This study was conducted with the aim of constructing and validating the scale for retirement syndromes in male and female retirees in Esfahan retirement centers in the spring of 1997. In order to reach the goal of the study, of the retirees enrolled with retirement centers, 461 people were selected depending on their gender using stratified random sampling. A questionnaire with 65 question items was developed using preliminary interviews, theoretical literature, consulting authorities in the field, identify the factors indicating the retirement syndromes, i.e. the set of feelings and signs that retirees experience, and once pilot- tested on 30 retirees on rolled with retirement centers, a questionnaire with 52 questions was developed based on the previous questionnaire. The criteria for selecting questions were the presence of positive correlation with the whole test and positive factorial load of 0.4. Once the questions were selected and tested on a study sample of 461, the reliability of the test construct was examined using the factor analysis and varimax rotation.In second order factor analysis, four factors capable of accounting for a total of 47.152 of the total variance, were extracted the Cronbach’s Alpha for the four factors were 0.764, 0.600, 0.541 and 0.400 respective being significant at p<0.01 level. The Cronbach’s Alpha for the whole test, too, was estimated to be 0.714.