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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of various reading interventions (SHR and CSR) on elementary adult EFL learners' reading comprehension. To this end, the researchers selected 3 intact elementary adult female classes including 90 learners based on their performance on Iran Language Institute Placement Test (ILI) and randomly assigned them as the control and experimental groups. Their homogeneity was assessed based on a pre-test taken from the reading section of Key English Test (KET) and 66 learners, that is, 22 in each class were selected as the participants of the study. Later, the experimental groups were exposed to one of the intended treatments, SHR or CSR, for ten sessions, while the control group received only regular classroom reading instruction. Finally, the learners were given the same KET test used in pre-test as the post-test to measure their reading skill. The findings of one-way ANOVA revealed that CSR group surpassed the other two groups and SHR group outperformed the control group. The implications are discussed in terms of the efficacy of CSR and SHR in enhancing EFL learners' reading comprehension.

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This research was conducted based on purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of group gestalt therapy on social anxiety, test anxiety and positive and negative affection of female students. The research design was semi-experimental and pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of the study was all female undergraduate students of Sari Azad University in the academic year of 2015-2016. Of the total number of the target population, 50 people were willing to cooperate. Then, social anxiety scores, anxiety test, and the PANAS positive and negative affection scores were provided and pre-tested. Twenty students were selected using available sampling method (20 in the experimental group and 20 in the control group). Then, interventional therapy (8 sessions of 90 minutes) was performed on the experimental group. After the end of the sessions, the students of both groups were subjected to post-test. Data were analyzed using covariance analysis. The findings showed that Gestalt therapy explains about 37% of variance in reducing social anxiety. Also, gestalt therapy explains about 67% of the variance in reducing test anxiety, and gestalt therapy has been led to increase in positive affection and reduction in negative affection. The results showed that group gestalt therapy has an effect on social anxiety, test anxiety and negative and positive affection.

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This study was to Psychometric characteristics of work domain goal orientation questionnaire Farsi Version in Iranian Teachers. As a descriptive study, populations were all Ashkezar and Meybod city teachers, 448 ones were selected by categorical random sampling. Data were gathered by work domain goal orientation questionnaire (VandeWalle, 1997), Minnesota job satisfaction questionnaire (Weiss et al., 1967), and job performance questionnaire (Patterson, 1992) and then analyzed utilizing Pearson correlation and confirmatory factor analysis. Face validity was checked via item impact approach showing the appropriate face validity of questionnaire. Content validity was confirmed by CVI and CVR indexes. Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the three factor structure of the questionnaire including learning goal orientation, performance-prove, and performance-avoid. Correlation between this questionnaire, job satisfaction, and job performance showed the questionnaire possesses an appropriate divergent and convergent validity (p<. 05). Finally, reliability of the questionnaire using test-retest method for learning, performance-prove, and performance-avoid goal orientation was. 81, . 76, and. 75, respectively (p<. 05) and using Cronbach alpha was. 92, . 88, and. 85, respectively. It can be concluded Farsi version of work domain goal orientation questionnaire in Iranian teachers possesses an appropriate validity and reliability.

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This study aimed to investigate the causal relationship dimensions of perfectionism and test anxiety of goal orientationwas through mediation. For this purpose, 320 students were selected from Shiraz high schools using multi-stage random sampling. three authentic questionnaires were used to collect data. These questionnaires included Perfectionism Inventory Hill et al (2004), Sarason Test Anxiety scale (1984) and Scale of achievement goals. Path analysis using structural equation modeling was implemented for data analysis. Findings showed that the model had a good fitness with the research’ s data. In this study, direct path positive perfectionism with dimension of thinking irrelevant was significant negatively. The direct path negative perfectionism to test anxiety (Stress and anxiety, and somatic symptoms and thinking irrelevant) was significant. And direct path positive perfectionism with mastery and performance goal orientation was significant. But the direct path negative perfectionism to mastery and performance goal orientation was not significant. Mastery goal orientation all aspects of test anxiety (Stress and anxiety, and somatic symptoms and thinking irrelevant) negatively predicted. But performance goal orientation did not predict any of the dimensions of test anxiety. positive perfectionism, indirectly, through mastery goal orientation with all aspects of test anxiety (Stress and anxiety, and somatic symptoms and thinking irrelevant) was significant. People with positive perfectionism to choose mastery goals, in stressful situations, such as test anxiety experience less anxiety.

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The aim of this study was to Modeling Effective Teaching of Faculty Members Based on Artificial Neural Network Analysis. So this study has practical purpose and in terms of research methods was combined and Hybrid-type exploration projects. In this study, all students of Islamic Azad university of Urmia were considered as the population. on qualitative section; we interviewed 24 students from Islamic Azad University of Urmia. Participants were selected using typical sampling until we research theoretical saturation while conducting deep and semi-structured interview. Using a random stratified sample size formula Cochran, 361 students were selected. In this study, to collect data and information semi-structured interview and questionnaire have been used. Formal and content validity of the questionnaire was approved. Coronbach's alpha coefficient was 0/81. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were used. Based on the findings of the interview, it was determined that effective factors on effective teaching in 5 categories of personality and personal traits, scientific characteristics and literacy, ability in human relationships and communication, teaching and classroom management skills and evaluation skills. The quantitative findings also showed that from the perspective of students, the best structure for effective teaching, had an input layer with 5 input variables and a hidden layer with 3 neurons and an output layer with an output variable. Studying the importance of independent variables in predicting effective teaching showed that from the viewpoint of students, the most important is the personality and personality traits, and the least important is the academic characteristics and literacy of the teacher.

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The aim of this study was to predict emotional adjustment and educational adjustment of high school students based on the dimensions of family functioning. The population of this study included all the male and female high school students of Tabriz city in academic year 2016 – 2017. To do so, a sample consists of 256 high school students was selected through multi-stage sampling method. To data gathering, Olson Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES-IV), and Sinha and Singh Adjustment Inventory of High School Students (AISS) were used. The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis methods. The results of the research showed that family cohesion could well predict emotional adjustment of high school students. However, educational adjustment predicted by their satisfaction about the family. According to the results of this study, distinct roles of family functioning dimensions was confirmed in the prediction of students' educational adjustment and their emotional adjustment. Therefore, it is necessary that family counselors and school counselors take into account relevant dimensions of family functioning in their works with students and helping students’ educational adjustment and emotional adjustment.

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The aim of this study was to the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on academic dysphoria and test anxiety in high school girl students. For this purpose, among all 15-to 18-year-old female students of Tehran's public schools in the academic year of 2016-2017, a multi-stage cluster random sampling method was used to select 383 students. Then, 30 students who had a higher test anxiety and academic dysphoria scores were included in the study and were randomly enrolled as the control group (15 member) and experimental group (15 member). Afterward the scores obtained from the questionnaires in during the sampling were considered as pre-test scores. The experimental group was then subjected to an intervention of "cognitive-behavioral therapy" in 8 sessions of 2 hours; while the control group did not receive any intervention. After the end of the intervention, both groups were followed up and followed up 3 months after the intervention. The data were evaluated using one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) by statistical software SPSS-20. The findings showed that cognitive-behavioral group therapy was effective on reducing the academic dysphoria and test anxiety. According to the findings, considering the beneficial effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on improving academic dysphoria and test anxiety and considering the short duration of this intervention, it seems that this method can be applied to a wide range of behavioral and cognitive problems. Of course, there is a need for additional research.

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The aim of the study was to examine the mediating role of achievement goals (mastery approach goal, mastery avoidance goal, performance approach goal and performance avoidance goal) in relationship between parental support and academic avoidance. Method of this research was descriptive and correlation type. Statistical population consist of all tenth grade Tehran high school and art school students. Participants consisted of 661 that were selected among tenth grade Tehran high school and art school students using multi-stage cluster random sampling. Instrument using in this research were parent support scale (Fall and Roberts), achievement goals scale (Elliot and McGregor) and academic avoidance scale (khormaei). Data analyzed with using structural equation modeling method and AMOS software. The results showed that parental support effect on achievement goals was significantly positive. Also, parental support effect on academic avoidance (academic aversion & truancy) was significantly negative. Moreover, parental support with mediating mastery approach goal, mastery avoidance goal and performance approach goal could predict student academic avoidance indirectly. The total result of the study showed that increasing parental support in students can decrease their academic avoidance, both directly and indirectly via achievement goals (mastery approach goal, mastery avoidance goal, performance approach goal) in them.

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هدف این تحقیق بررسی تأثیر خواندن سایه ای و خواندن راهبردی مشارکتی بر عملکرد خواندن و درک مطلب زبان آموزان ایرانی در سطح مقدماتی بود. محققان 3 کلاس در سطح مقدماتی در کانون زبان ایران که شامل 90 زبان آموز مؤنث بود را انتخاب کردند و آنها را به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه تحقیق و یک گروه شاهد تعیین کردند. همگنی آنها در مهارت درک مطلب از طریق پیش آزمون برگرفته از آزمون کت تأیید شد و 66 زبان آموز (22 نفر در هر کلاس) برای شرکت در تحقیق انتخاب شدند. سپس گروه های تحقیق به مدت 10 جلسه در خواندن سایه ای یا خواندن راهبردی مشارکتی شرکت کردند. در حالی که گروه شاهد تدریس معمول خواندن را دریافت کردند. در پایان همان پیش آزمون درک مطلب کت به عنوان پس آزمون به زبان آموزان داده شد. تحلیل آماری داده های پس آزمون نشانگر پیشرفت معنی دار گروه های تحقیق در مهارت درک مطلب بود. گروه خواندن راهبردی مشارکتی عملکرد بهتری نسبت به دو گروه دیگر داشت و گروه خواندن سایه ای عملکرد بهتری نسبت به گروه شاهد داشت. کاربردهای آموزشی خواندن سایه ای و خواندن راهبردی مشارکتی در پیشرفت مهارت درک مطلب زبان آموزان بیان شده اند.

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