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Salinity, as an abiotic stress, causes significant losses in horticultural production. Future of grape production, as one of the most important economical horticultural fruits, depends on breeding programs and using salt tolerant rootstocks. The aim of this study was to investigate the salinity tolerance and the distribution of ions associated with salinity in six genotypes and Varieties of grapes (Vitis vinifera L. ), namely ‘ Shahrudi’ , ‘ Fakhri Sefid’ , ‘ Sabz Angur’ , ‘ Divaneh Kashmar’ , SH068 and GT01. The factorial experiment based on Completely Randomized design was carried out with two factors of variety and salinity in three replications. Plants were treated with different salinity levels of less than 2 (1. 8-1. 9), 4 and 6 dS/m for 40 days. Results showed that increasing the amount of sodium chloride in all genotypes, increased sodium and chloride levels in various organs and Potassium in shoot, while it decreased Potassium concentration in roots, significantly (P<0. 05). GT01 presented the lowest concentration of chloride (0. 87% and 1. 84% of leaf and shoot dry weight, respectively). Overall, it seems that the GT01 and ‘ Shahrudi’ had possess the highest and lowest ability in reducing the toxic effects of chloride, respectively. Results of this study confirmed differences between V. vinifera genotypes in response to salt stress.

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The Achillea genus has 19 herbaceous aromatic species in Iran, six of them are endemic. One of the native species of this genus is Achillea nobilis. In traditional medicine, different parts of Achillea species are used because of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and antioxidant properties. In this research, the seeds of Achillea nobilis were collected from different provinces of Iran and cultivated in the field of Alborz Research Station, Karaj, Iran. In order to compare the essential oil content and composition, flowering shoots were collected in full flowering stage. The plant materials were dried at shade and their essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. The oils were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Results showed that the oil yields varied from 0. 33% to 1. 44%. Semnan sample was produced the minimum amount of oil yield whereas Kordistan population had maximum oil yild. Cluster analysis divided all accessions into two clusters. The main compound in the oils of first cluster was artmisia ktone. The highest amount of Artemisia ketone (85. 5%) was found in the oil of Sanandaj population. In the oil of Ghorghan-2, 84. 5%, Maraveh Taph 81. 6%, Zanjan-1 81. 3%, Golestan-2, 80. 2% and Golestan-3, 80. 1% of Artemisia ketone were identified. In the oils of cluster 2, the percentage of Artemisia ketone was very low. The accessions contained alpha-thujone, beta-thujone and 1, 8-cineole in their oils. Hamedan-2 population was a rich sourc of cis-chrysanthenol, Gorgan-1 and Khoramabad populations were the rich sources of alpha-thujone and Gorgan-1 contained highest amount of beta-thujone.

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Catharantus-roseus is a medicinal and ornamental plant with growing attention toward its economical value. To determine cell viability based on trypan blue and MTT assay, cell suspension from callus of Catharantus-roseus were treated with different concentrations of cadmium-nitratee for 1, 3 and 6 days. Also cell suspension was used to investigate the cell morphology for a period of 3 days using 0, 20, 30 and 40 mM of cadmium nitrate. In addition, the callus was also treated for a same period and concentrations to estimate the level of lipid peroxidation and the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase and guaiacol peroxidase. Data was analysed using one-way-ANOVA (Duncan-test) and p<0. 05 was taken as the level of significant. The data from trypan blue and MTT methods showed the significant (p<0. 05) differences in callus viability related to doses compared with control. In addition activity of the investigated enzymes increased significantly (p<0. 05) in accordance with cadmium nitrate consumption. The malondialdehyde levels as a lipid peroxidation indicator increased in accordance with cadmium nitrate consumption significantly. Cadmium nitratee caused cellular membrane damage and cell viability reduction in the callus of Catharantus roseus. Activity of the antioxidant enzymes increased significantly but was not able to compensate the caused damages.

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Selection and use of tolerant grapevine as rootstock or own-rooted vines and finding indexes for screening of resistant genotypes have especial importance. To identify the salt tolerant grapevine genotypes, effects of NaCl concentrations (0, 50, 100 and 150 mM) on root length, root and shoot dry weight, prolin, total soluble solid, RWC, level of salt injury, leaf concentration of K, Na, Cl and NO3 of ‘ Rasha’ , ‘ Rishbaba Qermez’ , ‘ At ouzum’ , and ‘ Sayani’ as well as two inter-species hybrids was investigated in factorial experiment based on RCBD design. Results showed that increasing NaCl concentration caused a significant reduction in shoot growth, the average root and shoot dry weight and RWC of all genotypes. Increasing NaCl concentration caused a significant production of prolin and soluble sugar in some genotypes. The lowest Cl and Na accumulation was obtained in leaves of H6 and then in Sayani and Rasha, respectively. In high salt concentration, leaf K and No3 contents were decreased. The lowest salinity symptoms were observed in leaves and shoots of two hybrids as well as in ‘ Rasha’ . In 150 Mm NaCl, only hybrid H6 showed medium degree of tolerance. Based on Na and Cl accumulation in leaves, salt damage symptoms and vegetative growth rate, ‘ Rasha’ cultivar and H6 hybrid showed logical salt tolerance.

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This research was aimed to investgate the effect of light quality on micropropagation of pear rootstock OH×F333. First, single nodes explants were cultured in modified QL medium containing BA at four levels (0, 0. 5, 1, and 2 mg/l-1) and IAA at three levels (0, 0. 1, and 1 mg/l-1) and were evaluated for shoot proliferation. Then, plantlets subcultured in modified QL medium containing 1 mg/l-1 BA and were maintained in growth chamber under four level of light quality consisting red, blue and red-blue light provided by LED instrument and white cool light provided by florescent, all having 75 μ mol m-2 s-1 intensity. For investigation of light quality on rooting, shoots were subcultured on modified QL medium containing 1 mg/l-1 IAA and were incubated under same light treatments. The results indicated that the highest number of proliferated shoots was obtained in red-blue light while the longest shoots and internodes was in red light treatment. Moreover, the number of leaves and nodes of plantlets grown under blue light were high. Light quality showed significant effect on rooting percentage, root number and root length. The highest rooting, with 100 percent rooting of shoots, was observed in red-blue light treatment. In contrary, the lowest percentage of rooting, the lowest number of root and the shortest length of root were observed in blue light treatment. Based on current results, combination of blue and red light in comparison to other light treatment was more appropriate treatment for shoot proliferation and rooting of pear rootstock OH×F333. The explants under this treatment showed higher number of shoots.

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In order to study the morphological characteristics affecting yield of Echium amoenum under different nutritional treatments and different plant densities, a factorial experiment based on RCBD design with three replications was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in 2011-2013 growing seasons. The experimental treatments were all combination of three plant densities (10, 5 and 3 plant. m-2) and five different types of organic and chemical fertilizers (compost, vermicompost, cow manure, chemical fertilizer and control). Results showed that organic fertilizers increased flower yield compared to control treatment. The flower yield of compost, vermicompost and cow manure treatments were 25, 28, and 27 percent more than control, respectively. Results of multivariate regression showed that variables of plant height, shoot dry weight, and number of flower per plant were the main factors affecting yield of flower; meanwhile, the relative contribution of shoot dry weight was approximately 16 and 25 percent more than plant height and number of flowers per plant, respectively. Based on the results of path analysis, shoot dry weight per plant had indirect effect on yield flower in different ways, but most of its indirect effect was imposed through plant height on the yield flower.

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Among the most important mineral nutrients Calcium is involved in determining fruit quality. There is one approad to increase fruit firmness, how to harvest, transport and storage of kiwifruit in Iran is not appropriate and resulting damages caused by careless use of traditional methods in the field to offer to the consumer is very high. How harvest, transport and storage of kiwifruit, in Iran, it is inappropriate and resulting damages caused by the careless use of traditional methods that have been cropping up a lot of supply to the consumer. Thus, the present study was to investigate the effect of different levels, summer pruning and calcium on quantitative and qualitative characteristics kiwifruit variety Hayward was done The experiment based on a factorial, randomized complete block design with two factors, the summer pruning levels (0, 2, 4 and 8 leaf, of the last fruit) and calcium chloride concentrations (0, 5/1 percent), and a total of 8 treatments carried out. After treatment, the qualitative and quantitative properties of harvested fruits contain soluble solids (TSS), acidity (TA), fruit firmness, fruit weight, length, diameter, volume and fruit tissue calcium was evaluated. Results of data analysis showed that interactions and separate summer pruning and calcium chloride on soluble solids (TSS), fruit firmness, fruit weight, fruit tissue calcium was significant. Average data showed that the highest amount of calcium in the fruit tissue (1/93%) and the highest firmness (11/73) in the treatment of the interaction of light pruning and calcium chloride 1/5 percent isTherefore, the combination of summer pruning and calcium chloride to kiwifruit variety Hayward Resulting in greater resistance to mechanical damage during harvest and transport the fruit will be ware.

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Strawberry has a short shelf life and since it is consumed as fresh, the use of healthy and natural methods to increase its postharvest life is necessary. In this study, effect of different levels of thymol and menthol essential oils (0 (distillated water, control), 5, 10 and 15 μ l) in the packaging with celofan as fumigation on postharvest maintenance quality of strawberries was studied. Qualitative characteristic of strawberries was evaluated after 0, 10 and 17 days storage at 2± 1◦ C and 90± 5 % RH. Essential oils treatment led to maintain fruit firmness, increment of chroma value and brightness and reduced color changes and weight loss compared to control. This treatment had no significant effect on total acidity, soluble solids content and vitamin C, but these values decreased over storage. Anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity increased during storage initially and then decreased. Menthol at 5 μ l led to significant increase of phenolic compounds compared to control. Thymol essential oil changed the odor of fruits slightly. Regarding lack of adverse effect of menthol on flavor compared to thymol and its positive effect on the qualitative postharvest parameters, it can be used as an active agent in strawberry packaging.

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The aim of this research was to improve postharvest quality and vase life of tuberose cut flowers. Treatments in this experiment included: distilled water, 3% ethanol and 5% sucrose as control, thyme oil in 3 levels (50, 75 and 100 mg/l), accel in 3 level (25, 50 and 75 mg/l) and for some of flowers pulsing with 5% sucrose in first 24 hours then puting cut flowers treated with sucrose in thyme oil and accel with the same concentrations in second 24 hours. Experiment was carried out in completely randomized design with three replications. Some traits were measured in multiple times, as split plot in completely randomized design. Results showed that vase life of flowers treated with 25, 50 and 75 mg/l accel, increased up to 7. 33, 6. 67 and 5. 67 days, respectively. Concentrations of 75, 100 and 50 mg/l of thyme oil increased vase life up to 4. 33, 3. 67 and 3. 33 days, respectively. In above mentioned treatments, relative fresh weight, water uptake, TSS, protein and chlorophyll content were higher than controls. Lipid peroxidation, peroxidase and catalase activity during postharvest period in the cut flowers that were treated with 25, 50 and 75 mg/l accel and 75, 100 and 50 mg/l thyme oil, were lower than other treatments. Efficacy of accel and thyme oil accompanied with sucrose were increased, resulted in higher longevity of flowers and better quality maintenance of polianthes tuberosa cv. Double.

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This research was carried out to investigate the cold-hardiness of grapevine buds in a factorial experiment base on completely randomized design (CRD) with 80 treatments and three replications. Treatments included four cultivars (Rish-Baba, Siyah-e-Shiraz, Askari and Bavanati), four sampling dates (6th Dec, 5th Jan, 4th Feb and 6th Mar 2009 and 2010) and low temperature levels (+5,-7,-15,-22 and-30° C). Results indicated that with the decrease of temperature, incidence of bud necrosis increased. Dormant buds of Siyah-e-Shiraz and Askari were most injured by low temperature, whereas, the rate of injury was lower in cvs Rish-Baba and Bavanati cultivars. The lowest and highest LT50 were observed on 6th December in Siyah-e-Shiraz (-14. 4° C) and Bavanati (-16. 2° C) and Rish-Baba on 6th March in Siyah-e-Shiraz (-10. 1° C) and Rish-Baba (-12. 8° C), respectively. In general, Rish-Baba and Bavanati were the most tolerant and Siyah-e-Shiraz and Askari were the most susceptible grape cultivars.

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In order to study morphological variation within seeds and seedlings of a pistachio population of ‘ Badami-Riz-e-Zarand’ , 20 quantitative traits were measured in sixty-seven nut and seedlings originated from them. Results showed that there was positive and significant correlation between traits of nuts (seeds) and kernels, not between seedling height and crown diameter. According to measured parameters and cluster analysis, seedlings clustered to three groups. In the first seed group, petiole width and length as well as petiole diameter at the bottom and the middle were more than the other two groups. In the first group, kernel weight, leaf length and seedling height was significantly more than third group. Similarly, it was found that seedlings in the second group had nut length, nut diameter, kernel length and width, the ratio of length to width of leaves, SPAD index and stem diameter greater than the third group. Results of this experiment showed that despite the fact that all of the nuts had the same female parent; there was high morphological diversity within seeds of a pistachio population of cv. Badami-Riz-e-Zarand. Also, results revealed, characteristics associated with vigor of seedlings can be estimated before planting by defining a regression formula between some of seed traits.

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Date palm tree reaction to fertilizer is very slow, due to the trunk nutrients. This fact leads to farmer unwillingness to feed the trees. However, balance fertilizing improves vegetative growth and reduce the period for flowering. This study aimed to assess the effects of manure, chemical and organic sulfur on vegetative characteristics of ‘ Piarom’ date palm offshoot in a randomized complete block design with nine treatments and three replications for two years. Treatments consisted of control (no fertilizer), cattle manure at 20 and 30 kgtree, mixed NPK fertilizers at three levels: 150, 150 150, 200 200 250 and 300 250, 250g of nitrogen (ammonium sulfate), phosphate (triple superphosphate), potassium (potassium chloride), and organic sulfur source at three levels, 500, 750, and 1000g per offshoots per year. Analysis of variance showed a significant positive effect (1%) of organic sulfur on increasing vegetative growth. The highest increment in diameter, tree height and trunk, (7. 16, 3. 23 and 7/61 cm) increment in the number of leaves (7. 11), increase in leaf width and length (15. 7 and 36. 0 cm) were obtained with the highest level of organic sulfur consumption. There was no significant differences among organic sulfur levels. Therefore, using 500g organic sulfur accompanied with 20 kg of manure in the planting bed is recommended to improve growth of rate date palm offshoots.

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Among pome fruit trees, quince is the most susceptible tree to fire blight. Following selection of several promising quince cultivars, this research aimed at optimization of in vitro propagation protocol of the selected materials. Therefore, several experiments were carried out for determination of the best culture medium and plant growth regulators for establishment, proliferation and root induction of these cultivars. At first, proliferation and growth of KVD4, NB2 and PH2 genotypes were compared with Quince C and cv. Isfahan (KVD3) as control, in three culture media based on MS, QL and modified QL, in which mQL was observed to have the highest growth, and the best proliferation and shootlets quality. Then, mQL as the base culture medium was used to study effects of 2ip and BAP in two 0. 5 and 1 mg/L concentrations. Based on the results, the culture medium containing 2ip (0. 5 mg/L) and BAP (1 mg/L) showed the highest number and quality of shootlets. Finally, having examined root induction of the shoots in two long term treatments with IBA, 0. 1 mg/L alone, and simultaneously with IBA and BAP (both 1 mg/L), and in short term treatment with IBA at 0. 5, 1 and 2 mg/L concentrations, showed that the short term treatment gave better root induction. Also, the highest percentage of roots, leaf development, length and quality of roots resulted in short term treatment with 2 mg/L IBA.

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This experiment was conducted to study the effect of transplanting date of onion set and transplant on earliness of onion populations in Khuzestan province at Behbahan Agriculture Research Station in Khuzestan province and farm of Baghe-e-malek region within one year (2013-14). Experiment was performed in split factorial based on RCBD with three replications. Main plot consisted of propagule types: transplant and onion set. Sub plot consisted of combination of three transplanting dates (23th September, 7th and 23th October) and four population (Behbahan bred onion, Ramhormoz landrace, Primavra and Texas early grano cultivars). In order to produce sets, 10-12 grams seeds (of each population) were sown per square meter at Behbahan Agriculture Research Station in late February. For transplants production, seeds were sown in nursery in Baghe-e-melek region on 23th July, 6th and 23th August. Primavera cultivar produced the highest total and marketable yield by both propagules. The total and marketable yield of onion set propagule was higher than transplant propagule at 1% probability level. By postponing transplanting date, from 23th September, bolted plants and double bulbs decreased, but marketable yield increased. According to results, for early production of onion in Khuzestan province planting, Primavera onion set in transplanting date of October 7, with marketable yield of 46. 34 t ha-1, is recommended.

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Green roofs are a part of efforts to make the cities more sustainable and it is one of the modern solutions for urban problems. The physical development of cities led to loss of the natural environment. Therefore, the development of green spaces plays an important role in human life. In order to evaluate the effect of some culture media on yield of “ Oenothera speciosa Rosea” in green roof situation, a factorial experiment conducted based on a complete random design with vermicompost (0, 5, and 10% v/v) and rice hull (0, 7, and 14% v/v) factors in three replications. The results showed that vermicompost treatment has a positive significant effect on the number of flowers, daily flowering average, flower diameter, stem diameter, root volume, fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots and soil humidity. Also, in most measured traits, it showed a positive effect compared to control plants. In this research, vermicompost (10% v/v) mixed with rice hull (14% v/v) improved quality and quantity traits of pink evening primrose. Then, overall results showed that this mixture can recommend as a medium for evening primrose in the green roof.

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