In this research which is accomplished by survey method, with emphasize on philosophic viewpoint& sociology viewpoint, the social factors of woman, s employment were recognized. Then the relation between independent factors whit the employment of women who works in ministry of education was investigated. The measurement tools for social factors of employment in this research is a questionnaire consists of 32 questions which measures the reflection of repliers to different social aspects of woman ,s employmen t (such as Sociol position (station) , popularity, socialize, social manners, self reliance, speech abilities, responsibility, etc) and data were gathered from a sample of 300 persons and random sampling and analyzed using descriptive mono factor statistics, Sperman correlation, Keramer correlation coefficient,x2, regression and path analysis. The validity of questionnaire is tested by using Cronbach alpha (%75). The following are the results: There is a relation between woman, s educational level, age, residence, socialize, urbanity, skill&ability, and their employment.There is not any relation between marital status and number of children and outcome woman ,s employment.