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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims: Hyperlipidemia is a risk factor that caused and exacerbated cardiovasculardisease. There are several different diets and chemical and herbal medicines for correction and reductionof hyperlipidemia. This study investigated the effect of grape seed extract on lipid profile and bloodpressure in patients with borderline hyperlipidemia.Materials & Methods: This study was a randomized double-blind clinical trial with before and afterdesign, in which 88 patients with borderline hyperlipidemia were matched by their age, sex, blood lipidprofile, and they were randomly allocated to one of the two intervention groups (2 capsules containing 100 mg of grape seed extract) or control (2 placebo). They consumed drug or placebo for 6 weeks. Tocontrol the effect of diet on measuring variables three consecutive days before the start ofsupplementation and two days at the end of the study, 24 Hour Reminder Food questionnaire wascompleted by the subjects. Lipid profile and blood pressure were analyzed before and after treatment.Results: In the intervention group oxidized LDL was significantly reduced and HDL was increased (p<0.05), but no significant change was observed in blood pressure compared to control group.Conclusion: Based on the good effects of grape seed extract in reducing oxidized LDL and increasingHDL, it can be suggested that this extract could be used as an adjunct in the treatment of hyperlipidemicpatients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Safety is a fundamental principle of patient care. The use of safe injectionpractices by nurses to maintain patients' and healthcare providers' safety and to prevent transmission ofblood-borne diseases is of particular importance.Materials & Methods: This study aims to determine the level of injection-safety standards complied bythe Nurses of Educational Centers Emergency Departments in Urmia University of Medical Sciences. In this cross-sectional descriptive study, 210 injections administered by nurses in emergencydepartments' of selected hospitals of Urmia University of Medical Science were observed in succession.The data were collected by a demographics questionnaire and observational checklist of safe injectionstandards. The data were analyzed using SPSS software, and they were reported in the tables.Results: In a piecemeal approach, the findings showed that, the level of injection-safety standardscomplied by nurses before injection, were relatively favorable (84.8%) in most injections. In 15.2% ofthe injections, it was reported to be favorable, and there were no unfavorable injection. During theinjection stage, most injections (87.6%) were in the favorable range, 11% of injections were relativelyfavorable and only 1.4% of injections were unfavorable. In the post-injection stage, most injections(87.6%) were in the favorable range, 9.5% of injections were relatively favorable and only 2/9% ofinjections were unfavorable. The results of ANOVA Test showed a significant statistical differenceamong groups according to observed results in the use of safe injection standards in the when-injectionstage (P=0.008). Also, according to the observed results in the use of safe injection standards, theresults of PCC showed a significant correlation between the pre-injection and the injection stages (r=0.159), (P=0.01); it was the same in the pre-injection and post-injection stages (r=0.225), (P=0.001).Conclusion: In an overall investigation of the findings of our study, most injections were relativelyfavorable. Since the World Health Organization recommends full compliance with these standards, andit recognizes the slightest failure in their usage as the factor of disease transmission, so these standardsmust be fully complied by nurses. 

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    1 (78)
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Background & Aims: Because of the role of universities in the education of generations, checking theachievement of objectives and the quality of education is necessary and the internal evaluation is amongthe most widely accepted method for this purpose. The aim of this study was conducting a comparativeinternal evaluation among nursing groups of the Islamic Azad Universities located in the province.Materials and Methods: This research is a descriptive study. Study population consisted of students, alumni and faculty members of nursing groups of Islamic Azad University in West Azerbaijan Provincein 2014. A sample of 70 nursing students and 40 alumni from each educational group were selected.Valid and reliable questionnaires along with some checklists, were used to collect data form groupmanagers, faculties, students and alumni. The questionnaire’s reliability was achieved using Cronbach' salpha, and its validity was obtained by the faculties view. The data were analyzed by SPSS Softwareversion 21. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in the research.Results: Analysis of the data showed that the lowest satisfaction rate were among input factors such asthe equipment and the highest satisfaction rates were among output factors such as the factors related tothe quality of the educational programs.Conclusion: The results show that the evaluated units ranged themselves "favorable" or "highlyfavorable". But the fact may be somehow different according to the results of external evaluations bothin respect to the analogy between the units and in the evaluation of each unit individually. It seems thatthe results of internal evaluation without external evaluation may be seductive.

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    1 (78)
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Background & Aims: Nurses working in intensive care units endure more workloads in comparisonwith other nurses. This workload may lead these nurses to a job burnout. The study aims to investigateand analyze the correlation between workload and job burnout dimensions among nurses working inICU.Materials & Methods: This descriptive – analytical study was performed on all intensive care unitsstaffs of affiliated hospitals of Urmia University of Medical Sciences, with applying census method. Atotal of 220 nurses were invited to participate. NASA-TLX workload questionnaire and Maslach’sburnout inventory (MBI) were distributed among them. After gathering the questionnaires, the data wereanalyzed by analytical- descriptive statistics.Result: Of 220 ICU nurses about 82% with mean age of 35 years were participated in this study, 56.7% of them had a high degree in the field of emotional exhaustion, 40.9% and 35.6% of them a high degreein the lack of personal accomplishments and in depersonalization, respectively. There was a positiveand significant correlation between workload and emotional exhaustion (r=0.416), lack of personalaccomplishments (r=0.229), and depersonalization (r=0.192), 0.01(P<0.01).Discussion: Workload will lead to increase the occupational burnout especially emotional exhaustionin nurses. So it is necessary to apply human sources in ICU according to their workloads.

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    1 (78)
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Background & Aims: Gastrointestinal side effects are among the most common side effects ofchemotherapy on the compliance of the patient. Therefore, understanding the symptoms and how toprevent them in the process of the treatment and prevention of recurrent hospitalization can be highlyhelpful. This study aimed to study the effect of mothers' empowerment on their children' sgastrointestinal side effects.Materials & Methods: This study is a Quasi-experimental nonequivalent control group design whichwas carried out in Dr Sheikh Hospital in Mashhad in 2013. Empowerment program was in threeempowerment sessions with focus on its complications: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, andloss of appetite which were trained on experimental group. The program was developed and based onthe process of empowerment as conceptualized by Gibson’s theory program, composing 4 steps. Togather the data, standard questionnaires on chemotherapy side effects were applied in three stages ofbefore, during and after the intervention. For data analysis, SPSS software, version 18 was used.Results: Average side effects in intervention group after the intervention were lower than the controlgroup. Nausea from 53.7% to 26.3%, vomiting from 66.7% to 33.3%, diarrhea from 50% to 10%, constipation from 33.6% to 6.7% and loss of appetite from 93.3% to 36.7% were decreased respectivelyin the intervention group, and significant differences were seen (p<0.001).Conclusions: The empowerment program in mothers with gastrointestinal cancerous children can helpthem to discover and use critical thinking skills, enhance their ability, which results in decreasing theside effects in children undergoing chemotherapy.

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    1 (78)
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Background & Aims: Control of Hemodynamic status is a vital and routine practice in the cardiacintensive care unit, and it provides immediate and available information about the patient' scardiovascular function. This study tries to investigate the effect of foot massage on blood pressure andheart rate of CCU patients.Materials & Methods: This study is a clinical trial in which 60 patients participated by conveniencesampling, and they were randomly divided into two groups: intervention (n=30) and control (n=30). In intervention group, foot massage was performed for each patient 20 minutes, but the control groupreceived usual care. Data were collected by using demographics questionnaire and vital signs. Theywere analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics tests (chi-square, Paired samples Test) bySPSS software Version 16 and.Results: Paired t test showed significant differences between the mean of systolic and diastolic bloodpressure, and the pulse rate also showed a significant difference before and after foot massage inexperimental group (P<0.05). There were not significant differences between the mean of systolic anddiastolic blood pressure, and pulse rates in the control group (P>0.05).Conclusions: Foot massages result in comfort and hemodynamic balance in heart patients. Consideringthe low cost and non-complications of this procedure, it is recommended to be applied for cardiacpatients' vital signs balance.

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    1 (78)
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Background & Aims: Infertility can cause critics al for many infertile people. This study aimed toinvestigate the effects of group counseling by collaborative approaches on specific stress in infertilewomen.Material & Methods: This study is clinical trial. In this study, 50 infertile women at the age of 20-45 years old with a history of at least one year infertility who referred to Urmia Kosar infertility clinic wereselected in autumn, 2014. They were randomly assigned into two groups, control and intervention (eachgroup of 25 people). Pre-test was completed by control group, two weeks later; the questionnaire wascompleted by the control group again. The experimental group received 10 sessions of group counseling, including infertility treatment strategy, stress management, problem solving. Controlling the irrationalbeliefs of infertility was conducted. Two weeks after the intervention, post test was completed forintervention group. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS software.Results: After the intervention, a significant difference was seen between the two groups (P=0.002). The specific stress of infertility in both groups were compared in five domains of social concerns, sexualconcerns, relationship concerns, rejection of childfree lifestyle, and need for parenthood. After theintervention, there was a statistically significant difference.Conclusion: Group counseling with collaborative approach has important role in reducing the stress ofinfertility among infertile women.

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    1 (78)
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Background & Aims: The complexity of the clinical status of patients in the ICU and the role of nurse’sdecisions on clinical outcomes of patients makes the education of nurses an essential task in the wards. This study determined the effect of education based on the Ottawa Decision Support Framework usinginteractive workshops on clinical decision-making skills of nurses in an intensive care unit (ICU).Materials and Methods: In this quasi experimental study, 58 nurses from the ICU of Shahid KamyabHospital in the city of Mashhad in Iran were randomly-assigned to one of the two workshops either withstandardized patients (n=28) or without standardized patients (n=30). Each workshop session lasted6 hours, and it had identical educational content and clinical scenarios. Both groups completed a clinicaldecision-making questionnaire before intervention, and 45 days post-intervention. Data analysis wasdone using the t-test, paired test, Mann-Whitney, and chi-square tests in SPSS (v.16). Results wereconsidered significant at p=0.05.Results: There was no significant difference in decision-making (p=0.120) between groups beforeintervention. The results of the paired-test indicated that the mean plus standard deviation scores weresignificantly different (p<0.001) for the group with standardized patients from pre-intervention (97.7±28.4) to post-intervention (152.5±16.1), and in the group without standardized patients from preintervention (85.7±29.2) to post-intervention (121.3±24.6). The mean difference pre- and postintervention between the group with standardized patients (54.7±22.3) and without standardizedpatients (35.5±28.2) was also significant (p=0.002).Conclusion: The results showed that a training program based on the Ottawa Decision SupportFramework promoted nurses participation in clinical decision-making in both groups, but the workshopwith standardized patients was more effective in the development of this clinical skill. Applying thiseducational method in service training programs to improve nurse decision-making is recommended, particularly with the use of standardized patients.

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    1 (78)
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Background& Aims: MS-associated fatigue (MSF) and poor sleep are common and treatable featuresof MS, which affect QOL. The objective of this study was to assess the association between fatigue, sleep quality, and quality of life in people with MS.Materials& Methods: Cross-sectional data were collected from 217 MS patients, who were referred tothe outpatient MS center of Urmia, Iran, in 2013. Health-related quality of life (MS Quality of Life-54), fatigue (Fatigue Severity Scale, FSS), and sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Inventory, PSQI) wereassessed.Results: We included 217 patients in the analysis. The mean±SD age of patients was 32.6±9.6 years, and 79% were female. One hundred fifty-two (70.1%) of the patients were classified as poor sleepersbased on PSQI scores. One hundred twenty-two patients (56.4%) presented significant fatigue based onFSS results. The mean physical (PCS) and mental (MCS) health composite scores of the MSQOL-54were 40.12 (SE 1.27) and 43.81 (SE 1.61), respectively. There was a strong statistically significantpositive correlation between PCS scores and MCS, FSS, and PSQI scores. MCS scores were stronglycorrelated with FSS and PQSI scores. Age exhibited significant negative correlations with PCS andMCS scores, and it was significantly correlated with FSS and PSQI scores.Conclusions: We observed strong correlations between QOL, fatigue, and sleep quality in a largecommunity-based sample of individuals with MS. These findings support routinely screening andmonitoring fatigue severity and sleep quality and their effects on QOL.

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    1 (78)
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Background & Aims: Depression and anxiety as the most common psychiatric disorders in patients withchronic kidney failure. Psychological stressors lead to poor compliance treatment regimens and as aresult more mortality and hospitalization of patients.This study was conducted to determine the effectof inoculation training on stress, anxiety, and depression in hemodialysis patients.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 2013 as quasi-experimental with convenientrandom sampling of patients from Amin and Aliasghar hospital of Isfahan. Sixty- four patients with CKD who were eligible for the study were randomly assigned to either case or control group. The caseand control groups had the same treatment plans, and the only difference was stress inoculation trainingadministered in the case group, which was composed of eight 90-min sessions over 8 weeks. Data werecollected using Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scales 42 (DASS-42) questionnaire and analyzed byanalysis of t-test in SPSS.Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between case and control groups interms of stress, anxiety, and depression (P<0.05). Stress inoculation training reduced stress, anxiety, and depression in hemodialysis patients.Conclusions: Stress inoculation training significantly reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. Therefore, teaching this skill and the strategies of coping with stress is recommended for these patients, in addition to medicational treatment

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