Introduction Universities and higher education institutions centers have a certain position that act as the engines of societies, so upgrading and enhancing its efficacy can in turn better and more effective service to the community. It seems that the use of the servant leadership style as a moral and ethical approach can provide the opportunities to achieve these goals. The servant leadership is based on the servitude philosophy which has a optimistic nature focusing on ethical behavior, serving the development of others, and philanthropic philosophy. Thus, the main objective of this study was to design a model of servant leadership that would suit the cultural considerations and requirements of Iranian Islamic society in broader sense and the University of Farhangian particularly. Method In order to discover the very true participants' tastes, experience, attitudes and perceptions, grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin, 2008) was employed. Through targeted sampling regarding the two characteristics of familiarity with the context of Farhangyan university and having long experience in leadership, seven faculty members and eight head masters (totally fifteen) in Farhangian University were selected to be interviewed. Qualitative data was collected through semi-structured interviewing techniques and reviewing written documents (University Statutes, management charters, Managers' Letter Covenants, by university officials' interviews and lectures). Qualitative Analysis Software (Nvivo) was applied for data analysis. Based on Strauss and Carbian systematic approach, in the three stages of Open Coding, Axial Coding, Selective Coding. Validation through triangulation was reviewed by contributors and non-contributing experts. Results Dimensions of paradigm pattern include: Causal conditions (Ethical and psychological characteristics, service motivation and hooliganism, attorney-trust look and feelings of divine duty), core category or phenomenon (Servant Leadership), context conditions (establishment and preparation of facilities, agility, making perspectives, Religious Principles, Islamic System Values), intervening conditions (establishment of core competencies, expertise and experience, strong communication network, managerial instability and Just evaluation of performance), Strategies (institutionalization of servant leadership, optimization and enhancement of the management and development of partnership), consequences (promoting the quality of the leader-follower relationship, The psychological atmosphere based on trust, effective individual and organizational results), upon which, model of service leadership was designed and validated. Discussion The success of organizations depends on the efficient and effective leaders who are capable of grasping chances and fulfill weak points to accommodate needs. Such leaders are winners by adopting a leadership style that is soothing to chaotic conditions of the new world and consistent with the cultural considerations and value of the community as well. Accordingly, university of Farhangian obliged a style of management that best accommodate academic system necessities, furthermore, to be committed to the principles of value and ethics in Islam. As the findings of this study showed that, servant leadership has a broad range of advantages for the organization and that is compatible with the culture and traditions of the Islamic environment, a value-dominent model in line with cultural values of the country was designed and validated that seems promising to direct educational campuses particularly, Farhangian universities.