Universities are the origin of society revolution, and the main component of the universities, and society's organization. Students' perspectives about factors (such as sex, Job, age, and marriage) in relation with study at university s an effective component in their enthusiasm, and should be investigated. This study has been designed for determination of students' perspective of Medical Science University.The survey was carried out on 290 first year students and 337 final year students of medicine, nursing, Midwifery, dentistry, and health subjects in 1988 academic year. Students' perspective has been investigated using, question forms. Each of the questionnaires, included 20 relevant questions, and evaluated by liquret spectrum. Data analyzed by EPI6 computer programme.None of the first year students showed bad or very bad perspective. 3.5 percent of the students that were tested, showed average perspective, 50.8 percent of the students that were tested showed good perspective, and 13 percent of the students that were tested showed very good perspective. The mean for the first year, and the last year students were 70.13, and 52.20, respectively. The difference between them were not significant (P <0.001). Most of the first year, and the last year students had good and very good perspective. The rate of good and very good perspective, between the first year students which were single, and last year students which they were married, was higher. The first year, and last year students perspective which they were not working, was better than theses which they were working. Most of the undergraduate students had good, and very good perspective, while, among the last year postgraduate students, the rate of good, and very good perspective was lower. The rate of postgraduate students with good, and very good perspective at doctora level, in comparison with undergraduate students (at, and B.S.C. levels) was lower. In general, all of the first year, and the last year students that they were tested, had good perspective, but, at the end of the period of study, this perspective had been changed, and the rate of good, and very good perspective of students will be decline. Marriage factor cause better perspective among the last year students. Also the students which they were not working had better perspective.