The halotrolerant bacteria have adjustment widely diversity in density high salt and low water. Halophils and halotolerant variety class microorganism, bacteria, archaea, alga and some fungus have the adapted to this hyper saline environment at the high salt density. The microorganism discovered has the capacity live extreme condition mechanism physiology, biochemistry and molecular in micro organism developed in response in high density salt and pressure. Halophilic bacteia isolated with benzene decomposition ability was the purpose of this study. In this study, four strains of bacteria around Qom Soil oil wells capable of benzene tolerance were isolated. Bacteria were exposed with different benzene concentrations 10-200 ppm. Among the isolates, one strain was ability to tolerate the amount of 150 ppm benzene. According to morphological, physiological and genetical characteristics of review, the strain Bacillus subtilis approved. Combined amount of salt tolerance in the review and benzene degradiation, this strain could tolerate up to 12% salt concentration and 150 ppm benzene. Most remove benzene (70 percent) during the logarithmic growth of bacteria after 24 hours culture were determined. Then optimized by benzene decomposition of Bacillus subtilis were isolated. The results showed a good ability to desired degree benzene cleansing environment offers.