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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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در پژوهش حاضر، تاثیر غلظت نمک کلرور سدیم در محیط کشت بر تغییرات فعالیت آنزیم های آنتی اکسیدان (کاتالازی، اسکوربات پراکسیدازی، پراکسیدازی، سوپراکسیددیسموتازی)، تغییرات محتوای اسمولیت ها (گلیسین بتائین و پرولین) و تغییر در میزان رنگیزه ها، مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. درتیمار های 2.5، 7.5 و 12.5 درصد نمک طعام، سویه مورد آزمایش رشد نموده و، امکان سنجش سایر پارامتر های مورد نظر فراهم شد. بیشترین رشد در تیمار 7.5 درصد مشاهده شد. بیشترین مقدار رنگیزه های کلروفیل a (10.3 میلی گرم بر گرم وزن تر جلبک)، کلروفیل b (0.735 میلی گرم بر گرم وزن تر جلبک) و بتا کاروتن (0.211 میلی گرم بر گرم وزن تر جلبک) در تیمار 7.5 درصد دیده شد اما افزایش درصد کلروفیل b در سایر تیمار ها اتفاق افتاد. نتایج بررسی آنزیمی، نشان داد که در شرایط مربوط به سایر تیمارها میزان نمک در محیط کشت، فعالیت پراکسیدازی و آسکوربات پراکسیدازی به طور معنی داری افزایش یافت (P<0.05). علاوه بر این، در شرایط بهینه میزان گلیسین بتائین به طور معنی داری (P<0.05) بیش از دو تیمار دیگر بود. در شرایط غیر بهینه مورد آزمایش، مقدار پرولین افزایش معنی داری داشت (P<0.05) به نظر می رسد. در تیمار 7.5 درصد بیشترین رشد مشاهده می شود و سلول برای رفع تنش به تغییر ترکیب آنتن های فتوسنتزی، در جهت افزایش فتوسیستم 2 همراه باسنتزپرولین و پروتئین های انزیمی انتی اکسیداتیو به مقابله با اثرات شوری و یا به عبارتی سازش با آن می پردازد.

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Protein components of living body are affected by environmental factors such as temperature, salinity and pH. This study was carried out to measure and compare drip and drip protein in four fishes Pomadasys kaakan, Caranx ignobilis, Nemipterus japonicas and Ctenopharyngodon idella holding condition without and with 2 and 5 percent salt in house refrigerators with -19, 2010. 108 samples of fishes were investigated. Drip was measured using Spectrometer T80 uv/lis PG Instruments and percent of drip protein was done by kjeldahl method. In this study data were analyzed with SPSS17 software in terms of oneaway (ANOVA). According to the results, highest of drip 50.43±14.56 g and drip protein 3.40±1.17 % was in Pomadasys kaakan in 5 percent salt and lowest of drip 1.32±0.36 g was in Pomadasys kaakan without salt, respectively. Also, the lowest of drip protein was 2.75±0.46 % in Pomadasys kaakan in 2 percent salt. Salting caused an increase in drip loss (P<0.05) but had no significant effect on drip protein content (P³0.05).

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In the last decades as a result of global warming climate change has been one of the fundamental discussions among scientists. As the atmospheric water vapor plays an important role in energy balance of the planet, so it is an important factor for explaining climate change. In this study, air pressure, vapor pressure and relative humidity and dew point temperature over 46 synoptic stations are obtained. The specific humidity is calculated for the statistic period (1976 till 2005). The amount of the relative and specific humidity trend is calculated by least square method. The Mann-Kendall test is used for determining the significance level of trend. The results showed that the annual of the mean relative humidity in north ~80% and North West of Iran was greater than other areas. Relative humidity in winter was greater than other seasons. In coasts of Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf annual mean of specific humidity was greater than other areas; also summer specific humidity is greater than other seasons (~ 4 g/kg).Relative humidity trend in most of stations except the stations which are in coasts of Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf and some of the western stations were negative. Annual specific humidity trends were positive in Caspian Sea and Persian Gulf stations and were negative in other stations. In winter most of stations had significant negative trend in relative humidity (28%). Specific humidity was reduced in most of stations in spring, but it increased for some of stations in coastal lines. Over all negative trends of investigated parameters was more than positive one.

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Coral reefs are considered as one of most productive marine habitats for energy and production of organic matter.21 species of hard corals have been identified in Kish Island The family Favidea have the highest variety. The genera porites, Acropora are abundant coral reefs in Kish Island. Bleaching of the coral reefs along with the death or not death of corals is the reflex of corals to the environmental stress.Methods used in this study due to the status of the amount of approximate alive or dead coral reefs around the Kish Island, is timed swims or TS. 6 regions around Kish Island. were evaluated, the Persian Gulf, Big coral, Jurassic park, KolbeHoor, Greek ship, north of the Island. In the Jurassic park area coral colonies of the genera Acropora, Porites were bleached with 45percent.Minimum of bleaching had seen in north of the Island with 10 percent. In Persian Gulf site dead corals of Acropora sp. and Porites sp. were seen colonies of Acropora sp. were bleached with algae on it. Human activities like anchoring boats and recreational snorkeling in shallow water could be damaging coral reef.

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One important pollutant in water resources is toxic substance “phenol” and its derivatives. PNP is the most toxic one in its group. It is very important to be omitted. A quantity of studies has been made to omit PNP in polluted waters and industrial wastewaters by activated carbon, nano tube carbon and… Aim of this study is separating PNP in stable temperature conditions in a bed of activated carbon with nano pores and modifying structure of these pores with chemical materials. At first amount of absorption of PNP by primary AC was measured. In second stage the AC modification and parameters like concentration of phosphoric acid, pH, temperate of oven &… were investigated. In researching concentration of H3PO4 from 6% to 35%, it was observed that the best concentration is 6% with absorption rate of 95.5%. The best temperature time is 550oC in 40 minute. pH was investigated from 1 to 5 and the result was modification of pH in 1,2 with 99.5%. The kinetic of adsorption in different times of AC showed that max absorption with concentration of 10000 ppm achieved in 180 minutes and more than 90% of absorption accrued in the first 60min. Max capacity of absorption of AC accrued in this research was 142.22mg/g. And there was done a comparison between capacity of absorption of modified AC, SWNT, MWNT, nano article of iron & the primary AC. The acquired amounts show superiority of activated modified carbon than other mention absorbers. In this research capacity of absorption in comparison with reported amounts are good and in competing.

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Oxytetracycline (OTC) is the only form of tetracycline compounds which is approved by FDA to be used for prevention and treatment of aquatic animals’ diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of OTC residue in muscle and liver of Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using single dose method.12 fishes were divided into 4 treatments and each treatment was divided into 3 replicates. Regarding the weight range of fishes (40-80 g) and also the injectable OTC dosage rate of 25-50 mg/kg in accordance with aquatic animals pharmaceuticals, 0.04 ml of injectable solution of OTC was intramuscularly injected, then muscle and liver were sampled from fishes after 6, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Measurement of OTC residues was carried out by HPLC after solid phase extraction (SPE).The highest recorded concentrations in muscle and liver were observed in 6hr and 24hr after injection respectively (3.37mg/g and 17.37mg/g).The lowest concentrations in muscle and liver belonged to 72hr after injection (0.29mg/g and 9.52mg/g respectively). The results indicated that OTC concentrations descend in muscle from 6th to 72th hour. But in liver, because of OTC redistribution, drug concentration increases significantly after 24hr (P<0.05), then it decreases after 48 and 72hr.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Abstract: In this study, shelf life of brined vacuum-packed (VP) Golden Mullet (Liza aurata) of Caspian Sea was assessed, considering its protein and lipid deterioration with effect of microbial population during 90 days of storage at 4oC. Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN) was measured to determine protein deterioration, Peroxide Value (PV) was analysed to determine lipid deterioration. Total Count (TC), Halophilic Bacterial Count (HBC) and possibility of Clostridium botulinum existence were measured to determine microbial population. TVN increased from 14.5 to 30.80 mg/100g, PV increased from 3.89 to 28.86 (meqo2/kg), TC increased from log 4.40 CFU/gr to log 5.70 CFU/gr and HBC increased from log 4.75 CFU/gr to log 6.30 CFU/gr. Increasing in some of parameters, was found to be statistically significant in the VP brined golden mullet through out storage (P<0.05). No trace of Clostridium botulinum existence was detected during the period of storage. The results from this study clearly suggested that a combination of brining, vacuum packaging and storage at refrigerated temperature prolongs the shelf life of golden mullet. Based on data the best shelf life was found 30 days for VP brined golden mullet stored at 4oC.

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From autumn 2007 to summer 2008 gut content and some food indices such as relative gut length, fullness index and food occurance were analysed in 342 specimens of Atherina boyeri with local name of Shishemahi in Mazandaran province (Bitween Bishekolah to Babolsar) summer specimens were caught with small mesh beach seine and other Specimens were caught through seasonal sampling as a by catch in beach seen (Parreh).The average size of the fish caught was 99.68±11.23 and the average weight was 5.77±2.13 Mean value for relative length gut were calculated. 46±.10 Relative length gut mean value in summer was 0.32and had high significant difference with this value in other season (P> 0.05). Between females and specimens with non-identical sex, this index show also significant difference (p<0.05). Mean value for fullness index was calculated 4.1±1.56.fullness index values between seasons were significantly different (P<0.05), but this index did not show any significant difference between different sexes (P³0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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