The purpose of the study is to identify factors related to two categories of "trainee's characteristics" and "training process", affecting training transfer in organizations. The data was gathered using qualitative research and case study. The research field was Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2014. The research sample included 34 participants comprising 13 managers, 12 faculty members and 9 employees. The research instrument was a semistructured interview. The results showed that factors affecting training transfer with regard to trainees characteristics were eight factors of individual capabilities, continuity of knowledge, practical background, functional leverages, job knowledge, behavioral motives, perceived capability and a sense of need, and regarding training process, seven factors of training needs analysis, training materials and resources, the role of the trainee, desired training output and training policy, time of classes, and continuity of learning experiences. Considering these factors could help organizations to achieve the goal of "Training Transfer" or "Transfer of Learned materials into the workplace" that is the perennial concern of managers and main factor to assess the effectiveness of training.