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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 2-56)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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جامعه پذیری یا اجتماعی شدن از هدف های آشکار تعلیم و تربیت است و به طور رسمی، از طریق مدارس صورت می گیرد. در مدارس، کتاب های درسی نقش به سزایی در جامعه پذیر کردن دانش آموزان دارند. مولفه های جامعه پذیری در کتاب های درسی از طریق ساز و کارهایی ارایه می شوند و بر دانش آموزان تاثیر می گذارند. روشن کردن شیوه های تاثیرگذاری آنها بسیار مهم است. تحلیل انتقادی گفتمان شیوه ای است که سازوکارهای تاثیرگذاری را آشکار می کند. تحلیل انتقادی گفتمان در پی نمایاندن ارتباط میان زبان، قدرت و ایدئولوژی است که برای این منظور، به کشف ساختارها یا مولفه های گفتمان مدار می پردازد که از طریق آنها اعمال قدرت و بیان ایدئولوژی به گونه ای در زبان صورت می گیرد.در این پژوهش، کتاب های فارسی اول و سوم و پنجم ابتدایی با به کارگیری الگوی تلفیقی ون لیون (1996)، با افزودن مولفه های جامعه پذیری؛ شامل ارزش ها، هنجارها و نقش ها به مولفه های گفتمان دار ون لیون تجزیه و تحلیل شده اند. این پژوهش در اساس پژوهشی کیفی است. در عین حال از روش کمی، یعنی محاسبه فراوانی و درصد مولفه های جامعه پذیری و مولفه های گفتمان مدار و مجذور خی جهت بررسی تفاوت میان مولفه ها نیز بهره گرفته شد. نتایج حاصل به شرح زیر است:ارزش های دینی، آداب و اخلاق اجتماعی و نقش های جنسیتی سنتی درون گفتمان های تمامی کتاب ها، دارای بیشترین فراوانی بودند. ارزش های دینی و سیاسی، قانون و مقررات و نقش های جنسیتی سنتی درون گفتمان ها پنهان شده بودند. شیوه های قومی و تشریفات اجتماعی و ارزش های جهانی شدن از گفتمان های کتاب های فارسی حذف شده بودند. فراوانی پنهان سازی کمتر از آشکارسازی، انتزاعی کردن کمتر از عینی کردن، جنس ارجاعی کمتر از نوع ارجاعی و مشخص سازی چند موردی کمتر از مشخص سازی تک موردی دیده شد.

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Introduction: This research was conducted due to the increasing importance and necessity of managing the changes of values, views and skills of employees in any organization, especially managing the interaction of these factors concerned with educational institutions. The aim of this paper is to determine the priorities of the principles of developed organizations in education organization and direct attention to the preferred principles in order to empower and expand them. Principles of developed organizations are:. System Lucidity;. Confide in each other;. Feedback from inside and outside;. Participation with others;. Educating and authorizing;. Decreasing the structure levels.Research Questions or Hypothesis: The main question of research is:How is the priority of the principles of developed organization in Khoy education organization?Methods: This research is an applied survey in terms of purpose and is a descriptive research in terms of method. In this paper the analytic hierarchy process (ARP) has been used for prioritizing the principles of developed organizations. To do this nine criteria have been used including:Information, Communications, Training and Learning, Loyalty, Doing individual and group tasks, Adequacy, Personal independence, Job functions, Surveillance.The survey's population is the employees of Khoy education organization that have college degrees or more. This population includes 2516 people; l03 people were selected for sample by group random sampling method.In this survey, the researchers made a questionnaire used for data gathering. The basis of questionnaire formation is the information required for analytic hierarchy process. In each question the repliers were asked to compare two factors and make a preference between two factors. The final structure of questionnaire after it was reviewed of university professors is formed at 10 tables that include the comparison of two factors in each table. The re-testing method was used for reliability test of questionnaire. For this purpose after collecting information in two sessions, the Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated and meaningfulness of correlation coefficient in survey's population was tested.Results: In this paper after accomplishing the paired comparisons, the normalization process and calculation of normalized row's mean, the weight of each criterion was calculated. These weights are as follows:After determining the weights of each criteria and formation of decision matrix, the principles of organizational development were prioritized. The survey's results show that the priorities of developed organizations principles on the organization under study are as follows:1. Educating and authorizing;2. Decreasing the structure levels.3. Participation with others;4. Feedback from inside and outside;5. Confide in each other;6. System Lucidity;One of the advantages of analytic hierarchy process is the decision consistency control. In other words, we could always calculate the consistency rate of decision and judge about goodness or badness of a decision and if the decision is acceptable or not. The consistency interval of each system is dependent on the decision maker, however Saaty suggested that if the inconsistency rate of the decision is more than 0.1, it is better that the decision maker reconsider his judgement. The results of consistency rate calculations are summarized in the table below:Based on the information of table above it is considered that values calculated for consistency rate for all paired comparisons are less than 0.1, so all matrix and acquired results have the required consistency.Discussion and Conclusion: The importance of educating and authorizing from the repliers' viewpoint has the fust priority with the score of 0.1779. The importance of decreasing the structure levels has the second priority with the score of 0.1701. The reason for this is that from the repliers' viewpoint whenever the structure lines and levels decrease, the upper and lower layers of organization could easily establish connection with each other. OD's other principles, participation with others with the score of 0.1671, feedback from inside and outside with the score of 0.1655, confide in each other with the score of 0.1621 and system Lucidity with the score of 0.1572 have the next priorities, respectively.The results of this paper are different from the results of Hasankhany (1385). He has prioritized the principles of developed organizations in Tabriz Aali-Nasab hospital using Freedman test. He concluded that the principle of feedback from inside and outside has the first priority and the principle of confide in each other has the end priority.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The human being is only the creature that fulfills inherent essence by system of education. Socialization is a main goal of education. Socialization is accomplished through various institutions. The main institutions of socialization consist of: family, school, peer group, mass media, ideology and government. School is an important institution for socializing of children. Socilizing of children in schools is accomplished through friends, peer groups, teacher and textbooks. The elementary textbooks play an important role in implementing socialization processes. Socialization features (values, norms, roles, etc.) in textbooks are demonstrated through distinct mechanisms. The contexts of elementary that text book that usually consists of socialization features influence the students' thoughts and behaviors. It is important to determine and clarify how these materials influence the students.Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is an area of scholarship. CDA intends to reveal the interaction between language, power and ideology inherent in language; therefore CDA discovers discursive features capable of exerting power and telling ideology through them.Research Questions: 1. What are explicit socialization features in Farsi textbooks of elementary school? 2. What are socialization features in Farsi textbooks of hidden elementary schools?3. What are omitted socialization features in Farsi textbooks of elementary schools?4. Are there differences between Farsi textbooks of elementary school from the point of view of discursive features for socializing of children?Method: A mixed design method (qualitative and quantitative) has been used to conduct this research. This research has many characteristics of quantitative paradigm like using of numbers and objective perspective and a characteristic of qualitative paradigm like discovery. In text analysis researchers encountered datum that did not include either of previous definite categories. According to many witnesses, a new category entitled "environmental values" was added to existing categories. Sampling was purposive and coordinated with research goals. Population were all of Farsi textbooks of elementary school in 2005-2006. In this study the Farsi textbooks (grade 1, 3, 5) used in Iranian elementary schools have been analyzed using Van Leeuwen's (1996) modified model of discursive and socialization features. This research was conducted in the following stages:1. All of texts of Farsi textbooks (reading book) grade 1, 3, 5 of elementary school were examined.2. According to discursive features of Van Leeuwen's model, discursive statements became distinct.3. Discursive features were extracted. 4. Then values, norms and roles of social actors represented in texts like stories, poems and photos were determined. These features may been in one statement or in one paragraph or in one lesson explicitly or implicitly. 5. The Chi-square (X2) procedure was used to measure the possible statistical differences between the socialization and discursive features. 6. Then results was interpreted. 7. Inter-rater reliability and Intra-rater reliability were calculated for more confidence of results. Correlation coefficient in inter rater reliability was .87, P= .01 and in intera-rater reliability was .85, P=.01.Results: In answer to question one:1. Religious values in each book had the most frequency. In Farsi grade 1, environmental and political values had the second rank and the third rank. Individual theoretical and familial values with the same frequency, had the fourth rank and, economical, art, social, national values came as the last rank. In Farsi grade 3, theoretical and individual values had the second rank and environmental, social, political, art, national, economical and familial had the next ranks. In Farsi grade 5, individual values had the second rank and social and political values the third rank and theoretical, art, national, economical, familial and environmental values followed. Norms had less frequency than values. Social manners, social morals, social laws and regulations had the highest frequency in textbooks. Traditional gender roles had the highest frequency. In answer to question two:2. Religious values, political values and traditional roles were mostly hidden in textbooks. Most women were housewives. They did house work. Sons played with cars and daughters played with dolls. In answer to question three: 3. Globalization values, folklore, social ceremonies and new roles (except one discourse) were totally omitted. In answer to question four:4. There were differences between quantity and kind of discursive features in Farsi textbooks. Frequency of hidden inclusion, abstraction, genericization and overdetermination were less than explicit inclusion, objectivation, specification and single determination.Conclusion: Religious values had the first rank and political values had the next rank. These findings corresponded with internal and external researches that power and ideology are coded in language. Elementary period is the most important period of education for children. Children in this period willieam obedience from masters of power and governmental and social laws.Men are represented more than women and traditional roles were been more than new roles. These findings correspond with internal and external researches. In textbooks, women are always reinforced with emotional and passive roles. Women are sometimes limited with their home and their family but men are concerned with power, politics and wealth. Frequencies of hidden inclusions were less than explicit inclusions. Authors of Farsi textbooks didn't try to hide ideology; on the contrary their goal was showing that ideology.Globalization values and folklore are omitted from discourses of elementary textbooks; country of Iran is formed from different tribes. It is necessary to know different cultures of Iran and students should become familiar with Iran tribes and globalization values in textbooks.

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Introduction: Communication is the essence of science, and scholarly journals are the most important scholarly communication channels. The advent of new information and communication technologies has evolved scholarly communication. These technologies enable scientist to publish their works in the least amount of time possible for the most number of audiences including their peers. Electronic publication is a multidimensional phenomenon which has electronic peer reviewed journals on one side and self publishing of works on the other. This study addresses the latter. Although publishing articles in accredited peer reviewed journals in one of the most important criteria for evaluating scientists' professional standing, electronic publication forms a vast network of interactions among scientists which not only could have an essential role in their scientific improvement, but also would be effective in the refinement of their works prior to submitting to accredited journals. However, regarding the multidimensional nature of electronic publication on one hand, and the academic reward system which substantially relies on publishing articles in peer reviewed journals on the other hand, researchers are faced with the question of whether to choose a medium which contributes to more visibility and accessibility among a vast group of audience or to choose a medium which rewards them in the scientific community. To answer this question, this study intends to examine the acceptance of electronic publication among Shiraz University faculty.1. Have Shiraz University faculty accepted electronic publication as a form of scholarly communication?2. What are the reasons for accepting or not accepting electronic publication?Method: The research method was survey conducted among Shiraz University faculty who had articles in ISI journals during 2002-2003. The sample included 84 faculty members. Data was gathered by means of a two part questionnaire including 26 questions and analyzed using SPSS. Results: Scientific communication methods: To clarify the most used communication methods, respondents were asked what scientific activities they have performed the previous year. The vast majority of respondents (98.2 percent) affirmed that they had published articles. The rating was followed by 73 percent who had participated in seminars, 63/4 percent who had conducted research projects, 30.1 percent who had published books and 1.5 percent who had electronic publications.Popular scientific activities: respondents were asked to rank the scientific activities they prefer to conduct. A substantial majority (92.1 percent) ranked writing articles as their first priority, while the majority (52.1 percent) chose electronic publication as their last priority. The interesting thing was that writing books was chosen by the majority (29.2 percent) as the last priority as well. In between, participating in seminars and conducting research project were chosen as second and third priority by most of the respondents having the response rate of 57.1 percent and 43.1 percent respectively.Advantages of electronic publication: Respondents were asked to rank the advantages they ascribe to electronic publication. The advantages were: "to pass peer review filter", and "to publish faster", to get informed from the readers' points of view sooner", and "to extend the number of readers". As determined by Friedman test, "to publish faster" with the mean of 1.71 stand as the first advantage, followed by "to get informed from the readers' points of view sooner" as the second advantage, "to extend to number of readers" as the third advantage and "to pass peer review filter" as the fourth advantage. Their means were 2.07, 2.71 and 3.5, respectively. Disadvantages of electronic publication: Respondents were asked to rank the disadvantages they ascribe to electronic publication. The disadvantages were: "lack of credibility", "lack of citations to electronic publications", "unworthiness in comparison to print publications" and Questions: This article is seeking to answer the following questions:“unwillingness to publish the works in a wide range". As determined by Friedman test, "lack of credibility" with the mean of 1.8 was the first disadvantage followed by "lack of citations to electronic publications", “unworthiness in comparison to print publications" and "unwillingness to publish the works in a wide range" as second, third and fourth disadvantages. Their means were 1.93,2.53 and 3.73, respectively. Discussions and Results: Electronic publication is a relatively new phenomenon in the world of scientific communications especially in Iran. It goes without saying that acceptance of new things requires time and electronic publication is not an exception to the rule. The most important reason of those who regarded electronic publication as a form of sharing research results among scientists was "to publish faster". This result could be justified by proposing two factors; on one hand, limitation of journals' space for publishing articles which results in a time lag between the acceptance of a paper and publication of it, and on the other hand, the time which is spent on viewing a paper could be a deterrent factor which contributes to the delay publishing papers. The most important disadvantage respondents ascribe electronic publication was "lack of credibility". This result comes from is idea that most of the selft published articles are not peer reviewed and the eye of scientists peer review is a process which guarantees the scientific standing of a work. As a whole, the results show that the respondents have not accepted electronic publication as a form of scholarly communication, but it is worth mentioning that electronic publication is a multi-dimensional issue which requires more research to clarify all its aspects, such as preprints and the effect of electronic publication on them, attitudes of users toward electronic journals and the effect of electronic publishing on the peer reviewing process.

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Introduction: Job Stress is the psychological and physical state that results when the resources of the individual are not sufficient to cope with the demands and pressure of the situation. Level of job stress can affect both individuals and organizations.In the field of physical education some researchers pointed to job dimensions and needs of physical education managers' duties and responsibilities particularly regarding athletes. Greenberg (1993) believed that the following items increase job stress: an increase in heads' responsibilities, the nature of changing, advanced and new sports and the necessity of athlete's preparation programs for competitions. Vealey, Urdy, Zimmerman, & Solidy (1992) reported some physical education managers contrary to an increase in their role and duties, have pressure of coordination among duties and variation and time. Barry, Copeland, & Scottkrich (1995) conducted research on 108 physical education heads. The result was that there is an equal amount of job stress among the managers, and one of the common stress factors is the stress of having to earn a living. Asadi (2002) noted seven major factors of job stress among physical education organization managers in Iran .These factors, ranking in accordance to their intensity were: bounce, development of human resources, organizational structure, and work trend, minimum use of power, cooperation and management method.Method: Sample and Data Collection The population for the study was all 135 physical education male managers from different organizations across the Fars province in Iran. Of the 135 surveys sent to managers 115 completed replies were returned. Their mean age was 42.1yr (SD=7.8). 94% of them were married, and 6% were single. Their educational qualifications ranged from diplomas to university or college graduation. The mean of all the years of service since the beginning of their job was 21.1 yr (SD=7.8) and the mean of records of service in the present job as manager was 11.4 yr (SD=8.1).Questionnaires were mailed to all male physical education managers with covering letter that explained the rationale and procedures. Respondents were asked to complete the survey to rate the amount of stress associated with each event. Anonymity was guaranteed.Instrument: Spiel Berger and Wagg (1994) Job Stress Survey was used to assess job stress. The Job Stress Survey was developed "[to] assess generic sources of occupational stress encountered by men and women in a variety of work settings." The JSS considers two dimensions of occupational stress: severity and frequency. Respondents rate the severity of 30 common workplace stressors on a 9-point scale by comparing each stressor to an event perceived as producing an average amount of stress (i.e., "assignment of disagreeable duties"), which has been assigned the midpoint value of 5. Then, respondents report on a scale of 0 to 9+ days how often each stressor has occurred in the past 6 months. Twenty JSS items constitute the two main factors (1). Job pressure, including ten items mainly related to organizational work and (2). Lack of organizational support, including ten items related to working environment and leadership. These factors can then be analyzed on three different levels: severity, frequency and a severity* frequency index. Cronbach's alphas for severity and frequency of job pressure were 0.72 and 0.62, respectively, whereas Cronbach's alphas for the severity and frequency of lack of support were 0.72 and 0.84, respectively. Cronbach's alphas for severity of job pressure and lack of support were 0.72 for both and for frequency of job pressure and lack of support were 0.67 and 0.68, respectively. Results: Means and standard deviations for perceived Severity and Frequency of items are reported in Table 1. The items are listed in descending order of mean Severity scores. It is interesting to note that the item assignment of disagreeable duties, the standard on the basis of which the perceived Severity of the other 29 items was rated, was ranked 13th on severity by these samples. Being about middle of these items (13 of 30) provides additional evidence that this item was about "average" in perceived Severity compared to the other items. Also the same four items were rated highest on perceived severity and frequency. For both Severity and Frequency inadequate salary (M=8.3 and 8.1) and meeting deadlines (M=7.4 and 8.13) were rated highest. Insufficient personal time (M=1.57) was ranked lowest in severity, furthermore, noisy network area (M=2.l8) was ranked lowest in frequency. The mean score of frequency is significantly (p<0.0001) higher than severity. To determine significant differences in correlation between severity and frequency of job stress Pearson correlation was used. Results indicated negative significant relationship between severity and frequency of job stress (P< 0.002). By assessing the degree of association between each pair of variables among the participants, lack of organizational support contributed to higher variability of job stress than job pressure did.Discussion and Conclusion: The purpose of this study was to explore the job stress among physical education managers of Fars province. This study indicated that these managers are stressed due to many items such as inadequate salary, poor or inadequate supervision. This is, because salaries of physical education managers in Iran are under paid as they have to have second job or overwork. Also lack of organizational support accounted for more variability on job stress than did job pressure. That is, for managers who participated in the study, lack of support from their supervisors, their peers, and the organizations that they worked. Furthermore Dealing with crisis situation, conflict with other departments and critical, on the spot decisions in the workplace have resulted in higher role conflict and role ambiguity among managers. Role ambiguity happens when an employee is uncertain of what type of job behavior he needs to perform in a given work situation. These findings require organizations to ensure that an employee's role in an organization is clearly defined and understood, and clear and non-conflicting expectations are placed upon the employee. This is especially true in a high uncertainty avoidance country like Iran where ambiguity is highly stressful.Results showed that participants exhibited high level of job stress. So as physical education managers' position is stressful, sufficient attention should be paid to the above items in order to have a better organizational environment and reduce job stress.We hope that physical education authorities can utilize the results of this study and the results can playa small role in making organizations environment better and respecting the dignity of human resources in organizations.

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Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the motivational aspects and personality traits among college students. Recent studies about Iranian college students have shown that there were serious problems with the fundamental components of human health such as happiness and wellbeings (Noori, Mokri, Mohammadi-Far, & Yazdani, 1381). Many different assumptions could be made and a lot of explanations could be given for these problems. In this regard, Personality and motivational factors, as the most two important factors, could probably be the significant determining factors. Eysenck's personality theory with three components of extroversion, introversion, and neuroticism and McInerney and Sinclair's theory of motivation with two components of intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation were selected as the theoretical basis of this research.Eysenck's research on the three components of temperament including neuroticism, extroversion and introversion showed that neuroticism is a dimension that ranges from normal, fairly calm and collected people to one's that tend to be quite "nervous." Neurotic people are more anxious, depressed, guilt feeling, low self-esteem, tense, irrational, shy, moody and emotional. Extroversion is characterized by being outgoing, talkative, high on positive affect (feeling good), active, lively, sociable, easy going, carefree, dominant and in need of external stimulation. Extroverts, according to Eysenck's theory, are chronically under-aroused and bored and are therefore in need of external stimulation to bring them up to an optimal level of performance. Introverts, on the other hand, are chronically over-aroused and edgy and are therefore in need of peace and quiet to bring them up to an optimal level of performance. They are calm, even-tempered, reliable, controlled, peaceful, thoughtful, careful, and passive. Evidence is presented for both the usefulness of the theoretical framework and the validity of the McInerney and Sinclair's theory of Motivation in analyzing motivational variables for individuals from different cultural groups in educational settings. McInerney and Sinclair's Inventory of School Motivation (ISM) was used to determine which of the eleven motivation constructs were most salient for the college students in this study, and what if any differences were indicated between males and females, and between students in different field of studies. Since, there exists little research on motivation and personality factors among varied college students which has taken into account certain demographic aspects of college students with respect to their areas of studies in Iran, this research was carried out. Research questions: The research questions to be answered were as follows: . Were there any significant differences regarding personality traits between girls and boys across the three colleges; engineering, social sciences, and medicine. . Were there any significant differences regarding motivational variables between boys and girls across the three colleges; engineering, social sciences, and medicine.Method: Two questionnaires, Eysenck Personality Inventory (Adult, 1975) and Inventory of School Motivation (1990) were administered to 344 (168 female and 176 male), fourth year college students of Shiraz University. Cluster sampling method was used for selecting the subjects. Two-way ANOVA was used for the comparison among six subsamples.Results: The analyses of data showed that: a. There was a significant difference between social and engineering college students in neurotic type. Social college students scored higher than engineering students. b. No significant difference was found among college students in extroversion type.c. There was a significant difference among social, medical and engineering college students in motivation. Engineering students scored lower than social and medical students. Results also illustrated that there is a gender effect regarding intrinsic motivation in favor of engineering and medical students.Conclusions: In general, results indicated that extroversion, compared to introversion was a prevalent trait of personality among all groups of students. These results were in congruent with the competitive educational system in Iran (Noori, Mokri, Mohammadi-Far, & Yazdani, 1381). Social science students were more nervous compared to other students. This also might be due to the nature of social sciences that imposes no hope on students to have an appropriate job opportunity in their future, which in turn would deteriorate the academic motivation of students in the current situation. With respect to motivational factors findings indicated that five factors including social solidarity, task involvement, striving for excellence, power and self reliance, out of eleven factors, were significantly different across different fields of study.Comparing boys and girls showed that girls outperform boys regarding self esteem variable. With respect to intrinsic motivation, boys of colleges of engineering and medicine got higher grade than human sciences however, the reverse of the results was true for the boys of the human sciences.Educational implications as well as applications were suggested in the article.

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Introduction: Modem life is full of deadlines, frustrations, demands and ultimately stress. Indeed, Stress is a common problem that affects almost all of us at some point in our lives. We should learn to manage stress and to cope with it as stress management is rapidly growing in different countries. The goals of these stress management techniques (e.g. physical exercise, biofeedback, relaxation, deep breathing, meditation, etc) and coping styles (e.g. effective coping styles and ineffective coping styles) are to produce muscle relaxation and the easing of psychological tensions that goes with it; as a result people have to spend tremendous amounts of time, effort and money learning special relaxation techniques. While the sense of humor without time and exorbitant expense (unlike stress management techniques and coping styles) will decrease stress. Sense of humor plays a powerful and unique role in human life, with wide-ranging effects on many aspects of functioning. Sense of humor is therapeutic, providing a mechanism for coping with daily stressors and having positive effects on the muscle relaxation, control of pain and discomfort, less fatigue as well as psychological health. Thus, sense of humor has often been conceptualized as a form of coping in that it appears to buffer an individual against the negative effects of stress.Research Question: On this basis, the primary aim of the present study was to investigate the sense of humor and stress. Specifically, we addressed questions relating to relationships between sense of humor and its components (enjoyment of humor, laughter, verbal humor, sense of humor in social relations and sense of humor in stressful conditions) with stress. We evaluated the correlation between sense of humor and its components with coping styles (effective coping styles and ineffective coping styles). Finally, we investigated whether the sense of humor components are able to predict stress.Method: Subjects participating in this project were 320 male and female students of Isfahan University (with average age of 22 years) selected using stratified random cluster sampling. The three questionnaires were administered simultaneously to the participants. The Sense of Humor Questionnaire (SHQ) (Khoshouei, Oreizy and Aghaei, 1386) was used to assess sense of humor. The SHQ is a scale of 25 items that consist of five different components: enjoyment of humor, laughter, verbal humor, sense of humor in social relations and sense of humor in stressful conditions. The SHQ rates each item based on a seven-point Likert-type scale, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. A high score on this test is associated with a person having a great sense of humor. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) (Holmes and Rahe, 1967) was used to assess stress, to measure stress according to the Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale, the numbers of "life change units" that apply to events in the past year of an individual's life are added and the final score gives a rough estimate of how stress affects health. Finally the Coping Style Scale (CSS) (Carver, Scheier and Weintraub, 1989) to assess coping style was administered; The CSS is a scale of 60 items that consist of two coping styles: effective coping styles (e.g. problem-focused and positive emotional-focused styles) and ineffective coping styles (e.g. negative emotional-focused styles).Result: The results of Pearson's correlation coefficient showed that sense of humor and its components have negative correlations with the stress and ineffective coping styles at P<0.05 level of significance. These correlations coefficients have a range from -0.12 to -0.31 for stress and from -0.11 to - 0.32 for ineffective coping styles. However, the findings showed sense of humor and its components have positive correlations with the effective coping styles at P<0.05 level of significance. These correlations coefficients have a range from 0.27 to 0.81. Finally results of analysis of stepwise regression showed that among sense of humor components, enjoyment of humor, verbal humor, sense of humor in social relations, and sense of humor in stressful conditions are able to predict stress.Discussion: The results of this study indicated that there is a negative relationship between sense of humor and stress. In addition, the present findings highlight that although coping styles can induce the stress but only one form of coping style (effective coping styles) linked to sense of humor. Moreover, results imply that sense of humor components (except laughter) are able to predict a considerable part of stress, or rather the stress is influenced by sense of humor through enjoyment of humor, verbal humor, sense of humor in social relations and sense of humor in stressful conditions. Altogether, results of this study were consistent with previous research in other countries. This finding has not only some important implications for other researchers of this field, but can also be generalized to aid in real-life settings. Also further research is needed to substantiate results of this research in other communities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56-2)
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Introduction: According to Kuhn, substitution of one paradigm to another is the main development in science. Our focus in the current research was to focus on affective theory of industrial organizational psychology in job satisfaction domain namely affective events theory (AET).AET compensates neglect of affect and de-emphasizes an affect component of job satisfaction. This theory emphasizes affect on an equal footing with cognitive evaluations, hypothesizes different antecedents for cognitive evaluations versus affect, and hypothesizes different sets of behaviors as consequences of individual differences in affect as contrasted with cognitive evaluations. AET hypothesizes links between job affect and spontaneous, short term behaviors.Affect is defined conceptually as individuals' emotional reactions to their jobs and to the events that happen on their jobs. The feelings to the job are modified by events that occur on the job during the day. In the current research the events in the job were designed experimentally. It is hypothesized that job events have influence on job satisfaction at the moment, namely moment job satisfaction and also on overall evaluation of job satisfaction which is called delayed job satisfaction.Moment affect consists of two measures of affect, namely Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) in the conceptual model of the current research. These components of affect emerge at the moment of the event are very important. While Positive Affect (PA) and Negative Affect (NA) can be considered as traits so that positive affect (PA) characterizes individuals predisposed to experience jovality, self-assurance, and attentiveness; Negative affect (NA) characterizes individuals predisposed to experience fear, sadness, quit and hostility. In the current research we emphasize on PA and NA as both states and traits. The former concept of PA and NA operationalized via experience sampling method (ESM) by measuring several times a day immediately after the event.Research Questions: Researchers formulated four hypothysis to respond to corresponding research questions as follows: First hypothesis:There is a relation between positive affect and negative affect (trait affect) and moment job satisfaction.Second Hypothesis: The moment affect states (Positive and Negative) moderate the relation between affect trait (Positive and Negative) and momentjob satisfaction.Third hypothesis: Intra-individual moment affect (as a dynamic and state affect) predicts at the moment job satisfaction (MJS) so that a) Positive mood affect directly influences MJS and b) the relation between negative mood affect (State) and JMS is negative.Fourth Hypothesis: After some time the influence of intra-individual moment mood on job satisfaction is weakened. Method: Participants:Participants were 82 persons from middle managers and high technician engineers of one big organization in Tehran. Because of several distribution of instruments a day, researchers encountered a 28 percent of mortality in the sample, so at the end of research the sample was 59 persons.Instruments: The first instrument was Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) that has desirable reliability and validity (Tellegan, Watson and Clark, 1999). This instrument contains 40 items (20 items for positive and 20 items for negative affect).Each item was considered four times namely, past, present, future and overall affection. The instrument was administered on coworker or spouse of responder to assess PA- NA Trait.Tellegen et al (1999) suggested that mood or emotion maybe scored as independent PA and NA traits via rotation of axes within the traditional mood circumplex.Researchers used the same instrument for the PA-NA states, but with different instructions. Participants themselves indicated their affection at the moment of responding while for the trait significant other responded to instruments. The second instrument was Brayfield and Rothe's index of job satisfaction (1951). This instrument assessed overall job satisfaction (not component job satisfaction such as JDS).The instruments have 18 items with five choices, in the one pole completely agree and in another pole completely disagree. Moment job satisfaction and delay job satisfaction was measured with the same instrument but different instructions. Participants responded their satisfaction at the moment for the former that administered immediately after the event. While the latter was measured by passing hours after the event. The procedure of administration required attendance of researchers to give assistance three of four times a day to the participants to take the instruments.Statistical~ethods: For the first hypothesis the Pearson correlation coefficient and for the second hypothesis the OLS regression analysis were used. To analyze interindividual and intra-individual effects on job satisfaction, the hierarchical linear regression model was used (Byrk and Roudenbush (1992).Results: The first hypothesis was partially confirmed. Findings indicate that there is a significant positive relation between trait positive affect and moment job satisfaction (P<O/05), but the current research did not yield any relations between negative affect and moment job satisfaction.Hierarchical regression analysis shows that trait positive affect can predict moment job satisfaction while trait negative affect can not, so only state positive affect can moderate the relation between trait and moment job satisfaction. For the analysis in the first block of HLM the trait variables enter. For the third hypothesis inter-individual mood score variance was omitted.The average of participant mood scores for state mood was used as a predictor variable and moment job satisfaction was used as the criterion variable. The third hypothesis was completely confirmed. Positive and negative poles of mood (state) simultaneously predict job satisfaction.The fourth hypothesis was also confirmed by four separate analysis (time t+ 1 was 2/75 hour after the first assessment, time t+2 5/50 hour after the second measurement and the day after, for the last assessment).Discussion: The current research has four main aspects. first it reinforced the affect paradigm in I/O psychology. Second its empirical data confirmed affective events theory (AET), the newborn theory of job satisfaction which differs on model, variables and focus from antecedents theories.Third in the current research for the first time researchers used event sampling method (ESM) to pay researchers' attention to this method so to enrich their work with this view. The last major contribution of the current research was the difference between state and trait assessment of positive and negative affect that was neglected in job satisfaction research in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (56-2)
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Introduction: The structure of fields of study, states of the courses and their headings, the number of cerdits allocated to internship courses, quality of the internship courses and their coordination with the goals and the title of that field of study should be in such a way that can provide students with appropriate level of the skills that they need to acquire during a four-year period of education in university. Nowadays the current state of internship courses of Educational Management at B.A level in the universities is open to research so that by taking into consideration the opinions of lecturers of this field of study we can make a comparison between implemented curriculum and ideal curriculum. The question that we want to answer in this study is that whether the implemented curriculum of Educational Management internship courses can provide students with the necessary skills that they need to have as the educational managers considering some elements such as content, learning experiences, instructional method, students, lectures, evaluation, learning environment and time.Klein (1991) tried to find new ways to improve and reform curriculums. To this end, he took into consideration different levels of curriculum, namely ideal curriculum, formal curriculum, instructional curriculum, implemented curriculum and experiential curriculum (Mehrmohammadi, 2002).Combining theory and practice is one of the reasons for the importance of the present research topic, the thing that, unfortunately, has received little attention so far.The needs for doing this research and its importance are: 1. Lack of a theoretical and practical framework for offering internship courses.2. Lack of a consistent and effective operational program for teaching and evaluating these courses in universities.3. These courses are taught differently in different universities and even differently by different lecturers of the same university so we have to introduce a relative compatibility in this regard.4. Lack of enough attention to these courses comparing with other courses of the field.5. Lack of compatibility between the missions & goals of these courses with the number of credits allocated to them that leads to the lack of opportunities for students to get necessary experiences in schools or other organizations.Research Questions: 1. Is there any difference, from the lecturers' point of view, between implemented internship courses and the ideal on considering the elements of goal, content, learning experiences, lecture and evaluation.2. Is there any difference, from the lecturers' point of view, between implemented internship courses instructional method and the ideal one? 3. Is there any difference, from the lectures point of view, between implemented internship courses and the ideal one considering the element of student?4. Is there any difference, from the lecturers point of view, between different schedules to implement internship courses? Methodology: The statistical population of the research composed of the wellexperienced teaching staff of the twenty Iranian state universities. 132 university faculty members including relatively the majority of university professors of the country made the selected sample of the study. The measuring instrument was the researcher-made questionnaire with 73 questions covering the nine important elements of curriculum. The validity of the questionnaire was determined with respect to views of a number of faculty members in educational administration and planning departments and for the reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach's Alphas was used. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire in both mplemented and ideal Curriculum was 0.97. T-test and Friedman test were used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that a significant difference existed between implemented and ideal curriculum internship with reference to the nine elements of curriculum in the study.Results: To answer the first research question, the findings suggest that there is a significant difference between ideal and implemented curriculum considering the elements of goal, content, learning experiences, lecture, evaluation and learning environment from the lectures' point of view. To answer the second research question, the findings of this study suggest that based on Friedman test there is a significant difference between different instructional methods in implemented and ideal conditions. In other words this difference reached the significant level of P<0.05. To answer the third research question, the findings of this study suggest that based on Friedman test there is a significant difference between student role in different curriculums. In other words, this difference reached the significant level of P<0.05.To answer the fourth research question, the findings of this study suggest that based on Friedman test there is a significant difference between different schedules. In other words, this difference reached the significant level of P<0.05 and it can be suggested that most of the lecturers believe that the project of one compulsory year after education works better. Discussion: Findings of this study suggest that from the Educational Management lecturers' point of view, the elements of goal, content learning experiences, lecture, evaluation and learning environment in implemented internship courses are not in an appropriate condition and with respect to ideal curriculum they need improvement and they should be the focus of experts attention. As the result they can possess a suitable position both logically and scientifically. In other words, there exists a difference between implemented and ideal internship courses considering these 6 elements and the value of this difference is two times bigger than that of the average of lecturers opinions. The same result was achieved by Johnson and Brockmon (2007), Mori (2006), Kelly (2004), Marshak (2003), Vanzost and Bohel (2002), Lin French (2001), Williamson and Hudson (2001), Dappen (2001), Gheibi (2001), Mollamohammadi (2000), Fazeli (1999), Andre (1998) Swing (1998) Foster and Ward (1996), Shojanoori (1996), Jean and Evans (1995), Vahedi (1995), Karimi (1995), Kern (1994), Van (1993) Mirkamali (1993) and Berenji (1973).The results of the study considering the second research question show that from the Educational Management lecturers' point of view the element of teaching methodology in implemented curriculum is not in an appropriate situation and comparing it with teaching methodology in ideal curriculum, it needs improvement and attention. The same result was achieved by Bollman (2001), Lin French (2001), Mollamohammadi (2000), Andre (1998) and Mirkamali (1993).The results of the study considering the third research questions suggest that from the Educational Management lecturers' point of view the element of student is not in an appropriate position in the implemented curriculum and it needs more experts attention. The same results are achieved by Mori (2006), Dappen (2001), Brawn (2001) and Andre (1998). The results of the study considering the fourth research question suggest that from the Educational Management lecturers' point of view the element of time in implemented curriculum is not in an appropriate position and it should be focused upon more by experts. The same results achieved by Mori (2006), Brown (2001), Dapen (2001), Mollamohammadi (2000), Foster and Ward (1996) and Vahedi (1995).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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