The purpose of this study with a descriptive-survey method is to investigate the trends and dimensions of curricula internationalization process with a distance education approach in higher education in Iran. It examines the necessity of internationalization of curriculum as well identifying the factors, conditions, resources, equipment, limitations, opportunities and appropriate strategies to do so. Using cluster-stratified sampling and Cochran formula, 543 university professors and Iranian and foreign students at five universities in Tehran were selected to fill out the questionnaire which consisted of 8 areas and 96 questions. The data analysis was carried out using one sample t-test, Friedman test and standard deviation. Based on the findings, to accompany globalization and to introduce Iranian culture and civilization to the world, curricula internationalization in higher education is a necessary issue; Distance education can be an effective strategy to achieve the above due to its high degree of flexibility and its ability to overcome geographical, political, economic and cultural borders. The most influential factor in succeeding in internationalizing curriculum with a distance education approach in higher education of Iran are: increasing international cooperation of universities, expanding use of the international language in teaching, revising the current rules and regulations and clarifying them, increasing financial and human resources, developing technological infrastructure, exploiting cultural similarities and a large number of applicants who want to study aboard in the middle east, selecting appropriate subjects and considering transformative approach in curriculum components or change in thought paradigms of teachers and learners for the sake of change in materials and how to teach them.