The objective of this study was to examine Factors Affecting Self-directed Learning Readiness (SDLR) of Agricultural Students in Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran. Since the Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University is the most comprehensive university in the country, paying attention to the self-directed learning of mostly graduated student, is essential. The statistical population of this research included 1056 members of graduate student in 1388 and 1389 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, which 220 people were selected through random sampling with the Cochran formula. Validity of the questionnaire confirmed by faculty member and reliability was measured by using Cronbach alph coefficient and 88 percent was estimated by the SPSSv17 software. The results indicated that self -directed Learning Readiness scale of student was in the high level (74 percent). Data showed that a deep approach learning, clear goals, generic skills, technology, mastery goals and performance goal have positive relationship with Self-directed Learning Readiness at 99 percent. And surface approach learning, have negative relationship with Self-directed Learning Readiness at 99percent. The results of stepwise regression also showed that 56 percent of changes in self-directed learning readiness can be determined by mastery goals, performance goal, clear goals, deep approach learning, surface approach learning and generic skills.