Background & Aims: Safety is a fundamental principle of patient care. The use of safe injectionpractices by nurses to maintain patients' and healthcare providers' safety and to prevent transmission ofblood-borne diseases is of particular importance.Materials & Methods: This study aims to determine the level of injection-safety standards complied bythe Nurses of Educational Centers Emergency Departments in Urmia University of Medical Sciences. In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 210 injections administered by nurses in emergencydepartments' of selected hospitals of Urmia University of Medical Science were observed in succession.The data were collected by a demographics questionnaire and observational checklist of safe injectionstandards. The data were analyzed using SPSS software, and they were reported in the tables.Results: In a piecemeal approach, the findings showed that, the level of injection-safety standardscomplied by nurses before injection, were relatively favorable (84.8%) in most injections. In 15.2% ofthe injections, it was reported to be favorable, and there were no unfavorable injection. During theinjection stage, most injections (87.6%) were in the favorable range, 11% of injections were relativelyfavorable and only 1.4% of injections were unfavorable. In the post-injection stage, most injections(87.6%) were in the favorable range, 9.5% of injections were relatively favorable and only 2/9% ofinjections were unfavorable. The results of ANOVA Test showed a significant statistical differenceamong groups according to observed results in the use of safe injection standards in the when-injectionstage (P=0.008). Also, according to the observed results in the use of safe injection standards, theresults of PCC showed a significant correlation between the pre-injection and the injection stages (r=0.159), (P=0.01); it was the same in the pre-injection and post-injection stages (r=0.225), (P=0.001).Conclusion: In an overall investigation of the findings of our study, most injections were relativelyfavorable. Since the World Health Organization recommends full compliance with these standards, andit recognizes the slightest failure in their usage as the factor of disease transmission, so these standardsmust be fully complied by nurses.