Introduction: The great and effective works can be performed through outstanding and powerful motivations. Existence of various obstacles might reduce amount of motivation and efforts. In this study, the academic motivations of the students of Amir-al-Momenin University Complex and its effective factors have been examined. Method: This research utilized qualitative and quantitative methods. In the first step, a sample of 271 students were randomly identifieds. In the second step, a sample of 50 students were intentionally selected. The tools were researcher -made questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Content Validity of the questionnaire is confirmed by the experts, and its reliability is calculated through Cronbach's alpha Kranbakh test. The reliability was 0.91. Moreover, the validity and reliability of interviews were confirmed by qualitative methods. Quantitative data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics. Qualitative data were analyzed through qualitative research techniques.Results: The most important motivations of the students consists of growth and achievement, self actualization and interest. Social motivations and respect were at the average level whereas career motivations and fight were lower than average. The relationships between academic motivation, marital status, academic courses, age and background were statistically significant. The motivations of students from different faculties were not meaningful while motivations of B.A. students were higher than the other students. Discussion: Research findings show that some of students traits, curriculu, subject matters, Faculties teaching methods, quality of relationship, instructional and noninstrucational facilities, are effective in students' academic motives.