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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Medical education is changed essentially in many countries, particularly in developed countries in recent years. Because general ideas are, those medical schools are inattentive to community needs and they are busy with their own medical education. The needs assessments are effective on medical education. The world conference statement underscored the importance of change in medical education in England - Edinburg in August 1993. The Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the countries that has signed this statement. The first places of this program are medical schools, and the most important members are academic staff and physicians employed in governmental universities and private sections. Therefore, the study of knowledge and attitude in these groups is important.This study was cross - sectional descriptive. Research community was consist of 201 persons, academic staff and physicians employed in governmental universities and private sections and specialist physicians and general practitioners, that they are examined by questionnaire. The questionnaire was consisting of 10 demographic questions, 20 knowledge questions and 12 attitude questions. Community medicine committee underscard the questionnaire validity (80%, r=0.9).The results demonstrated that persons who had excellent knowledge were only 2.5% (effective knowledge to change in community of medical education). Physicians with moderate to good knowledge were 82.1%, in this study, physicians and academic staffs with positive attitude were 79.6%, that it is very good. The statistical test showed significant correlation between knowledge and attitude (P< 0.05).This study demonstrated that increase of the knowledge and attitude in physicians and academic staff is essential by Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

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Infernal evaluation of educational organizations is one of the modern methods in educational evaluation. In this study on the basis of this method attitude and education benefiting rate in medical interns of ENT department had been evaluated. This study was longitudinal - descriptive, and 40 interns have been evaluated by questionnaire in three sections; theoretical education, practical education and attitude, in two pre-test and post-test stages.Average grade of pre-test and post-test in theoretical education was 10.6 and 12.9 respectively (from maximum of 18) and average grade of pre-test and post-test in practical education was 7.8 and 13.4 respectively (from maximum of 22). Total average grade of pretest and posttest education was 18.4 and 26.3 (from maximum of 40). Average grade of pretest and posttest attitude was 75 and 81.3 (from maximum of 100).ENT department had been able to promote theoretical education grade 21.7%, practical education grade 71.8%, total grade of education 42.9% and attitude grade 8.4%. In this way ENT department had been able to elevate educational targets from low fulfilled (46%)to relatively fulfilled (65.8%).

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the paramedical students' views about their future.348 students participated in this study and they completed the questionnaire.The pilot study was carried out to evaluate validity and reliability of the questionnaire before applying the study. Data were analyzed using EPI6 statistical soft ware.It was found that most of students (about 50%) were not satisfied of their future.

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This study is a cross sectional descriptive study which had been done in Hamadan Medical Science University academic members, with purpose of assessment of academic members knowledge and attitude relative to students and instruction evaluation in 1997.For collection of data reliable and valid questionnaires have been designed; Questionnaires were send to all of the academic members. Then, after 2 weeks questionnaires were collected. From 230 academic members, 86 academic members completed their questionnaires.The results showed, there was positive co - efficient between knowledge of academic members relative to student and instruction evaluation. This result was significant (P = 0.0168). In this study 12.8% academic members had low knowledge and 79.1% had had moderate knowledge.

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In order to study the educational status of medical students at the level of basic sciences, six groups of them (507 students) that attended during 1984-1994 academic years, were investigated. The data including age, sex, attending year, average scores, etc. were gathered through a questionnaire from university archive and analyzed using SPSS software.The results indicated that educational status of three groups of student, that attended in 1989-1991were relatively better than other groups (1992- 1994). The highest average scores (14.7) of specialized courses were related to students attended in 1989 and lowest scores (13.52) related to students attended in 1993. Scores of basic courses of earlier students was also better than later students. Our results also indicated that female, single and younger students had much better scores in both basic and specialized courses than male, married and order students. The uncommitted students had better scores than committed students (Shahed and Essargar). The numbers of suspended students were increased in 1992-93 academic years (26.5% and 36.3% respectively).The average scores in physiology, anatomy of trunk, anatomy of head and neck, histology and immunology courses have been decreases in 1989- 1994, however, parasitology, mycology, pathology and anatomy of limbs had better average scores. The average scores of biochemistry, microbiology and English language showed some fluctuation.

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Universities are the origin of society revolution, and the main component of the universities, and society's organization. Students' perspectives about factors (such as sex, Job, age, and marriage) in relation with study at university s an effective component in their enthusiasm, and should be investigated. This study has been designed for determination of students' perspective of Medical Science University.The survey was carried out on 290 first year students and 337 final year students of medicine, nursing, Midwifery, dentistry, and health subjects in 1988 academic year. Students' perspective has been investigated using, question forms. Each of the questionnaires, included 20 relevant questions, and evaluated by liquret spectrum. Data analyzed by EPI6 computer programme.None of the first year students showed bad or very bad perspective. 3.5 percent of the students that were tested, showed average perspective, 50.8 percent of the students that were tested showed good perspective, and 13 percent of the students that were tested showed very good perspective. The mean for the first year, and the last year students were 70.13, and 52.20, respectively. The difference between them were not significant (P <0.001). Most of the first year, and the last year students had good and very good perspective. The rate of good and very good perspective, between the first year students which were single, and last year students which they were married, was higher. The first year, and last year students perspective which they were not working, was better than theses which they were working. Most of the undergraduate students had good, and very good perspective, while, among the last year postgraduate students, the rate of good, and very good perspective was lower. The rate of postgraduate students with good, and very good perspective at doctora level, in comparison with undergraduate students (at, and B.S.C. levels) was lower. In general, all of the first year, and the last year students that they were tested, had good perspective, but, at the end of the period of study, this perspective had been changed, and the rate of good, and very good perspective of students will be decline. Marriage factor cause better perspective among the last year students. Also the students which they were not working had better perspective.

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Universities have critical responsibilities to train, educate and develop students. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary the university offer academic advising to the students. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the faculty members of the Hamadan University of Medical Sciences about offering academic advising to the students.155 faculty members (male=105, female=50; academic advisor=72, nonacademic advisor=83) voluntarily participated in this study.The data was collected by the questionnaires. The results indicated, although, the level of the faculty member's knowledge of academic advisors group (M=14.25, SD=3.0) and nonacademic advisors group (M=12.2, SD=4.4) of the college of health sciences and academic advisors group (M=13.19, SD=3.0) and nonacademic advisors group (M=10.62, SD=2.8) of the college of nursing and midwife about offering advising services were acceptable, the level of the faculty member's knowledge of academic advisors group (M=9.23, SD=4.1) and nonacademic, advisers (M=7.43, SD=3.4) of the college of medicine and academic advisors group (M=8.11, SD=3.2) and nonacademic advisers group (M=7.0, SD=1.7) of the college of dentistry were not acceptable. All faculty members shown remarkable high level of positive attitude (M=55.12, SD=12.6) for offering academic advising services to the students. In the other hand, the level of academic advisor's practice (M=14.17, SD=8.0) was not acceptable.The majority of faculty member's (83.4%) assumed offering academic advising services to the students as a important responsibilities, since, they reported that were not familiar with academic advising tasks and responsibilities. In conclusion, the faculty members, particularly the medical and dentistry faculty members have not had offering successfully academic advising and guiding services for their students. The academic and non academic advisors need to improve their skills and performance through having official directory, clear task description and participating in workshop, and be supported by university.

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Survey of goals achievement in order to evaluate and assessment of educational situation and efficacy of medical group graduated is necessary at educational programs of various medical group courses.So a cross-sectional descriptive survey carried out in order to survey the whole goals achievement of bachelor nursing educational program from view of nursing students in Hamadan University of Medical Sciences. This survey carried out with 51 pregraduated nursing students that included all of research community. Tool of collecting data was a questionnaire that was included two part, first demographic information and second questions about educational program goal achievement.Results indicated that students believed goals achievement about following goals have been well and excellent. Goals such as drug performing on scientific basis(86.2%),doing or help to do variety treatments for patients on scientific basis (54.9%), assessment and diagnosis existing problems at presenting nursing services (58.8%), presenting guideline and consulting services to clients and their family(68.6%), enough communication with clients and their family (64.7%), understanding of clients and their family needs (56.9%), education of cases of health and care to clients, family and the others(68.8%), presenting nursing cares at intensive care units such as Dialysis, ICU, CCU (between 54.9-64.7%), evaluation activities that carried out by variety of nursing personnel (54.9%), health education to people of community in order to health of community (56.9%) cooperative with health groups for planning in order to disease prevention for community promotion (53%).In this way 60.8 percent of students had evaluated goals achievement of educational bachelor nursing program well and excellent and 35.3 percent moderate and rest of them weak and unacceptable.

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It is clear the importance of immediate in cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for all and the practice of nursing staffs as the first personnel in front of poor prognosis patients has a specific condition. Unfortunately in medicine and infirmary educational courses there is not a recognizable civil practice. According to literatures of 1960 C.P.R as a new idea born and has gotten public science in 1990.But it has no definite situation in medicine staffs in our country (Iran) yet.During 10 workshops using films, theoretical lectures and practical affaires with new borns and adults casts, 100% of nurses and 90% of auxiliary nurses had educated according to clinical trials manner and then a comparative statistical survey in 4 wards include: urgency ambulatory, urgency, heart and general, between 6 months before first and after last CPR workshops had done in this study.Statistical studies showed a significant difference in successfulness before and after workshops in 4 wards include ambulatory urgency, urgency, heart and general. Percent of successful in 4 above mentioned wards before work shops were 30%, 0%, 37.9%, 7.69% respectively and after workshops changed to 40%, 21%, 44.4% and 42% in frequency.In mention of meaningful statistical differences that exist in CPR prognosis and unity condition in wards the staffs education who are in front of patients has specific importance. Hence, suggest these workshops will get as a deliberated course for medicine and infirmary staffs.

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