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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: Experience of chronic stress in children, has a significant role in developing future physical, mental and social problems. It is critical that families, teacher and professional group have the ability to detect the signs of stress in children.According to statistics published by the Ministry of Education in 2008-09 there are about 5.5 million children in elementary schools of Iran. Meanwhile few studies have been done on stress in children ages 7-12. The aims of this study were, therefore, to assess stress symptoms in elementary school-aged children.Materials & Methods: In this descriptive research we included 839 Tabriz elementary school students in grades 3-5. First, the schools were selected using quota sampling from 5 education zones of Tabriz, then the students were selected using simple random sampling from these schools. Data gathering tool was Children Stress Symptoms Scale (CSSS) implemented through individual interview after content translation, validity and reliability using test re-test. Data were analyzed using percentage, absolute frequency and SPSS software.Results: All of the 26 items of the employed questionnaire were reported as stress symptoms by children. More than half of the students reported worry, tachycardia, fear, trembling and grieving. Meanwhile 46.6% had reported headache and 41.8% of them had reported tiredness. There was significant relationship between variables of gender, grade and type of school and any signs of stress.Conclusion: Children react in different ways to stress. Recognizing these symptoms will allow parents, teachers and professional staff to know of student’s physical and mental status and may lead to intervention to reduce their stress.

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Background & Objectives: Health is a human right and everybody has a right to demand it. Consumer satisfaction is recognized as an important parameter for assessing the quality of patient care services. Patient satisfaction has become a means to gaining and maintaining market share. It is commonly acknowledged that patients’ reports of their satisfaction from the quality of care and services, are as important as many other clinical health measures.Materials & Methods: This is a descriptive-comparative study. Using quota sampling method we select 392mothers who had been hospitalized for cesarean section in public and private Tabriz hospitals. For data collection, we used a questionnaire that included two parts: demographic characteristic and mothers’ satisfaction with delivery care givers. Descriptive statistic, Independent t test, ANOVA and correlation tests were used for data analysis.Results: Assessment of physical and informational aspects of care indicates that mothers were more satisfied with the physical aspects than informational ones, physical satisfaction rate in labor and postpartum phase were, respectively, 87/5% and 100% in public hospitals and 82/7% and 100% in private hospitals. Informational satisfaction rate in labor and postpartum phase were 0%.and 69%in public hospitals and 0% and 62% in private hospitals. The analysis of data showed significant difference between mothers’ satisfaction with two aspects of care in public and private hospitals (P=0.87) Conclusion: The results show that mothers were more satisfied with physical and informational aspects of care in public hospitals than private hospitals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1398

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Background & Objectives: Despite the growing importance of knowledge in the present age, several studies indicate that there are a great gap between knowledge production and its use, which is more evident in nursing profession. Meanwhile there is no evidence of the amount of individual efforts in the transfer of knowledge derived from nursing research to enhance the quality and quantity of it. Thus the present study aims to describe nurse educators’ perception of personal activities in knowledge transfer derived from nursing researches across Iranian universities of medical sciences.Materials & Methods: Descriptive study accomplished with sampling of 279 nurse educators working of Medical Science universities of Iran. The information regarding the knowledge transfer was gathered by using Knott & Wildavsky (1980) Landry et al (2001, 2003) tool. Data were analyzed by SPSS.Results: As the nurse educators mentioned their personal knowledge transfer performance was poor, among them only "lectures or presentation of research results" was normal and "sending the results of research, meeting of working groups, consulting services, collaboration to develop products and services, participation in businesses activities and promotion of research results" were reported weak.Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that individual performance of nursing knowledge transfer is weak. Nurse educators should not be confined merely to present the results in seminars or congresses but to use other activities such as passing messages to addresses, too.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: The clinical guideline, if integrated with logbooks, is considered as suitable tool for clinical learning enhancement by providing an effective opportunity for interacting among the student, clinical environment and the instructor.The present study has been done with regard to surveying the effect of using clinical learning guidelines as students learning.Materials& Methods: This quasi-experimental research was performed on 25 internship nursing students. At first based on a Delphic study, a clinical learning guideline integrated to logbook was designed and compiled for Gynecology units. The students were randomly divided into two groups of control and experiment. The control group was trained through usual method, while the experimental group was educated using the logbook. The two groups’ clinical learning in clinic both was evaluated regarding cognitive and psychomotor domains.Results: The mean score of the students in experimental group in Gynecology units in cognitive and psychomotor domains was higher than control group but the difference was not statistically significant.Conclusion: Regarding the promotion of students’ scores in cognitive and psychomotor domains in Gynecology wards the lack of statistically significance does not reduce the value of this useful educational method. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that use of a logbook will improve learning scores in two cognitive and psychomotor domains.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objectives: Patient education is one of the most important role5 for all nurses, indeed nurses’ perception of their own role will influence their commitment and performance. Considering its influence on different aspects of nursing, cure, recovery and costs understanding the current situation is very important because it makes nurses to be aware of their own performance and improve this important task, too. The present study aims to measure perception of Tabriz medical training centers’ nurses of patient education.Materials & Methods: This is a descriptive study in which 400 nurses in health centers participated and were randomly allocated (2010). Data were gathered by using "Nurses’ role as patient educators", developed by Taoklam (1991). Patient education was then classified in based on the current situation to 4 dimensions: "Assessment of patient needs", "Patient education programming", "Implementation of patient education" and "Evaluation of patient education". Data were analyzed by using SPSS / 14.Results: The results indicated that the situation was moderate to worse. From the viewpoint of nurses "assessment of patient needs" and "implementation of patient education", are performed before "patient education programming" and "evaluation of patient education".Conclusion: According to the findings little attention has been given to training patients by the nurses. Evaluation of patient education was addressed as the least important dimension, too. Considering the results and, also, fundamental role of nursing care in patient improvement the authorities should take necessary actions for them.

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Background & Objectives: Self – efficacy in breastfeeding is a valuable frame work to anticipate breastfeeding behavior, and shows the mother’s self – reliance and degree of ability to breastfeed her baby. Having high self – efficacy can increase exclusive breastfeeding duration, therefore, this study has been designed and performed to determine the rate of breastfeeding self – efficacy among pregnant women referred to health centers of Ahvaz.Materials & Methods: In this descriptive-correlative study 120 pregnant women who referred to health center of Ahvaz were randomly selected. In last month of pregnancy their self – efficacy scores was measured by Fox & Dennis questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using SPSS/17.Results: Findings of this study showed that the mean score of women's self-efficacy and standard deviation were 104.85 and 15.10 respectively. The results of this research showed significant correlation between age of pregnancy and education of samples with self – efficacy scores, too.Discussion & Conclusion: In spite of proven benefits of breastfeeding and the main role of self – efficacy in choosing baby- feeding method and duration of exclusive breastfeeding, findings of this study indicated that low percentage of samples had high scores of self-efficacy. It seems that compilation of educational program is needed to increase pregnant women’s breastfeeding self – efficacy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Objective: Nowadays the rise in the prevalence of overweight and obesity (OW/OB) in children is one of the most alarming public health issues facing the world.Overweighed Children are facing the risk of obesity and obesity in adulthood and its complications. Various studies have indicated direct relationship between lifestyle and obesity. Therefore, the present study has been investigated to determine the relationship between lifestyle pattern as one of the important indicator of lifestyle and body mass index in elementary school girls of Tabriz.Materials & Methods: This is a descriptive study done in Tabriz (2009) in which 1500 students (age range of 7-11) were selected as a sample through a randomize cluster sampling. Height and weight of children were measured by standard methods for determination body mass index (BMI). Based on CDC criteria, the students were divided into four following categories: below the 5th percentile as "underweight ", 5-85 percentile as "normal weight", 85-95 percentile of the standard as "overweight" and above the 95th percentile as "obese". The other demographic data were gathered by obtaining parental consent and filling the research questionnaires. Statistical analysis were done by SPSS/16 comparing the means by using Kruskal-Wallis tests, Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlation for studing correlation between them.Results: The results of the study showed that 73 percent of school girls were normal weight, 12.5% were overweight, 5.8 % obese, and 8.6% underweight. There was a significant relationship (p=0.04), between the hours of watching television and BMI among the subjects, while there was no relationship between BMI and the number of hours that they play computer games, and hours that they study or read books.Conclusion: Although this study could not clearly show the correlation between BMI and Leisure activities pattern in girls, there were average differences between the obesity and overweight groups which was significant in the number of TV-watching hours. Therefore it seems that TV-watching plays an effective role (more than the other sources) in the incidence of child obesity and overweight. There is a need for prevention of childhood obesity with emphasis on improving the pattern of leisure activities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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