Mass Media and Especially Television make a pattern for interpretation of information which audience percepts its own society according to that. So, if this image not to be similar of the reality she feel, will cause some serious problems. As Iranian women role in society has experienced revolutionary changes in recent decades, it seems that should be seen in television images of Iranian women. The research focused on commercial ads in IRIB channel 1, to investigate of the “image of Iranian women in commercial ads In IRIB1 has what kind of characteristics”. For this reason by conducting a content analysis, has describes the images by its elements like coverage, employment, role in family, kind of product, the ad setting and so on. Results show that Iranian woman has shown mostly as a wife and “in-house woman”, desire for consumption products, and less educated. These results are in contradiction with many realities, as Iranian women have conquer the academic arena, have an outstanding share of employment, and play a very laminated role in social life, like sports and driving and so on. Researchers propose some reasons for these contradictions as: 1) may promotion of goods and services by men have more impressive effect; 2) Regulations make some limitations for presence of women, 3) Advertising producers have not a true image from women in modern Iranian society. Also they offer some suggestions for improving our perception from Iranian women image in television in future researches.