The main aim of the present reseach is to study the quality of work life and vocational satisfaction of teachers of education department of Nazarabad and using the sample volume of Kerjesy & Morgan, 100 people were selected for the statistical sample with classified and comparative method and through the standard questionnaire, the quality of work life and vocational satisfaction which internal uniform coefficient of the questions (alpha of Kronbakh) is./87 and./83 became confident and the reliability of questionnaires was also confirmed by the statistical specialists.100 questionnaires were completed and analyzed and the statistical analysis was performed gradually through correlation method of Pierson, T test and regression for the independent groups. The results obtained from the statistical tests show that: the teachers of education department of Nazarabad are placed in comparatively suitable level from the viewpoint of quality of work life and vocational satisfaction and also the factors of work environment, safety and health, procurement of development opportunity and continuous security, general living space, social relation of work life, social unification and integration and law making placed relatively in suitable position. But, the factors of justice and sufficient issue and expansion of human capacity are placed in unsuitable level. And the results shows that between the factors of work environment, safety and health, procurement of development opportunity and continuous security, general living space, social relation of work life, social unification and integration and law making and vocational satisfaction there is a meaningful relation, but between the factors of justice and sufficient issue, law making in the labor organization and expansion of human capabilities and vocational satisfaction there is no meaningful relation and it was specified that between the ratio of quality of work life and vocational satisfaction of women and men teachers there is a meaningful difference. On other hand the female teachers in the factors of work environment, safety and health, procurement of development opportunity and continuous security, general living space benefits high level in comparison with the male teachers and the female teachers enjoys high level vocational satisfactory in comparison with the male teachers.