The effects of salinity on yield and yield components of eight wheat (Triticum aestivulII) cultivars Ghods, Falat, Roshan, Cross Roshan, Cross Arvand, Mahdavi and Akberabady were studied at Amirabad Experimemal Field in Birjand during 1999-2001. The water sources for irrigation contained three electrical conductivity 1.1 (check), 5.3 and 10.37 (dS/m). The trial was conducted in split plot experiment of randomized complete block design with four replications per treatment. The salinity treatments were applied after 2 to 3 leaf stage. The irrigation time was determined according to the soil moisture curve using gypsum blocks in check plots up to 30 centimeter soil depth in order to irrigate the plots when half of the available water left the soil. The water requirement for each plot, calculated by volumetric method. The electrical conductivity of irrigation water was measured for each irrigation and the variation of soil salinity was determined by electrical conductivity of saturated soil extract within the depth of 0-30 centimeter before each irrigation. The results indicated that salinity had pronounce effect on grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, number of tillers, number of spike, and number of seeds per spike. The number of plants per unit area was not affected by salinity. All of the above parameters decreased with increasing salinity. On the other hand, the percentage of seed protein increased with increasing salinity. Among cultivars, Akbarabady had the highest grain yield, biological yield, harvest index and yield components, but its seed protein which was the lowest. However, this cultivar, along with Roshan, Cross Roshan, Ghods and Mahdavi were in the same group, Cross Arvand, Hearmand and Falat were in one group and they had the lowest grian yield, biological yield and yield components. In this group Falat showed the minimum performance, especially regarding to the grain yield and biological yield. In this experiment, number of spikes, and number of seed per spike were the most important yield components under salinity conditions. In conclusion Akbarabady is a salt tolerant cultivar, Roshan, Cross Roshan and Ghods are semi salt tolerant, and Cross Arvand, Mahdavi, Hearmand and Falat are sensitive cultivars to salinity.