The purpose of this research was to examin the effectiveness of training the practical educational methods of the prophet Mohammad on the religious thinking and attitudes, the religious beliefs and the mental health of high school girl students in Ahvaz. The sample consists of 80 girl students which were choosen selected by the use of cluster random sampling and they were divided in to two groups of 40 students, control and experimental groups.This research is an experimental type in which pretest and posttest are administered on the control group. The instruments used in this research were Aryan Thinking Religious test, Allport test and scl-25 test for considering the mantal health. At first, the pretest was administered to two groups. Then the experimental group participated in 17 sessions, each session was about 50 minutes. In these sessions the practical educational methods of the holy prophet was taught. After that, two groups were tested (post test) again. the results of multivariable variance on the Level (P<0/0001) analysis showed that the prophet practical educational methods training increased the religious thinking and improved the general mental health, but between the control and experimental groups no significant differences in religious believes were observed.