileum, uterus, aorta and reducing the rate and contractility in frog isolated heart. Objective: The aim of present study was to investigate the effect of Vitis vinifera leaf hydroalcoholic extract (VLHE) on isolated rat tracheal contractions induced by KCl and acetylcholine. Method: The trachea was removed from male adult Sprague Dalwey rat and placed in an organ bath containing Krebs-Henseleit solution. The tracheal contractions were recorded isometrically under 1.5g initial tension. Results: The results demonstrate that the VLHE at 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg/ml reduces the tracheal contractions induced by KCl (60 mM) significantly and dose-dependently (P<0.0001). Acetylchline (55 μM)- induced tracheal contractions were also attenuated by the same extract doses significantly (P<0.0001). The VHLE-induced relaxation in the KCl-induced contraction in trachea was not affected niether by nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME, 100 μM) or beta-adrenoceptor antagonist (propranolol 1 μM) and by moscarinic receptors antagonist (atropine 30 μM). Conclusion: These results suggest that the relaxant effect of VHLE on rat trachea is evoked via voltage dependent calcium channel blockage and beta-adrenoceptors, NO and cholinergic receptors are not involved in this relaxant effect of VHLE  

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View 882

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Background: Juniperus excelsa is one of widespread species of the genus Juniperus (Cupressaceae) in Iran, which distributed in all over the country. Objective: The purposes of this study were to determine 1) the volatile oil composition variation of J. excelsa throughout the year and 2) from economically point of view, the best part (leaf or cone) and season for collection and oil extraction. Method: The volatile constituents of the leaf and cone (berry) of Juniperus excelsa, isolated by steam distillation, were analyzed by GC-MS. Leaf and berry (cone) samples of juniper were collected in spring, summer and autumn from trees growing wild in Iran. Results: Results indicated that the total oil was consisted of almost 25 constituents. Seasonal variation of total oil in cone in contrast with leaf was considerable, so that it increased more than 1.5 time from spring to autumn. Essential oil analysis of the leaves and cones indicated that, α-pinene as the most important constituent of leaf oil was decreased in summer (about 70% in spring, but about 20% in summer), however it was increased in cone oil (about 6% in spring, but about 76% in summer). Conclusion: Total oil in cone but not leaf was increased from spring to autumn. In summer α-pinene the achve constituent of essential oil it was decreased in leaf oil but increased in cone oil.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1157

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Background: Currently, traditional medicine has received much attention. Accumulating evidence in Iranian folk medicine shows Parkinsonia aculeate are used as a folk remedy in scorpion envenomation. Objective: Based on this and search for an alternative treatment in scorpion sting, the pharmacologic and immunologic effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Parkinsonia aculeate leaves were studied in scorpion sting through in vivo and in vitro methods. Results: Obtained results from in vitro pharmacological study using chick biventer cerivicies (CBC) preparation, show that hydroalcoholic extract of plant has a partial agonistic properties on cholinergic receptors and act as competitive antagonist in presence of exogenous acetylcholine. Furthermore, the pharmacologic results revealed extract has not significant effects on neutralization of neuro-muscular transmission outwards due to Buthotus saulcyi scorpion venom effects. These results were confirmed by in vivo study which plant extract has not significant consequences to delay death time mean of one LD50 scorpion venom vein injection or block death of mice. As well, Gel diffusion study shows no immunologic reaction between plant extract and 4 known hazardous scorpion species of Iran. Conclusions: As a consequence, this study indicates that the use of Parkinsonia aculeate not to be considered as protective antidote or a true remedy for clinical outwards following scorpion bites.   

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