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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Aali Marzeyeh

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    6 (25)
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Introduction This study aims at finding an answer to the fundamental question of the relationships between knowledge and power in the context of the formation of the processes of modern education in Iran. Method The methodology used in this investigation is historical analysis, exploring the factors that have shaped the modern educational system and the transformation of values in Iranian society. Thus, the socio-cultural background relevant to this transformation were critically examined based on the available evidence and documents. Also, heeding the contrary assumption regarding discontinuation of certain traditional educational methods and content due to the commitment to modern education. Such elements were pinned down and described. In this study the evolutionary hypothesis of history was not observed, thus the evaluation of our educational system was discussed not via an evolutionary process but through a discursive one. Results The result of the first step of the study showed that the traditional system was marginalized by the modern system by introducing factors such as changes in the punitive methods and the emerge of a modern disciplinary practices, dress uniformity, embarking an compulsory education, innovation in school architecture, the creation of mechanism for monitoring knowledge, etc. In the second step, the research showed that, regardless of valuable achievements of the modern education, made possible at the cost of deleting certain valuable elements of the traditional education system, the revival of some of these elements and reconstruction and in these corporation in the new system are justified. These elements comprise factors such a diversification of the educational system and its curricular contents; de-emphasizing different types of grouping of students both on the basis of age and educational content; an attitude change regarding evaluation, tipping the balance toward individual and skill development; removing the disciplinary barriers; and rendering the school open to the social environment. Discussion This study does not seek to ignore the achievements of the modern education system, nor the pursuit of a reestablishment of traditional education, but merely asserts that in the historical evolution of affairs, from the perspective of power-knowledge relations, aspects of education are removed due to negligence and accidents, and its re-establishment can help to form an educational system based on value culture and native culture.

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    6 (25)
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Introduction Staff continuing education is a strategic action that improves the quality of work at the individual level; resulting in the operating excellence and development of the organization at the organizational level; there by increasing productivity and at the national level, thereby increasing productivity. This article aimed to study policies and strategies of organizing continuing education at Mobarakeh Steel Company. Methodology The research method used in this study, was qualitative methods based on deductive content analysis of documents available at the sits and interviews conducted at the company. Research Mobarakeh Steel Company domain comprised the whole. Participants in this study included members of the committee of Human Resources Development and Training of the company. Seven members were selected via purposive sampling. Research techniques used were investigating documents and semi-structured interviews. Findings were analyzed by content analysis method. Results Finding showed that this company could made sense of need to learning in whole of company by set down the learning organization characterizes; and to linked Instruction unit with goals and objectives of company, and extremely increase productivity. To reach this, they did some activities such as: need assessment in three level of organizational, personal and job needs; planning the sessions, and control and review them. They implemented planes such as: ISO 10015, organization excellence quality plan (EFQM), and so Patrick’ s evaluation pattern in this company. Policies determined by leaders, board of directors and members of the committee of Human Resources Development and Training of the company. Based on findings, three instructional, communicant, and participatory strategies were used in this company. Instructional strategies involved present instructions to train dynamic and lifelong learner staffs. Communicant strategies means developing communication and interactions between staffs and managers. Participatory strategies are to participant stakeholders in decisions and developed team working. Discussion Research findings revealed that Mobarakeh Steel Company compiled its strategies and policies based on an understanding of the needs and expectations of both stakeholders and external environment and so based on understanding the needs and expectations of both the stakeholders and external environment taking. The internal capabilities and functions into account several quality assessments were carried out; all pointed to the existence and appropriate systems in different domains. Also, since the company has implemented Business Excellence Model and consequently, directed the company into a learning organization, necessary grounds for the provision of continuing education, have been created there for continuing education components of the company enjoy a good standing. Three practical strategies caused Mobarakeh Steel Company to move toward a learning organization. The fact that this company received the Excellence award, points up the high quality of continuing education based on the findings of this research the adoption of three strategies: involving continuing education, communication and partnership, conditions for appropriate training have improved.

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    6 (25)
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Introduction This study aimed to identify the factors affecting the use of mathematics lesson study and provide a desirable model for the ordinary elementary schools of Mazandaran Province. Lesson study is an approach for professional development where teachers collaborate to formulate lesson plans, implement them and observe and analyze their outcomes in order to improve students' learning. Method The research was conducted using a sequential exploratory mixed method. The research population included the experts of the field of lesson study and all teachers of mathematics and principals of elementary schools in Mazandaran Province totaling 10700. In the qualitative section, 16 participants were selected through reputational case sampling and 370 participants were selected through simple random sampling in the quantitative section. The data collection tools were deep and exploratory interviews and a researcher-made questionnaire (containing 85 questions) extracted from the interviews. The data were analyzed through grounded theory method in the qualitative stage and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and Friedman test in the quantitative stage. Results The findings showed that the dimensions of lesson study include human, structural, cultural, managerial and pedagogical aspects. Also, the results of Friedman's test showed that according to the respondents in this research, these factors were prioritized in the following order: pedagogical, cultural, structural, human and managerial aspect. Discussion According to the model presented in this research, which is the result of reviewing literature, performing specialized and profound interviews and conducting quantitative analysis, 5 factors and 28 indices play the major roles in the lesson study model. The lesson study is a professional development practice where teachers collaborate to prepare and implement a lesson plan, observe the lesson in order to collect data on students' learning and apply these observations to improve their lessons. Lesson study is a model for improving professional abilities of teachers, a practice for generating professional knowledge in school and an opportunity for teachers to improve their relationships with each other and with students. Among the features of the model presented in this research is providing a conceptual and theoretical framework for application of mathematics lesson study on the one hand and describing the attributes and concepts related to lesson study on the other, while indicating the steps towards implementation of lesson study.

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    6 (25)
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Background and Aim Intrinsic motivation of learners is an important factor in the learning process the. Effective learning depends on providing and increasing intrinsic motivation. Providing an educational package that can assess the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of learners is the first step in the realization of effective learning. The purpose of this study was to develop a selfdetermination educational package and determine its effectiveness on intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation of high school students. Method The research method was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test with the control group and follow up. At first, self-determination educational package was compiled using library studies, then the rate of content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) was determined by the experts. Using a multistage cluster random sampling method, a 22-members class and a 20-members class of 10th grade empirical science filed were assigned to the experimental group and the control group, respectively, that experimental group had 2 students drop. The experimental group received an educational package in eight 90-minute sessions, and the control group did not receive any education. The findings were analyzed using covariance analysis and repeated measures analysis of variance. Results The content validity index (CVI) for all goals in the educational package was 0. 9 to 1, and the content validity ratio (CVR) for all goals in the educational protocol was 0. 8 to 1. The findings indicated that the selfdetermination educational package affects the intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation of high school students in Tehran. Moreover, no meaningful difference between post-test and follow-up was detected, which reveals the stability of learning effects. Conclusion Self-determination educational package has the potency to promote intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, reduce amotivation in high school students.

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Ashrafi Sakineh | Najafi Hezarjaribi Habib allah

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  • Volume: 

    6 (25)
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Introduction One of the most complex and important choices in the life of a person is the planning and selection of a Career Path. Such an important decision is under the influence of factors such as the personality of the individual, family and education. In fact career planning is a process in which an individual analyzes his/her interests, values, personality and potentialities and tries to harmonize his/her personal characteristics with his/her career course. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of entrepreneurship lesson on students’ career routing. Method The research method was experimental using pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population of the study included all of the second grade female high school students in the city of Nourabad. In order to do this research, two second grades-one from “ fieldwork and knowledge” branch, and the other from among the 18 theoretical branches were randomly selected. The tool used in the research was a researcher-made entrepreneurship career routing questionnaire. The obtained data were analyzed by using covariance analysis. Results The results of the study showed that the means of the variable of the career path of the students and those of the subscales of entrepreneurship knowledge, the attitude toward entrepreneurship as a career path and the choice of entrepreneurship as a career path exceeded those of the control group but there was no meaningful difference between the two experimental and control groups in the subscale of routing knowledge (p<0/05). Discussion It can be concluded that entrepreneurship education is effective on students’ career routing and entrepreneurship can be considered as a career path.

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    6 (25)
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Introduction Lifelong learning provides the opportunities for people to grow and increase their knowledge, skills and competences in the chainging world successfully. The ability to think is one of the most important factors which affects the educational activities (Rastjoo et al., 2012). The purpose of this study was determining the causal relationship between the perception of constructivist learning environment and individual systematic thinking with a tendency to lifelong learning, mediated by intrinsic motivation. In the respect, there are five sub-hypotheses which investigate the direct relationships and are as folloes: 1. The direct relationship between perception of constructivist learning environment and tendency to lifelong learning; 2. The direct relationship between individual systematic thinking and tendency to lifelong learning; 3. The direct relationship between perception of constructivist learning environment and intrinsic motivation; 4. The direct relationship between individual systematic thinking and intrinsic motivation; 5. The direct relationship between intrinsic motivation and tendency to lifelong learning. Method The participants include 450 undergraduate students at Shahid Chamran University that were studying in year of 2016 and selected by multi-stage random sampling method. The instruments used included questionnaires Tendency to Lifelong Learning (TLL), Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES), Individual Systematic Thinking (TST) and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). To evaluate of proposed model was performed Structural Equation Analysis Method (SEM) and was utilized to test the indirect relations of Macro Prechere and Hayes program. Resultss The evaluation of the proposed model of the study showed good and acceptable fit of the model. The direct effect of variables from the perception of constructivist learning environment, individual systematic thinking, and intrinsic motivation with the tendency lifelong learning was significant to positive. The direct effect of the perception of constructivist learning environment and individual systematic thinking with positive intrinsic motivation was significant to positive. The indirect effect of perception of the constructivist learning environment and individual systematic thinking on the tendency to lifelong learning, through intrinsic motivation was confirmed. Discussion The findings show that students' intrinsic motivation is affected by the interaction between environmental and individual factors. These three variables have an effective role in students' tendency to lifelong learning. Constructivist learning environment provides the opportunities to learn the skills and lifelong competences in the complex environment. The intrinsic motivation which is based on autonomy and competence make the students search for knowledge and learning and by this, they can expand their capabilitrs. According to the research conclusions, we can say that designing the constructivist learning environment is a necessity in the present educational systems. If educational systems use the constructivism principles in the universities, they can prepare the students to face the future life conditions and their educational needs in the bigger communities, because the learning environments can guide the students to the lifelong learnings by providing the developmental ground for students, empowering their mental capabilities, thiking systemicly about different subjects with futurism and providing motivational grounds for learning and development in the future.

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    6 (25)
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Purpose The purpose of this study is the identification of effective factors on students’ purchasing behavior as the users of computer games among Elementary School Students in Ahvaz City. Introduction One of the most important issues of marketing is consumer behavior. Obviously, children are no exception to this category. This study was conducted to determine the factors affecting the selection of computer games and behavior of computer games on the part of children. Today, Children have an important role in the process of purchasing specially for themselves. Of course, the parents, friends & peers, product appearance, price, media and advertising impact the purchasing behavior too. In consumer behavior, consumer characteristics such as demographic characteristics and behavioral variables are understood to determine the needs and desires of individuals. What has been considered in this research is identifying the factors influencing the selection and purchase of computer games. So the main issue is the child's shopping behavior. In other words, this research begins with the question: what factors and to what extent affect the selection and purchase of computer games by children. Methodology This research in terms of purpose and nature is an applied research and in terms of data collection (research plan), is a descriptive-survey (correlation) based on regression analysis. The statistical population of this research was elementary school students in Ahvaz City. Because of the vastness of population and difficulty in accessing its whole domain, 400 students 7 to 12 years old were selected via cluster random sampling. To measure the research variables and collect data, valid and reliable questionnaires were used and a five-degree Likert scale from "completely disagreeable to completely agree" was employed. The questionnaires were aimed at measuring Individual and environmental factors, (Abdolvand et al, 2012), Mixed Marketing, (Mavrogiannis et al, 2008), and to measure the consumer purchasing behavior from Wu & Wang's Questionnaire (2011). In order to analyze the data and test the hypotheses, Structural Equation Modeling were used. For this purpose, SPSS and Amos softwares were used. Findings The results of data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling, showed that Factors such as, parents, peers, product appearance, price, media and advertising have a positive and significant effect on the child's purchasing behavior. However, the availability and ease of access to the product does not have a significant effect on the child's shopping behavior. The results also showed that girls and boys have different purchasing behaviors. Results By studying the behavior of the child's purchasing behavior, it is possible to know his/her values and attitudes. Children, like adults, tend to develop identities and display their identity by buying goods they consume. Finally, some practical suggestions, limitations, and research accommodations have been discussed in this regard.

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    6 (25)
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Introduction The aim of this research is to construct, and to evaluate the validity and reliability of Caring Thinking Skill (CTS) questionnaire based on ‘ Philosophy for Children’ educational approach, for first high school students in Tehran. Caring Thinking is a one of "higher-order" thinking in Lipman's tripartite educational approach besides critical and creative thinking. Caring Thinking is the thinking skill which attends to what we take to be important, what we care about, what demands, requires or needs us to think about it. It is thinking about what can be done in the world for making better world. Unlike the importance and necessity of fostering this thinking to create a better world in future from childhood, unfortunately there has not been a tool to measure the quality of Caring Thinking Skill yet, and this lack of tools Led to the researcher's reluctance to study the level of this skill and their interventions to improve it in students. Method For this purpose, a pilot study was carried out on 60 students. Then, 742 students (358 girls and 384 boys) were selected by cluster sampling method and CTS questionnaire in Five subscales, including Valuative Thinking, Emotional Thinking, Normative Thinking, Active Thinking and Empathic Thinking, were distributed among them and the results were interpreted and analyzed. Content validity of the questionnaire was assessed by 16 indoor and foreign professors. The Structural Validity of this test was also evaluated by using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The findings indicated the content validity was appropriate (CVR = 0. 87), and in the construct validity, according to the results of EFA, 29 questions were deleted and the validity of the 60-item test was confirmed. Finally, from each of the sub skills, five questions that were the most frequent factors were selected and the form of the 25 questions was verified by using CFA. The findings also showed a significant difference between Caring Thinking, Valuative Thinking, Emotional Thinking and Normative Thinking skills in boys and girls. Results This research results indicated that the CTS questionnaire provides information on general skills and five sub skills, and can be used to measure and develop this skill for first high school students. Discussion Caring Thinking is bridge between cognition and emotion and personal values while care about collective vallues. Pedagogical caring is different from the common-sense definition of care, which means emotional attachment to someone or something, For Lipman and Sharp, caring thinking aims at judgments about what is of value, and how that which is valuable may be promoted, preserved, enhanced, or better appreciated. Lipman had been insisting on the addition of caring thinking to critical and creative thinking in higher-order thinking for two major reasons: first, Caring has ample credentials as a cognitive enterprise, even though it consists of low visibility mental acts; second, without caring, higher-order thinking is devoid of a values component. If higher-order thinking does not contain valuing or valuation, it is liable to approach its subject matters apathetically, indifferently, and uncaringly, and this means it would be diffident even about inquiry itself. As the findings of this study showed that, Caring Thinking Skill (CTS) questionnaire that was made and normed in Tehran, can use for study this skill in students and measure the effect some interventions same as participation in Community of Philosophical Inquiries to improve it.

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    6 (25)
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Introduction Internationalization of higher education institutions has been an issue of increasing debate and interest among colleges and universities over the past decade. Internationalization at the national, sectoral, and institutional levels is defined as the process of integrating an international, intercultural, or global dimension into the purpose, functions (Education, research and services) or delivery of postsecondary education. One of the components of internationalization in higher education is interactions of faculty members. So the purpose of present research was identifying the obstacles to international interactions of the faculty members in Iran. Method To achieve the purpose, a qualitative phenomenological approach was used. The research population was all experts in the field of higher education in Iran. A sample of 17 experts were selected through purposive sampling method and based on theoretical saturation. To collect the data, semistructured interview was used and for the data analysis, inductive content analysis was applied. Results The results showed that the obstacles to faculty members’ international interactions can be defined in terms of three main obstacles: inside university obstacles (limited support of the university structure for faculty members’ international interactions, limited support of university culture for faculty members’ international interactions and limited financial support of university for faculty members’ international interactions), outside university obstacles (impact of political tensions and international sanctions on faculty members’ international interactions and cumbersome administrative regulations for visa issuance) and individual obstacles(low motivation of faculty members for international interactions, poor mastery of faculty members of the international language and lack of scientific-research abilities of some of the faculty members). Discussion This study adds to our knowledge about international interactions of the faculty members and also the barriers and challenges of these interactions, so to have more interactions of faculty members at the international level, universities should endeavor to identify the barriers and eliminate them urgently.

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    6 (25)
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Introduction The world today is the world of organizations. The custodians of these organizations are human beings. Organizations not only have no sense without human resources, but also their administration is not possible; on the other hand, the educational systems in the developed countries are of particular importance and have a significant impact on different sectors of society. In the meantime, manpower is the most important source that constantly moves the organization's wheel and the organization's progress and continuity depends on its ability. Also, the productivity of the educational organization depends on a lot of factors, partly due to the performance of teachers, their empowerment and their organizational and professional commitment. Certainly, more successful organizations have stronger and more committed human resources. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between quality of work life components and the dimensions of psychological empowerment among employees of Urmia University in order to create the model to achieve the desired goals and establish an empowered university. Thus, the research hypothesis propounds that there is a relationship between the components of quality of work life and the dimensions of psychological empowerment among university staff. Method The present study is correlational. The statistical population of the study was Urmia University's staff of 720 people, 250 of whom were selected by stratified random sampling. Data were collected using two standard quality of work life questionnaires based on the Walton model (1973) and psychological empowerment based on the Thomas and Voltauss model (1990) and analyzed by focal correlation method. Results The results showed that the correlation between the quality of working life and the dimensions of psychological empowerment was 0. 44. The Lambdai-Wilkes index was 0. 16 and the corresponding F-statistic was 13. 13 which was significant at 0. 001. Also, 63 percent of the variance in the dimensions of psychological empowerment was explained by the components of quality of work life. Discussion Therefore, it can be concluded that quality of work life is an approach which justifies the adoption of policies and procedures in light of the improvement of the general conditions of the workplace, and plays an essential and important role in increasing the empowerment of human resources and, consequently, the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations. on the other hand, the empowerment of human resources as a new motivational approach to the job requires the liberation of the internal forces of the employees, as well as provision of the ground and creation of opportunities for the development of talents, abilities and competencies of individuals.

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Introduction The aim of the research: Equal access to education for all means that everyone within the educational system has the opportunity and opportunity to succeed. Equally, equal educational opportunities means equal enjoyment and the equal chance of all students enrolling in the educational system and having a class, and appropriate training programs, specialist teachers, educational facilities and equipment. According to the annual reports of the Ministry of Education and the General Directorate of Education and Training of Khuzestan Province, many educational districts of Khuzestan province are inferior to the other regions of the country in terms of scientific and educational development indicators. This study aimed «Social Factors Affecting the inequality of education teachers in Khuzestan province« has been done. Research Method The present research method is «survey«. Hence, the data collected (questionnaire), population «primary and secondary school teachers of the province«, sampling (cluster), the number of samples «381«, the data analysis «software Spss23« and of time and space research «primary and secondary education courses first school districts in the province of khouzestan from 1394-1395 and 1395-1396. Results According to sociological studies, internal and external research backgrounds, exchange of views with relevant faculty members and scientific and executive experts, as well as pathological seminars and conferences in Khuzestan province in recent years, this research is one of a series of social factors affecting Educational inequality of students, variables such as «individual economic capital«, «parent economic capital«, «individual cultural capital«, «parent cultural capital«, «individual social capital«, «parents capital Social« Analyzed and evaluated. Discussion The results of this study indicate that there is a significant and negative correlation between the independent variables of individual economic capital, parent economic capital, individual cultural capital, parent cultural capital, individual social capital and parents capital Social with dependent variable of students' educational inequality. The results of stepwise multivariate regression model shows that among the independent variables, individual economic capital, individual social capital, parents capital Social and parent economic capital variance of the dependent variable educational inequality students (R2 = 0/422) Are explained.

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